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No plan to build second aircraft carrier: China

Completely agree with Speeder2's logic

Modular approach is now implemented to build such huge warships and its also easier to hide the progress.

China can churn out 2 carriers in 2 years working simultaneously in 2 different areas. So it won't be a surprise if we see 2 new ACC by 2015 at least.

One thing to be note as the state of their research in catapult system and EMALS. It will also play a crucial role in building these accs.
Thanks for the concern and BTW how's your Vikramaditya coming along? No problems, I hope.
Problems??? First you guys conspire to put a spoke in the wheel by giving us those crappy bricks that failed spectacularly and then you ask how Vikramaditya is coming along? Jeeez! That sucks!! :undecided: :lol:
Problems??? First you guys conspire to put a spoke in the wheel by giving us those crappy bricks that failed spectacularly and then you ask how Vikramaditya is coming along? Jeeez! That sucks!! :undecided: :lol:

Conspire??? Hey, the bricks we sold are supposed to be cheap low ended products to be used primarily in food service commercial ovens. The Russians had an idea to save you guys some money because those bricks were good enough for those high intensity boilers. But, alas, they chose the wrong lining material that caught fire and forced the bricks to fall and break. If you have to blame, blame yourselves for choosing the wrong project manager.

As luck would have it, the poor brick supplier is now being raved and needled at the same time for selling high tech products on the cheap. :what:
Why hurry if you can start with latest technology installed ACC . If they wait for few years and introduce advance tech. like EMALS, then they n don't have to build a different ACC every single time as technologies emerge.

BTW I also doubt their claim, Chinese don't reveal such things.

Hurry is a must. We need about 5 CVs at 2020.
You know it is called CHINESE SPEED.

China build some aircraft carriers otherwise what is the point of getting the Varyag along with it's blueprints?

No one knows,
but upgrades can be found at every new block of ships built before.
There are many things in this world you can hide as you are building them. A frikken aircraft carrier (take of and landing type) is NOT one of them. The eyes in the sky are watching 24/7. Anyone who thinks some country can roll out a new aircraft carrier without other countries knowing about it YEARS in advance is naive.

You are right.
But it is totally possiable to hide it when the CV are just much smaller parts.
BTW there is already one part of our second CV in Changxing, Shanghai.
You may report it to CIA, they may pay you for this information.:azn:
It's not that the Russians tricked the Indians.

It's more that the Russians slipped some Indian military officials a couple million dollars, and then the Indian Official gave the Russians a billion dollar contract.

Both Russia and Indian Military officials win! Russians get their billion, and the officials get their millions.

Because India is a democratic country, their officials represent the will of the people! The Indian people obviously want their officials to be well compensated for their troubles in dealing with the Russians.

So Both Indians and Russians are happy! Win/Win!

Read between the lines. The spokesperson stated that China has no immediate plans to launch a second aircraft carrier. This means at present China will continue carrying out research and development to further develop advanced systems and subsystems that are placed on an aircraft carrier. They will use the Varyag as a test bed for further training and research so in the end when they develop their own aircraft carrier, it will be the top of the line.

Read between the lines. The spokesperson stated that China has no immediate plans to launch a second aircraft carrier. This means at present China will continue carrying out research and development to further develop advanced systems and subsystems that are placed on an aircraft carrier. They will use the Varyag as a test bed for further training and research so in the end when they develop their own aircraft carrier, it will be the top of the line.

that is a given, nobody doubts that. I think chinese currently posses the technology to produce a better carrier varyag, They are waiting to produce something in the line of gerard ford class vessel. We wont be surprised to see a shocker in maritime development as they have previously displayed with their stealth platforms in their aviation sector. I have developed immense respect for the perseverance of chinese r&da and mfg sector.
Usually when the government denies it, it means the opposite is true.

So yeah at least another aircraft carrier is in construction.
Whats the point of hiding an aircraft carrier when it has ambitions to build one in the future? We don't hide our new Ford carriers.
USA is a hegemony, we don't muscle around like you. We prefer put it in a way more comfortable to our neighbors.
Oo,congrats congrats,50 aircraft carrier....how much time it will take....and when ur economy going to be

Big enough and what is pix sinica is it ur present aircraft carrier

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