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My Pride was broken...


Oct 28, 2006
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I have always read that man is the master of his fate.

I always heard that we can accomplish anything we want if we work hard enough.

I had believed that Almighty God does not interfere in our day to day life. God has given man the freedom to do what he wants.
Finally, on the day of judgement, God will judge how Man fared in the test of Earth...

I was wrong... I was always proud to be what I am... I always thought that I have he power to do what I want... I always thought Man was poewrful...

But now I feel that everything was rubbish...

I lost my Grandfather on the day of Eid... The day of celebration became the day of mourning and grief. I could not even reach the hospital in time.

It was God's will, I conceded. Man is powerless...

God is most gracious, most merciful, most powerful...

The myth that Man can achieve limitless success has been shattered
you should realize that Death is a universal experience and is every living persons destiny on this earth.

Still, since it is a drastic and a shocking event (I went through same thing) , you should be patient and should take the opportunity to get close to Allah, The Living, The Creator, The All Powerful, who never dies and who has the power to resurrect us on the Day of Judgment.

At the same time, since death is only a temporary stage, You should pray to Allah to forgive the sins of your grandfather, and should do ur best to perform acts that can benefit the deceased person.

Among such acts are paying off the deceased persons debts, performing Hajj on his behalf, and spending charitable funds for the deceased persons benefit. Revolving charitable funds are highly recommended.

Examples of revolving charitable funds are building or assisting in the building of a mosque, a school, or an investment in an endowment fund that its proceeds are used for a beneficial cause etc.

you should not mourn for too long nor let the event stop your life.
Inshallah, I will be generous, just like my grandfather. May God bless him and forgive his sins. I will pay for mercy.

Sorry to hear about your grandpa!
May god have his soul!
See bro, death comes when you least suspect it, i remember how my great grandfather had just came back from the misjid( it was ASR time i think), he took of his shoes and went to take a nap, but did'nt woke up. :( . May Allah bless everyone soul and may they all rest in peace and be given place in heaven insallah.
I have always read that man is the master of his fate.

I always heard that we can accomplish anything we want if we work hard enough.

I had believed that Almighty God does not interfere in our day to day life. God has given man the freedom to do what he wants.
Finally, on the day of judgement, God will judge how Man fared in the test of Earth...

I was wrong... I was always proud to be what I am... I always thought that I have he power to do what I want... I always thought Man was poewrful...

But now I feel that everything was rubbish...

I lost my Grandfather on the day of Eid... The day of celebration became the day of mourning and grief. I could not even reach the hospital in time.

It was God's will, I conceded. Man is powerless...

God is most gracious, most merciful, most powerful...

The myth that Man can achieve limitless success has been shattered

Oh my God! It's so heartbreakening to hear that...and I know that anything anyone says won't entirely console you...It'll take time...I also lost my grandpa 3 yrz ago on eid...:( All I can say is that I donno whether itz true but I've heard that whoever dies on the nite b4 eid or on eid ...is a very righteous human being...May God forgive all of us and our relatives...
Yes u r riight 'man is powerless'...It's pretty sad that u learned the hard way but...
Hope that u feel better soon.:)
my heartfelt condolances to you brother i also my marhooma dadimaa (late grandmather) but have faith coz wathever ALLAH (SWT) does its for the better i highly recomend you my brother ,to give some monthly donation to a mosque on behalf of your marhoom grandfather it is realy something you can do that will benefit him INSHA'ALLAH . if you are in indo/pak area then you can go to a local masque and make a pledge of say Rs25 or Rs50 a month on behalf of your late grandfather .
all the best to you and my prayers are with you and your late grandfather may ALLAH (SWT) in his infinite mercy admit your late grandfather in jannat.amin

also when you miss him you can say two rakah of salatul nawafil and recite surah fateha for your late grandfather plus you should recite the surah fateha on his behalf yo can do this as many times as you want or feel comfertable also try surah "yaseen" say once a month may ALLAH (SWT) make it easy for you amin.
My condolences.

Just remember, life still goes on. God has the supreme power, but he grants self-control to man to fullfill his role. We human beings always tend to transgress beyond limits and thats when we fall. But death is certain. Reserved for everyone. You, me and unfortunately for everyone we love.

So whether or not how you lived, there's nothing you did that could've contributed to God's decision.

Power is good, irresponsibility of its use is bad.
Strength is good, harming others with it is bad.
Pride is good too, hubris (excessive pride) is bad.

Pray to Allah, for his afterlife now and live a good life.

May ALLAH put your grandfather in Jannat-ul-Firduas. Ameen !
Give regular charity for your grandfather from now.
Very sad ferrari007. I am deeply sorry. Reminds of many deaths i have witnessed.:cry:
Thank you all for your prayers...

May Almighty Allah bless you all...

People come and leave. The best thing to do in your life, so when your gone, you will be missed for generations. Give something to the world, that makes you feel that the world needs you!

It is three days before eid, my father died of heart attack some 29 years ago----he was a doctor. At the time of heart attack, he was working it the hospital, his friends---doctors at a local medical college were with him and they knew that he had prvious attacks, but nobody put him on the stretcher and took him to the ER. They let him walk. So he died-----was it carelessness on part of his colleagues or was it destiny. We do relate carelessness, to destiny. It took awhile, but I made my peace with myself. Allah has made a man to be a bull-elephant and not some weakling.

You stated that your grandfather died----for the moment I thought that it was your father from the pain that I sensed in your post, but when I read your post again it was otherwise. So things are not that bad I presume. Seems like you gr pa would be in the mid 60's to 70 or plus . I am pretty sure that he had spent a good life and enjoyed his stay in this world, but that was his life that ended. You got to live your life son.

You will find out that what you do in your life is what you make out of it most of the time. It is just that we don't have no control over life and death-----but that sometimes is also relative to where you are at------either at Cedar Sinai in Los Angeles or civil hospital somewhere pakistan.

So, don't let small things and big things in life stop you from where you want to go.
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