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Russia rejects India’s claims for INS Vikramaditya delivery Penalty

To shuttler,
Don't dream in CPC world,we are building a new carrier.will be launched in 2015.
I am not blaming China directly, India should make it clear that no Chinese parts are incorporated in its external procurements or in the case of Russian equipments make sure we do not give any approvals for procurements of parts, components or electronics from Chinese companies to be installed in our equipments.

LMAO...why don't put your Indian brick instead...you better take all apart of your military hardware and scan for any Chinese made components, we might introduce some "undesirable" element such as kill switch in time of war :azn:.
so when is India gonna pay up so that work on the ship may be continued?

or this quarrel may drag on,resulting in indefinite postponement of the delivery?
so when is India gonna pay up so that work on the ship may be continued?

or this quarrel may drag on,resulting in indefinite postponement of the delivery?

No Indians responding to you? I think most Indians are not too excited that Russia is going after them one more time. Maybe this video calledl "hit me baby one more time" can cheer them up.

Baby One More Time | Britney Spears | Music Video | MTV
Such is the end of $2 billion earned by Indian people, working hard day and night, putting themselves through so much pain and misery, and then poof, all gone.

Thanks to Indian baboos, that money will never come back. Better hope Russians will get this seaworthy soon and send it to India even when it is not 100% operational. At least Indians will have something to replace INS Veraat..


There is not much India can do at this point, probably this might be the last carrier India will order.
India is building its own ACC. IAC-1 is nearing completion and IAC-2 is getting outta design phase.
Contract for VikiDi is very very old and from the time of Banns and tech denial. Still Vikidi is a good deal for the money offered.
Hopefully it will be he last ACC purchased and next will be Made in India.

IAC-1 is having problems with gear-box as this is the first time India is attempting such a huge venture. And the process meet with few accident which increase the delay. Hopefully it will make it to IN in 2018.

To shuttler,
Don't dream in CPC world,we are building a new carrier.will be launched in 2015.

So you have 2 different dates here! Launching in 2015 and to be inducted into IN 2018? And it will take 3 years sea trial, is that correct?

How much do you trust a tailor who says he cant make proper garment alterations but promises you he can make a dress from scratch?
and while you are going to make 2 a/cs in your shipyard, it makes more sense to abandon the project, save all the hassels, let us be the mediator, taking over Gorshkov from russia and we'll pay indian navy $50 million so as to make everything settled.

Cost of maintaining a aircraft carrier is heavy. if you keep the Russian made, there will be ensuing maintaining cost for spare parts from Russia! So your nightmare does not even end on the delivery of the Gorshkov refit!

So my suggestion is the best option for you. Think hard about it!
^ Try to understand the reason behind for operational ACC especially for a country who has been maintaining it for around 5 decades. We don't want any gap in ACC operations. Even if we get it by end of 2013, its way earleir than our own ACC which MAY be delivered by 2017. (more delay possible). So we don't want our navy without ACC for 4 years.
So you have 2 different dates here! Launching in 2015 and to be inducted into IN 2018? And it will take 3 years sea trial, is that correct?

How much do you trust a tailor who says he cant make proper garment alterations but promises you he can make a dress from scratch?

we never accept half cooked products like china.
So ur a/c is kiss(sorry touch) and go only.
MOD can form a special team to keep a close eye on Russian team working to rectify the problem.Team should have expert from Navy,naval ship building PSU ,DRDO.Any more delay is not acceptable.Indian navy is proactive not like Army and Airforce.Who knows may be this kind of team all ready in place.
I anticipated this would happen!

India growing supah powah!

Someone had to show them their place!
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