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It’s over – there will be no Israeli attack on Iran


Jun 1, 2012
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The article's author, Larry Derfner, a liberal Zionist Jew, has written on this issue in the past, always from a pessimistic, apocalyptic viewpoint, predicting that a war would be launched and that it would be catastrophic for everyone involved -- Iran, Israel, the US, and the broader Middle East. That now, and with obvious relief, he's announcing that no war on Iran will happen, can be testimony that something grand has happened.

It’s over – there will be no Israeli attack on Iran

This week the Israeli military/intellgence establishment, backed by the U.S., has come out forcefully against war, isolating Netanyahu. He needs the cabinet’s support to attack, and there’s no way he’ll get it.

It’s not often that the story out of Israel, and out of America’s relationship with Israel, is good, but the story that’s emerged over the last few days is much more than good, and given Israel’s build-up toward war with Iran for the last five years at least, the story is so out of character that it’s hard to absorb. But here it is – Israel is not going to attack Iran. Not before the November 6 presidential election, not afterward if Obama wins, and maybe not afterward even if Romney wins, which is unlikely.

It’s not that Netanyahu doesn’t want to bomb Iran - he does, and he makes that clearer every day. What’s happened is that there’s been such a torrent of opposition in the Israeli media this week from the security establishment, starting with IDF chief Benny Gantz, and backed by the Obama Administration and Pentagon, that there’s no way Bibi can get his cabinet to vote for a war, and without the cabinet’s backing, he can’t do it. The ministers will not support Bibi in an extremely risky war opposed by the heads of the IDF, IDF Intelligence, the Air Force, the Mossad, the Shin Bet and the United States of America.

There’s been a price for all this, though; the Obama Administration has as much as promised Israel that if Iran gets within reach of nuclear capability – which it isn’t now – the U.S. military will smash it up to an extent that Israel can’t. Yedioth Ahronoth’s Shimon Shiffer, dean of Israeli diplomatic correspondents, reported that the Americans are telling Israel that the time for a U.S. attack wouldn’t be for at least another year-and-a-half. If that’s what it took to convince Gantz and his military/intelligence colleagues to get out the word that Israel should leave the job in America’s hands, it was worth it. An imminent catastrophe has been averted. As Gantz was reported by Channel 10 to say, an Iranian missile counterrattack on the Israeli homefront “will not resemble anything we have known in the past.”

So I think the game is up. Making the case for war with Iran is now a losing battle, and people are going to start running away from it, beginning, I expect, with Ehud Barak, who has been Bibi’s equal partner in this whole scaremongering affair. There are other political/personal tensions pulling the two apart, but the air of futility that now surrounds the Iran file is enough for Barak to get off it. At some point even AIPAC may get the hint. Either before or after AIPAC, Bibi himself will give up, he’ll “move on,” until the only people still backing an Israeli war on Iran will be Sheldon and his boy Mitt.

As a rule, the Israeli security/ intelligence establishment is less hawkish and much more sane than the political right wing and the public at large; its current antiwar campaign is a vivid illustration. This has been one of its finest hours. Also for the Israeli media. I didn’t expect it; I thought the bad guys were going to win like they’ve been winning for so long. This episode reminds me that there are good things about this country, good people, and why Israel is worth saving.

As a rule, the Israeli security/ intelligence establishment is less hawkish and much more sane than the political right wing and the public at large; its current antiwar campaign is a vivid illustration. This has been one of its finest hours. Also for the Israeli media. I didn’t expect it; I thought the bad guys were going to win like they’ve been winning for so long. This episode reminds me that there are good things about this country, good people, and why Israel is worth saving.
Only the PM has the power to decide whether to attack or not, they will do as he commands.
Sorry to burst your bubble but this country is governed by the rule of law and the PM is the country's chief executive.
Only the PM has the power to decide whether to attack or not, they will do as he commands.
Sorry to burst your bubble but this country is governed by the rule of law and the PM is the country's chief executive.

I don't know how does that address the points made on the article. The author is an Israeli himself, and has published a lot on Israeli outlets, including on the hawkish Jerusalem Post. I suppose he knows how his country works at least as well as you do, and he's saying that Netanyahu's will isn't enough, that he needs cabinet and Knesset support. (And I don't know how putting war decisions on the hands of one single man is the rule of the law -- sounds more like a dictatorship to me. Even in the US, law establishes that war needs Congress support.) Anyway, considering the opposition set against him by the Israeli security establishment, it seems plausible that Netanyhu won't do anything reckless -- he who is said to be among Israel's most cautious leaders.

In any case, there's also another article on the matter which is corroborating the points made above on the basis of two recent Netanyahu's interviews. I'm not over reading it yet.

Myself, I've never believed that Israel would attack Iran; many credible commentators have said that Israel's strategy has always been to outsource its anti-Iran mission to the US.
In 1981, both the Mossad chief and Military Intelligence director opposed the bombing of the Iraqi nuclear site, and do you know what happened? The PM ordered it and it was done because the PM is the executive chief and he can garner all the support he needs for an attack.

Here is the direct quote from the PM of Israel:

"In Israel, the political ranks make the decisions and the operational ranks carry them out"
In 1981, both the Mossad chief and Military Intelligence director opposed the bombing of the Iraqi nuclear site, and do you know what happened? The PM ordered it and it was done because the PM is the executive chief and he can garner all the support he needs for an attack.

Here is the direct quote from the PM of Israel:

"In Israel, the political ranks make the decisions and the operational ranks carry them out"
Operation Opera was another story,Iran is not Iraq and you can't come here,drop your bombs and say bye bye.When the first Israeli jet enters Iran's air space,you can make sure that an Iranian missile is on its way to Dimona or any Israeli city.That's why Netanyahu hasn't got the guts to attack Iran 'yet'.
IRan have only weapon as OIL and its position in gulf..I dont see any war..
Both parites will go home with few mutual agreements...Iran may have to loose their hands on syria.
Operation Opera was another story,Iran is not Iraq and you can't come here,drop your bombs and say bye bye.When the first Israeli jet enters Iran's air space,you can make sure that an Iranian missile is on its way to Dimona or any Israeli city.That's why Netanyahu hasn't got the guts to attack Iran 'yet'.
Not many have the guts like your nation to rape women in jails when they protest for freedom and against corruption.

The day a missile touches Dimona is a day Iran loses a vast portion of their population.
Is Iran really into nuclear weapon program, or it's just a excuse for the US and Israel bullying around?
Not many have the guts like your nation to rape women in jails when they protest for freedom and against corruption.

The day a missile touches Dimona is a day Iran loses a vast portion of their population.
Is that your best?Accusing something that you can't prove?Can you back your word?
At least our people don't set themselves on fire because of money or being poor.That's what 10 Israelis did in past 2 weeks.

I assure you if Israel attack Iran,a missile will 'touch' Dimona,you can wait and see.And what do you want to do?Drop nukes on Iran?Sure we have chemical weapons too,using them on 3 major Israeli cities means 70% of the population are gone.Don't threaten a country when you can't do that.
The attack will come in December ( probably around 12/21) after US elections. The attacker will be the US and NOT ISRAEL. The deal has already been made by OBAMA with NATHANYAHU. That is what US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta went to Israel for. The deal is Nathanyahu will support and promote OBAMA and in return after the US Elections OBAMA will return the favor by attacking IRAN.

Iran has three months to prepare to defend itself.
Is that your best?Accusing something that you can't prove?Can you back your word?
At least our people don't set themselves on fire because of money or being poor.That's what 10 Israelis did in past 2 weeks.

I assure you if Israel attack Iran,a missile will 'touch' Dimona,you can wait and see.And what do you want to do?Drop nukes on Iran?Sure we have chemical weapons too,using them on 3 major Israeli cities means 70% of the population are gone.Don't threaten a country when you can't do that.
You live in a delusional world where Iran can survive an all out war with Israel. I`m not surprised that you believe so, propaganda is mighty amongst your kind.
If Romney gets to be president, you'll see him offering to nuke Iran on behalf of Israel. And everything will be over.

Why? You get someone like John Bolton, famous neo-con and warmonger, being one of Romney's most trusted advisers. In all likelihood, he'll be appointed into Romney's cabinet. Every public comment you see from him urges an immediate attack on Iran and bashing Obama for not bombing Iran.
israel and ameria are not in position to attack on iran if they make mistake then america wil be no longer superpower and israel turn to hell
Israel will definitely try to make the US do its dirty job but if it fails most probably it will do it alone and drag the US into this war. Iran should prepare for the worst scenario. The israeli warmongers usually have their ways with the american politics, so I wouldn't exclude the possibility. People filled with hatred are devoid of logic and definitely the israeli warmongers are full of hatred for Iran and anything Islamic.
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