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India just hanged Kasab

You confused India with Pakistan. It's your countrymen's lives that nobody gives a $hit for, as evidenced by foreigners bombing you day in and day out over meat and drinks. How much do you think the NATO drone operators in Virginia care for your people's lives? Heck, how much does your own govt care? Who ever cared or apologized when your soldiers were chopped up by foreign helos? Nothing like that ever happens to Indians. So don't talk about who's lives are more valuable in the international community's eyes. Sorry, but there is no contest there. If you want international reactions to the Mumbai massacre, just google it. In the USA even the domestic news channels covered it 24/7. Now when Pakistanis get killed in the customary explosions or gunmen attacks that happen every week or so, nobody finds it newsworthy. They prefer to watch Madonna's latest tour instead.

And Pakistanis impersonate as Indians in America because their international image got a huge dent. :cheesy:
I wonder where he is going after death?

Quick question, do Hindus believe in this as well?

Avici - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here we call it "無間道" (Wu Jian Dao) which means "The Never-ending path", referring to Avici which is the lowest level of Hell.

Interestingly, it is also the name of one of our most famous movies.
Facts are facts.

Do you see only those facts that help your argument? What about the fact the the largest, most dastardly terrorist attack on India was planned by Pakistanis, from within Pakistan & executed by Pakistanis again ? Did we ask you to do this so that we can "milk" this? The facts also remains that the main conspirator is being treated as a national icon, on par with Mother Teresa. Fact is that Pakistanis still argue about the identity of Kasab and while the state has been forced to admit his nationality, it has done nothing to identify the other 9 accomplices of Kasab. Further fact; Pakistan, this time the state itself, did it's very best to prevent Abu Jundal from being extradited to India,even claiming him to be a Pakistani national (ironical isn't it that Pakistan disclaims its nationals until forced to accept & claims others as its nationals, again until forced to give up).

We don't need to milk anything. It is you chaps pouring tanker loads down on yourself.

Even some Indians brag about how India 'exposed' Pakistan's terrorism to the world and tied 26/11 to 9/11. The media aspect of this whole affair has been just as important as the legal handling.

True actually, you have been exposed to a point that no one will buy your lies anymore. A country that has put a price on its people & its services, for an ally that it does not like, which even today talks about the price of the "war on terror" simply has no legs to accuse anyone else of milking anything. Or maybe, just maybe, Pakistan & Pakistanis have simply become accustomed to the idea of looking at the actions of others through the prism they have developed through their own actions.
he got what he deserved, but a one time hung up is not justified for so many killings.

Shame! a brainwashed person ruined his life at both ends, not just here but here after also.

Do you see only those facts that help your argument? What about the fact the the largest, most dastardly terrorist attack on India was planned by Pakistanis, from within Pakistan & executed by Pakistanis again ? Did we ask you to do this so that we can "milk" this? The facts also remains that the main conspirator is being treated as a national icon, on par with Mother Teresa. Fact is that Pakistanis still argue about the identity of Kasab and while the state has been forced to admit his nationality, it has done nothing to identify the other 9 accomplices of Kasab. Further fact; Pakistan, this time the state itself, did it's very best to prevent Abu Jundal from being extradited to India,even claiming him to be a Pakistani national (ironical isn't it that Pakistan disclaims its nationals until forced to accept & claims others as its nationals, again until forced to give up).

We don't need to milk anything. It is you chaps pouring tanker loads down on yourself.

True actually, you have been exposed to a point that no one will buy your lies anymore. A country that has put a price on its people & its services, for an ally that it does not like, which even today talks about the price of the "war on terror" simply has no legs to accuse anyone else of milking anything. Or maybe, just maybe, Pakistan & Pakistanis have simply become accustomed to the idea of looking at the actions of others through the prism they have developed through their own actions.

''Facts are stupid things''. - Ronald Raegan, friend of Pakistan.
any video of kashab hanging i come to know that it was live on media

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Do you see only those facts that help your argument? What about the fact the the largest, most dastardly terrorist attack on India was planned by Pakistanis, from within Pakistan & executed by Pakistanis again ? Did we ask you to do this so that we can "milk" this?

I already mentioned GOI's foot dragging and bad faith in conducting a joint investigation. India was more interested in milking the event than in resolving it.

The facts also remains that the main conspirator is being treated as a national icon, on par with Mother Teresa.

It's called due process. HS is not being treated like royalty, but a citizen who has as much right as anyone else to get a fair trial based on evidence, not Indian demands.

Further fact; Pakistan, this time the state itself, did it's very best to prevent Abu Jundal from being extradited to India,even claiming him to be a Pakistani national (ironical isn't it that Pakistan disclaims its nationals until forced to accept & claims others as its nationals, again until forced to give up).

If someone is committing crimes while holding a Pakistani passport (fake or real), then Pakistan has every right to apprehend him and investigate. The question is why does India want to whisk away an Indian national committing crimes using a Pakistani passport? Who was he really working for?

True actually, you have been exposed to a point that no one will buy your lies anymore. A country that has put a price on its people & its services, for an ally that it does not like, which even today talks about the price of the "war on terror" simply has no legs to accuse anyone else of milking anything. Or maybe, just maybe, Pakistan & Pakistanis have simply become accustomed to the idea of looking at the actions of others through the prism they have developed through their own actions.

Irrelevant speech.
Pakistan security, intelligence agencies stop journalists from entering Ajmal Kasab's village - Pakistan - IBNLive

Lahore: Pakistani security and intelligence agencies on Wednesday barred journalists and television cameramen from entering Ajmal Kasab's hometown in Punjab province, hours after the lone surviving terrorist involved in the Mumbai attacks was hanged in a Pune jail. The security personnel, who were in plain clothes and pretended to be villagers, stopped reporters from entering Faridkot village, located 150 km from the Punjab capital of Lahore, several journalists said.
The personnel tried to snatch cameras from crews of some TV news channels and manhandled them when they argued they had come to Faridkot to film and interview Kasab's neighbours. "The men from the security agencies in the guise of villagers were deployed on the road leading to Kasab's neighbourhood. They asked us to go back and not to try to defame Pakistan," a correspondent of a leading English daily, who did not want to be named said.
He said the men tried to snatch cameras from the crews of Express News, Channel 5 and Apna TV and manhandled some media representatives when they insisted on entering the neighbourhood. "Why are you bent on defaming our country? Don't play into the hands of an enemy country," the correspondent quoted one of the men as having said.

Go back home and forget interviewing people of this village," he further quoted the man as having said. A journalist of Express News said that he contacted the district police chief and informed him about the behaviour of the plain clothes personnel.
"The police officers told us that it was better for us to leave the place as the villagers are very angry over the Kasab episode. They do not want to talk," the journalist said. Kasab was born in the farming village of Faridkot in 1987. His father sold snacks like 'pakoras' from a cart. Neighbours have claimed that Kasab loved Bollywood movies and karate as a child.
He reportedly left the village when he was a teenager and went in search of work. Kasab subsequently joined the Lashkar-e-Toiba and was trained along with other terrorists at camps in Sindh, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and ****************** Kashmir for the November 2008 assault on Mumbai that killed 166 people.
I already mentioned GOI's foot dragging and bad faith in conducting a joint investigation. India was more interested in milking the event than in resolving it.

sir, let's be frank here, Pakistan is not the nation that will be trusted by any other nation for a joint investigation for such an important case like 26/11, It's not India which is saying this but one of ur staunchest ally - America, President Obama has said it again & again that if attack on Osama had been disclosed to Pakistani authorities than he would have ran away, so if even America is not able to trust u than why should India???

+ when someone is accused of murder (in this case Pakistani state & non-state actors) than it's the police that investigates the crime & do not form a joint investigative team with the accuse, so the idea of joint investigation seems totally absurd IMO.

It's called due process. HS is not being treated like royalty, but a citizen who has as much right as anyone else to get a fair trial based on evidence, not Indian demands.

It's not just Indian demands, u have to atleast agree that HS cannot be equated with any other Pakistani citizen since he is declared international terrorist by none other than UN itself, he has got Interpol's red corner notice to his name & i don't think every normal citizen has a $ 10 million bounty on his head.
Good. The needful was done; his fate was sealed 4 years ago

Now the drama can finally be put to rest. Closed chapter.

I can only hope that the families of victims incinerated in Samjhota Express will have the same justice.
I dont really like to rejoice death of anybody, not the least kasab, who seems to be just a pawn, where the big guys are living in comfort.
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