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How to be a billionaire.

Step 1: Put 1 rupee as fixed deposit.

Step 2: Wait till it becomes 1 billion.
Very Easy 3 ways... But all 3 has its side effect

1. marrying a Rich Chick ... (U become a Prisoner of ur Wealth or become a pet Dog of a Rich girl )

2. Stealing money worth Billions... ( there r chances that u End up in Jail )

3. Working Sincerely With Deep Commitment along with innovation in the Work u Do ( But that Makes U Old till u become 1)
Do plenty of business involving pimps from all around the world :D
Jokes apart, have strong believe in yourself, do not accept failures and use your creativity to do something innovative and different, capturing the market. The only problem is people with money can become billionaires, money to invest into business.

Hope it helps. :)
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