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The enemy and Pakistan Army


Feb 2, 2007
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Who is Pakistan’s existential enemy - USA, India or the militants?

The obvious answer is India! The reason this question needs to be answered is to clarify the hazy image of national security. Indeed, a security policy built on mixed views is bound to fail. And “if the policy is faulty, even a brilliant strategy will flounder.” Existential threat here means a threat posed to the unity, demography and integrity of Pakistan. The very basis of the state or its physical existence stands challenged.
No army can successfully fight on many fronts. Napoleon’s army and Hitler’s Wehrmacht both fell victims to imperial overstretch. Pakistan’s army is already facing numerous threats: India’s Cold Start strategy, USA’s de-nuking agenda, foreign sponsored separatists in Balochistan, Indian rekindled Sindhudesh movement, Karachi based ethnic/mafia groups, militants in Pakhtunkhwa and spill over of war in Afghanistan.
The army’s primary task is to guard the borders against foreign threats. This essentially means deterring an Indian attack or a de-nuking attempt by any foreign power. The rest of the threats mentioned above need to be dealt with politically and with the support of the security forces. An internal security or specialised anti-terror force needs to be established. Therefore, the army should not be employed to solve political or economic issues; or tasks that are meant for specialised forces.
From 1947 till 2001, the existential threat from India was clear. The muddying of waters began after USA’s invasion of Afghanistan. Although the 11-year long war was waged in that country, Pakistan had to bear the brunt. It converted Pakistan into a battlefield. ‘AfPak’ was meant to create the perception of a war zone on both sides of the western border. Buzz words like GWOT, non-state actors, al-Qaeda, Haqqanis, Blackwater and terrorists served as a ‘Strategy of Deflection’. First, the US aim was to use Pakistan’s assets to help defeat the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. Second, shift Islamabad’s strategic orientation away from New Delhi so that India could be pampered to compete with China and also entrench itself in Afghanistan (both were part of the neocon geopolitical wish list).
The Indians played along. After the 2001-02 military standoff, India pacified Pakistan’s eastern border, but inflamed its western border. In the bargain, it established a network of consulates in Afghanistan to destabilise Pakistan. The corrupt and nonchalant Pakistanis took peace with India seriously; they saw their salvation in friendship with it.
A decade long bombing terrorist campaign further confused the issue. The Taliban, al-Qaeda, Blackwater, Indian agents were all blamed. The lethality of terrorist strikes mostly indicated a high degree of sophistication with some being run-of-the-mill crude attacks. There was method in the madness. Apparently, multiple forces were involved conveniently labelled as Taliban.
Apparently, the Taliban have two basic motivations. First to eject the occupying forces from Afghanistan; and second to impose their version of Islam. Since Pakistan was perceived to be a US ally, hatred towards it has grown into a ferocious militant bombing campaign. Simultaneously, separation seeking Baloch militants are being supported and financed by foreign intelligence agencies, while the Sindhudesh militant leader, reportedly, seeks succour in Kabul.
The US, while partially withdrawing from Afghanistan, wants to embroil our army further into the hornet’s nest. Washington’s mantra that Pakistani army is fighting its lost war is endless. The Indians, too, are keen to get it bogged down on the western border through operations in North Waziristan. So the Malala incident is being exploited and misdirected. An orchestrated Indo-US media campaign, supported by liberals in Pakistan, aims to lure the Pakistani army. Their baited gambit seeks to launch it against its own people. This could create a massive backlash and terrorist campaign, further destabilising the state.
With our army engaged in an endless war in Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Sindh, the stage will be set for coup de grâce. This could set in motion Pakistan’s denuclearisation and balkanisation; plans that were conceived in hostile foreign lands. Perhaps, a perfect time to initiate the Cold Start strategy or denuclearisation campaign. Even a limited version of this scenario aims to pit our army against the Taliban and those fighting the foreign troops in Afghanistan. With the Americans leaving and the Indians vulnerable in Afghanistan, they seek to diminish Pakistani influence in Afghanistan. Our enemies want war in Pakistan and clamour for peace in the region. But Pakistan needs peace at home and peace abroad.
The American geopolitical wish list was endless and frequently not doable, which resulted in an 11-year long war in Afghanistan. In addition to an exit strategy from Afghanistan complicated by USA’s desire to leave India - not Pakistan - as the winner. America is now perceived in some circles as the most dangerous threat to Pakistan. Yet logically speaking, hostility is an insane option for both USA and Pakistan. Islamabad and Washington can be friends again after the US leaves Afghanistan. Pakistan’s alliance with China, new friendship with Russia and old ties with the Taliban can help bring balance and peace in Afghanistan.
Nevertheless, the threat to Pakistan from India commenced long before 1947. The Indians wanted to replace the British Raj and were loath to see the subcontinent divided. Unable to prevent the partition, they conspired to ensure that a moth-eaten Pakistan comes into being. Since 1947, their strategy has been to harm the country in every conceivable manner. India’s hegemonic agenda and its support for terrorists and separatists in Pakistan have spoiled their relations. Hence, the present existential threat to Pakistan is mainly from India.

The writer is a retired brigadier and has authored a book titled Gwadar on the Global Chessboard. Email: nadirmir13@gmail.com Blog:wwwpakistangeopolitics. blogspot.com

The enemy and Pakistan Army | The Nation
Retired Brigadier Nadir Mir is a great author, who covers a large volume of information in brief sentences. Short, yet precise, is how articles must be.

I have posted another gem by him earlier, which can be read below:

Brigadier Nadir Mir.

Apparently, Pakistan Army is the target. It is being assailed by friends and foes alike. The army, which has stood like a rock in the country’s defence, is the hurdle for its enemies. Our enemies believe that by weakening the army and demonising the ISI,Pakistancan be denuclearised and balkanised. This is, indeed, the illogic of imperialist-hegemonic powers. Yet, more astounding is the role ofPakistan’s civilian-political leadership, who seeks to shrink the army’s space in national affairs. Even while lamenting the ‘last military dictator’, it is the army that is facing the gauntlet. A case in point is the alleged NLC scam.

The ISPR issued succinct comments on the subject. On the NLC issue, in essence, the army took some unprecedented steps. The matter was logically and legally against these retired senior officers. Even while due process of law is under way, misperceptions are being created that should be dispelled. The fact is that the ISPR has done a good job in clarifying the mist and the matter should not be politicised any longer. Even local newspapers have elucidated the ISPR’s viewpoint clearly and convincingly. It is true that there should be no holy cows and the law must take its course. By the same token, military systems all over the world also resort to institutional actions when required. In any event, premature disinformation is not warranted till matters have reached their logical conclusion.

The army’s image may improve due to legal transparency, yet it should not become a precedent for witch-hunt. The officers of various ranks over the last decades have been performing multiple duties. These include, besides basic military duties, martial laws, involvement in civil affairs, intelligence tasks and, more recently, anti-militant operations. Opening a Pandora’s Box of alleged complaints will lead to lowering the military’s morale, besides other adverse affects. Except for multibillion scams or gross violation of the Constitution, other matters should be left to the army’s own internal accountability. In any event, selective accountability - whether of the army, politicians or any other group or institution - will do more harm than good. Reportedly, billions of dollars are stacked in overseas bank accounts by incumbents of previous regime. Accountability for all should be acceptable to all.

The issue is not that the army is above accountability; nor the civilian supremacy is being challenged. The real issue is whatever mistakes were made by it (all armies make mistakes, including Napoleon’s Grand Armée, Hitler’s Wehrmacht and even US post-RMA hyper forces etc), they are being mixed up with anti-Pakistan stratagems of foreign foes. While historicallyPakistanfaces multifaceted challenges, the recent surge in information warfare onslaught is daunting.

An unrelenting media campaign has been launched in foreign lands and withinPakistanagainst our national interests. The foreign hostile agenda is mostly geopolitically driven. The local component is either foreign sponsored or misguided and, in some cases, simply frustrated with the prevailing national order. Frequently though, the foreign plus local tirade is directed at the army.

ISI: This fine institution (among the best in the world) deftly defending the nation, and most ably led, is the ire ofPakistan’s enemies. The non-state actors, Balochistan, the militants to the cyber warfare in India etc, are all bogey of the demonisation campaign launched againstPakistan’s first line of defence.

Nukes: Pakistan’s strides in nuclear warfare haunt those who harbour animosity for this country. Of late,Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapon NASR with its 60km range, reflecting miniaturisation expertise and deterrence enhancer is the phobia of foreign think tanks.

Balochistan: The solution to Balochistan’s problems lies withinPakistan(inclusive of Baloch viewpoint) and not with the UN or anybody else. While Balochistan merits urgent resolution, foreign meddling only spoils the issue.

Untouchables: Foreign agents have become untouchables. Those who betrayPakistan, work for foreign powers and break local laws are being projected akin to heroes. After the May incident in Abbottabad, for example, Dr Afridi’s CIA sponsored polio campaign had resulted in an anti-polio campaign. Next, Hussain Haqqani after the memo debacle was offered succour byUSA.

The need of the hour is national unity. Whatever shortcomings are present within the national system or grievances with any individual or group, they should not be directed at the army. Serious issues should neither be dogmatically preached, nor slanderously projected via media. They demand proper knowledge, analysis, and presentation that should not forsake the national cause.

The Pakistan Army has heroically fought against multiple adversaries, even in overwhelming odds defendedPakistan. Its prestige is the prestige of the nation. All citizens must support the army in its sacred duties. It, in turn, must remain professional, apolitical, nationalistic and brave. It should further distance itself from the infamous legacy of the previous regime; the challenges ahead demand these virtues from the army. The Pakistan Army supported by the Pakistani nation can weather all storms.Pakistan’s real enemy is outsidePakistan, even if they harbour quislings within.

The geopolitical winds favourPakistan:Middle Eastis ablaze with anti- Americanism in which the Americans will be embroiled even further. The Americans will be leaving with the bulk of their forces fromAfghanistan, resulting in reduction ofPakistan’s destabilisation. The Chinese will be arriving in Gwadar and bondingPakistanin an even tighter geopolitical economic embrace. The Russians will bePakistan’s new friend. The visit of Pakistan Air Chief, followed by the COAS toMoscowand President Putin inIslamabadopens new geopolitical options.

Pakistan Army remains determined and prepared to defend the country. The nation remains prepared to support it!

The writer is a retired brigadier and has authored a book tittled Gwadar on the Global Chessboard. Blog: wwwpakistangeopolitics.blogspot.com


Such posts by senior officers, serving or retired, are need of the hour to not only motivate the troops and keep their morale high, but as a reminder to the public, which day by day tend to go more ignorant; falling prey to the media's propaganda.

It is a matter of shame, that a time comes when the Army would be working to establish a relation with public, any country it may be.
The Brigadier Saab speaks the obvious, however there are fellow country-men (and others) around us who would will make use of figures, manually generated news and fabricate history to rubbish something, which even though lies right infront of us, but we as a Nation fails to see it.

These guys are the ones who are our real enemies.
Another reason by a general to defend war with India. Cant they see Taliban attacking Pakistani civilian, Beheading Soldier, Drone attack, Malala, Balouchistan, karachi voilence.
Another reason by a general to defend war with India. Cant they see Taliban attacking Pakistani civilian, Beheading Soldier, Drone attack, Malala, Balouchistan, karachi voilence.

Bloody funny business our neighbor already has enough on it's plate , having indigestion and still saying they don't have enough to eat ! :cheesy: All this Aman Ki Asha and stuff only goes as far as bringing some form of cordiality not solution. Calling for demilitarization and stuff is like asking India to give away the first 20 Super Sukhoi's to Pak with ToT and even capital to set up infrastructure! :woot:

My 2 cents - gradual and mutual trust building efforts , (Israel - India) Hostile relations in cold war :agree:.
This is why I hold in utter contempt the mindless, utopian aman-ki-tamasha vadis and the WKKs doing rounds in the top echelons in our media and politics. If Pakistan Army - the most important and powerful institution in Pakistan - sees us as an existential threat and its social media wing members equally hype it up without us bein one actually, then why not be true to their threats. Why not just dump these useless and money sucking parleys, conferences, talks everything and do what the Pakistanis accuse us of doing ?
A Brilliant effort by Brigadier Nadir Mir.

The writer of such a indo-phobic ranting piece can only be a PA-Officer.This article shows his love for Pakistan defence forces.

For Pakistan Army, to remain dominant in country, a Bogeyman of Indian Enemy is a must.

Chronic internal Issue like Taliban, US drones, Religious fascism, Sectarian clashes, Shia-Sunni wars, Bankrupt economy, Bad governance at centre, Increasing Poverty, Electricity problems, lagging behind internation educational/technological standards, etc. would have been of much important if such things were happening any other country.They would have taken care by govt. while maintaining peace with external threat.

But Pakistan bless with ARMY DOMINANCY needs reasons to justify for survival or increasing economic burden of PA on country.

Long Live Pakistan Army ! Can't say same about Pakistan.:pakistan:
This is why I hold in utter contempt the mindless, utopian aman-ki-tamasha vadis and the WKKs doing rounds in the top echelons in our media and politics. If Pakistan Army - the most important and powerful institution in Pakistan - sees us as an existential threat and its social media wing members equally hype it up without us bein one actually, then why not be true to their threats. Why not just dump these useless and money sucking parleys, conferences, talks everything and do what the Pakistanis accuse us of doing ?

Because the cost of these useless and money-sucking parleys, conferences, talks and so on are cheap ways to keep them peaceful and pre-occupied.

The main task of the Indian Army, Air Force and Navy against Pakistan is to make sure that they do not float yet another addle-pated misadventure. Why they do so in the teeth of all objective criteria is wrapped in folk-lore and in the psyche of a set of people who perceived threats where there were none, who sought guarantees against aggression that did not exist, who wanted to defend themselves against a foe whom they described as timid and unwarlike. It goes beyond reason, and is wrapped up in the bitterness overcoming an elite who have to suffer degradation from elite status. So Pakistan will always attack; it is at that time that she is dangerous, not while defending.

The second reason is the Ronald Reagan defence. As long as the two countries are at peace, some kind of peace, the Indian economy gains - every single day - an additional edge over the Pakistani economy. Our competition is not with the Chinese, not even with the Pakistani, it is with ourselves. It is we who are holding ourselves back, by not completing reforms and the dismantling of the administration of minute controls. It is we who can release ourselves to grow to the position that we held till as late as the advent of the British, when the wealth of India was a significant proportion of the wealth of the world. And for that we need peace.

The effects of this drawing away in economic and financial terms is already clear. The Pakistanis have lost the battle, the war, mentally. Their purchase decisions are imbued with an air of defeat. They buy what they know is compromised technology, re-works of yesteryear, and justify it by pointing to an increasing amount of indigenisation of their main battle tank. An effort like the Arjun is beyond them, and if we were to look at things with an unbiased vision, we would realize that but for our military's greed and hunger for Russian bribes, we have already won the battle for the mind against Pakistan. Minor defects like the shortage of ammunition for tanks, and shortage of artillery, and several others which go unreported, are nothing but minor defects. They will evaporate once pressure builds up, and can exist only as long as everyone knows that these are storms in a tea-cup, commotions in a time of peace. So, too, with their aircraft provisioning; so, too, with the evident confusion in naval planning, devoid of strategy or reason to the point where anything that the Indian Navy does looks good by comparison.

If this continues for another decade - two would be nicer - there will be a permanent salience of morale against them, in favour of India. As this salience grows, the danger also grows that some intelligent general, who realizes what is happening (as most of them do even today) and, unlike the others, decides to arrest the process by giving the military something to chew on and so goes to war, will find us between one stage of preparedness and another.

That is why I believe that you would do a great service to the nation - both nations - by calming the waters on the surface, and allow the invisible hand to work its miracles. If only the Pakistanis realized that we would do nothing about Baluchistan for the simple reason that all that a hostile Indian administration might wish for is being achieved for them with ridiculous ease by the other side. So, too, with all other problems afflicting them. They are the Sorcerer's Apprentice; they have nursed and let loose forces beyond their control, and our task should only be to let them sort things out internally, in their on-going but unannounced civil war, and only to stir into action to go to their rescue if things get too bad, or to stop foolhardy aggression as we have had to do so many times before.
Because the cost of these useless and money-sucking parleys, conferences, talks and so on are cheap ways to keep them peaceful and pre-occupied.

The main task of the Indian Army, Air Force and Navy against Pakistan is to make sure that they do not float yet another addle-pated misadventure.

By these talks you keep the Pakistani political class pre-occupied and that counts for something less than zero. The great hand in the sky as far as Pakistan is concerned is the Army which is not bound or limited by what the political class does. One article like this, one talk show on prime time by some retd Brig, retg Lt.Gen that Pakistani politicians have sold out to India on Kashmir will take the most bravest of the Pakistani politician to go back on his words an shout, hum Kashmir ka azaadhi chahte the aur UNSC resolution implement karna padega . If by now, Indians have failed to realize that, then God help them.

The reason we see a relative peace in Kashmir and a lull in insurgency is because of Pakistani pre-occupation with its wild west. That is the only pre-occupation we should be concerned about and which we should try to make sure, remains.

Anyway I think your suggestion I think is different from mine only in the way its implemented. While I suggest a more hands-on approach you want the inertia of the past 64 years to guide the way of the Pak Army.
By these talks you keep the Pakistani political class pre-occupied and that counts for something less than zero. The great hand in the sky as far as Pakistan is concerned is the Army which is not bound or limited by what the political class does. If by now, Indians have failed to realize that, then God help them.

The reason we see a relative peace in Kashmir and a lull in insurgency is because of Pakistani pre-occupation with its wild west. That is the only pre-occupation we should be concerned about and which we should try to make sure, remains.

You are wrong. It is the deep state in conversation, not the political class. Who in the political class is involved? Nobody. Who are the interlocutors? All members of the deep state, which in Pakistan has always been the civil service and the foreign service working in complete cohesion with the military.
Ive said this before,The only enemy of Pakistan is its incompetence. Incompetence in recognizing and acting upon what is need for the greater good of the nation.

India does not believe anymore in the simplistic notion of "Enemy" it has evolved and only follows suit on its interests.
As long as Pakistan acts in contradiction to the interests of India and the rest of of the world ,ull find us worse than an enemy ...ull find a Frenemy.:smokin:
What holds Pakistan back from making peace with us?

Kashmir? Siachen? Sir Creek?


Does anyone honestly believe that were Pakistan agreeable, a combined force of US and Indian and Chinese and possibly Russian boots on the ground could not cleanse them and the area of their Taliban and other scum in under 6 months?

They want to have their cake and eat it too.

Hedging their bets.

Waiting for when the pressure will let up.

So they can go back to their old tricks.

The solution is simple.

Do not relax the pressure.

Leverage internal schisms as force multipliers.

But do not let them break up under any condition.

Slow boil.
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