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Under the Turkish Supervision

No surprise here..... imagine what else they are pulling under the radar that doesn't get exposed.

Turkey cannot be trusted by any Muslim country....even the ones who kiss their hands. You guys have no idea who you dealing with.


they can trust armenia....:woot:
I think the syrian rebels will not be controlled and they will attack and kill anything they see around them they are mindless thugs we had the same in egypt president sadat released them from prisons and they attacked civilians and killed him morsi did the same and now they are fighting us in sainai look at what they are doing in syria right now there are hundreds of videos shows how they deal with civilians in syria most of them are not syrians anyway
"Kemalism was considered an anti-religious ideology but in fact it had nothing against the Islamic religion except to deny religion as a source of political power.

It was the most serious attack against the Islamic theocracy which had sprung from a systematic set of principles regulating political power as well.

Kemalism was regarded as an infidel ideology by some religious leaders who had lost their status in infidel ideology by some religious leaders who had lost their status in the change of the power structure in Turkey."

When you take religion as a source of political power like today's Turkey you will swim in sh*t and think what did I wrong for swimming in it.
"Kemalism was considered an anti-religious ideology but in fact it had nothing against the Islamic religion except to deny religion as a source of political power.

It was the most serious attack against the Islamic theocracy which had sprung from a systematic set of principles regulating political power as well.

Kemalism was regarded as an infidel ideology by some religious leaders who had lost their status in infidel ideology by some religious leaders who had lost their status in the change of the power structure in Turkey."

When you take religion as a source of political power like today's Turkey you will swim in sh*t and think what did I wrong for swimming in it.

Turkey is ever more powerful under AKP govt, regardless of Kemalists like or not, Erdogan's popularity is pouring out of Turkey and into other countries. 288% increase in PCGDP income has been recorded in 8 years. I,m sorry but the Turkey i see in the future is a powerful one.

Kemalism has served its purpose, it was a desperate measure in desperate times, its time to say "Rest in peace" and move on to a better version.
Turkey is ever more powerful under AKP govt, regardless of Kemalists like or not, Erdogan's popularity is pouring out of Turkey and into other countries. 288% increase in PCGDP income has been recorded in 8 years. I,m sorry but the Turkey i see in the future is a powerful one.

Kemalism has served its purpose, it was a desperate measure in desperate times, its time to say "Rest in peace" and move on to a better version.

He layed on kemal Derviş economic reforms and successfully? He's going to get a big slap from the voters soon watch carefully, he should carry in buying his son boats like a battleship size.
He layed on kemal Derviş economic reforms and successfully? He's going to get a big slap from the voters soon watch carefully, he should carry in buying his son boats like a battleship size.

I doubt that
With scum like kılıçtaroğlu leading CHP I don't have much hope either, who will people elect? Only MHP remains and they are the same bigots which AKP is.
Turkey should provide whatever support it can to free Syria. House of asad is a cancer and it must be removed if can't be treated.

Turkey is already providing all support possible against Syria....if the west gives the order then a Turkish invasion will happen but I don't think such order will come.

With Iran and Russian backing of strategic Syria I doubt Turkey can do much more.....also Iran and Russia have much more to loose than Turkey could ever gain from stepping on a Muslim brother country.
Kemalism has served its purpose, it was a desperate measure in desperate times, its time to say "Rest in peace" and move on to a better version.

That will never happen....it is in the fabric of Turkish society.

Even Erdogan has admitted that the "Deep State" cannot be destroyed but maybe controlled for now.
Turkey is ever more powerful under AKP govt, regardless of Kemalists like or not, Erdogan's popularity is pouring out of Turkey and into other countries. 288% increase in PCGDP income has been recorded in 8 years. I,m sorry but the Turkey i see in the future is a powerful one.

Borrowers are nearly always ill-spenders, and it is with lent money that all evil is mainly done and all unjust war protracted.
John Ruskin

Turkey's GDP per Capita (USD)
Year2002 (start of AKP govern) 2011

So the increase is NOT 288% and is 110%. You have to double check your sources.
Let's se what is Turkey's situation with external debts during these years;

Turkey's external debt (billion USD)
Year2002 (start of AKP govern)2012
billion $118.3306.6

Also you have to add 35 billion USD state privatization revenues as debts too which will rise 306.6 billion USD to 341.6 billion USD. When we calculate the increase we will see that it is 189% increase .

And what about "current account deficit"(cari acik) and "current account deficit gdp ratio"(cari acigin milli gelire orani)

With this economic facts Turkey's future will not be powerfull but it will be bankrupt future thanks to Mr. Erdogan's economical abilities or should I say disabilities.

Kemalism has served its purpose, it was a desperate measure in desperate times, its time to say "Rest in peace" and move on to a better version.

"There are two Mustafa Kemals. One the flesh-and-blood Mustafa Kemal who now stands before you and who will pass away. The other is you, all of you here who will go to the far corners of our land to spread the ideals which must be defended with your lives if necessary. I stand for the nation's dreams, and my life's work is to make them come true." M.K.Ataturk

Main Pillars of Ataturkculuk (Kemalism)
(I prefer to say "Ataturkculuk" in Turkish, which can be transtaled as "Ataturk's ideology" because due to systematic and continuous anti-Kemalist propaganda, widely "Kemalist" notion is considered as militarious and dictatorial ideology by shallow minded masses, which is completely wrong.)

-- Positivism--
Ataturkculuk is a social and cultural change from religious dogmatism to positivism.
Since Islam dominated all areas of social, political, cultural and economic spheres of the Ottoman Empire, not only as a religion, but also as a way of living. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his friends attacked religious dogmatism in order to launch a new socio-cultural reform program.

-- Anti-Imperialism--
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk assumed political power through a War of Liberation against the victorious powers of the First World War. Thus his anti-imperialism was the outcome of his military actions. But to view his stand against imperialism only as military phenomenon would be a great fallacy. As a member of the Ottoman intelligentsia, he believed that the final collapse of the Empire had been due to economic, political, and military exploitation by the West. Thus, his firm stand for “unconditional and total independence” was something much more than a military view.As Ataturk once stated.:

Gentlemen, when history applies itself to searching the causes of the grandeur and the decadence of a people, it invokes political, military, and social reasons. It is evident that ultimately all the reasons spring from social conditions but that which is in closest bearing to the existence, the prosperity and the decadence of a people, is its economics. This historical truth is confirmed in our existence and our national history. In fact, if one examines the history of the Turkish people, one will see that her grandeur and her decadence are merely corollaries of her economic life.

When such words are supported by his summation that "The new Turkish state will not be a military state, but an economic state," the anti-imperialist nature of the Ataturkculuk (Kemalism) can be better understood. both speeches were given prior to the proclamation of the Republic, but after the War of Liberation was completed. Thus, the economic content of "total independence" cannot possibly be overlooked in his actions.

-- National sovereignty an National independence--
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s anti-imperialist views were based on his concept of western civilization. In other words, he knew that the only way to become a western society was to be free from western economic and political exploitation. I think the difference between his revolutionary movement and the prior attempts to "save the Ottoman Empire" lies at this very point: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk aimed at creating a western society, whereas the westernist movements prior to his time were geared to imitating western societies. Those attempts were marked by the importation of western educational institutions while Mustafa Kemal imported the whole ideology and political structure of the West, including "national sovereignty an national independence."

If positivism, anti-imperialism, national sovereignty and national independence ideals are not dead then Ataturkculuk (Kemalism) is not dead.
Why do Armenians use Russian more than their country and Iran, they should be Iranian or Russian, probably because they are begging to open borders and these two countries are their only friend, poor Armenia, why don't you get your citizens in Turkey and take them back Armenia? Why are so many illegal immigrants coming to Turkey which they hate.
Every Turkish poster here supports Turkey's stand on interfering and sending terrorists to Syria....and I know it won't make a difference in your collective stand if Turkey was so called Islamist or full bore Kemalist.....you follow the collective.

You are absolutely wrong. I, myself don't support.

Also there were many rallies held against FSA and AKP's policy for Syria in Turkey. Only problem is Turkish mass-media could not dare to show them due to the fear of goverment and its "advanced democracy"

Here is one example:

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Why do Armenians use Russian more than their country and Iran

We use Russia to hold off a Turkish invasion.....if Turkey attacks the first soldier they would have to kill would be a Russian

they should be Iranian or Russian,

We are, for example I am an Iranian Armenian.....sovereignty to Iran and a holy oath to mother Armenia.

probably because they are begging to open borders and these two countries are their only friend, poor Armenia,

Most Armenians (except for some Armenian businessmen including Turks) are against opening borders with Turkey, especially with their preconditions. No need to feel sorry for us btw, we are doing fine thank you.

why don't you get your citizens in Turkey and take them back Armenia?

No need to get citizenship for your own lands....its OK, you can keep it for now until later.

Why are so many illegal immigrants coming to Turkey which they hate.

You complain?? we send you prostitutes and nannies what else you want.....there are also many Armenian business owners in Turkey that employ Turks so be happy.
Your country is starving and living on diaspora money you even know that.
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