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'God particle' announcement expected


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
Leaked CERN video claims ‘God Particle’ found


GENEVA: The quest for answer to one of science’s greatest mysteries may be over. Hours before the official announcement of results of experiments conducted by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), a video ‘mistakenly’ posted on its website appears to confirm that elusive Higgs boson particle has been discovered.

The elusive Higgs boson or the "God Particle" is considered the last ingredient to the standard model of particle physics that may solve the fundamental questions about the formation of the universe. Higgs boson gives the particles that make up atoms their mass. Scientists have been hunting for it for almost 50 years.

Without this mass, these particles would zip though the cosmos at the speed of light, unable to bind together to form the atoms that make up everything in the universe, from planets to people.

"We've observed a new particle… We have quite strong evidence that there's something there. Its properties are still going to take us a little bit of time, but we can see that it decays to two photons, which tells us it's a boson," Joe Incandela, spokesman for the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, says in the video, dated July 4 2012.

"This is the most massive such particle that exists, if we confirm all of this - which I think we will."

"It may in the end be one of the biggest discoveries, or observations, of any new phenomenon that we've had in our field in the last 30 or 40 years," says Incandela.

The video was available to the public for a brief period of time and now exists in a password-protected part of the website.

The Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) will make the official announcement at 0700 GMT (12.30 pm IST). As per reports, five leading theoretical physicists have been invited to its next update in Geneva on the subatomic particle search, sparking speculation that the particle has been discovered.

The Large Hadron Collider, housed in an 18-mile tunnel buried deep underground near the French-Swiss border, smashes beams of protons -- sub-atomic particles -- together at close to the speed of light, recreating the conditions that existed a fraction of a second after the Big Bang.

If the physicists' theory is correct, a few Higgs bosons should be created in every trillion collisions, before rapidly decaying. This decay would leave behind a "footprint" that would show up as a bump in their graphs.

However, despite 1,600 trillion collisions being created in the tunnel, there have been fewer than 300 potential Higgs particles.

Source: Leaked CERN video claims

I heard the Europeans have created this small black hole, not sure if its true, but rumor is that if it goes out of control it can grow and suck everything in.
Can any one explain me how finding God Particle can change science. And yes what are the benift for it.
That there could be a God Particle is a lie.

yup scientists all over the world are lying to all the world and common folk....the scientific community is united in this conspiracy with a plan to take over the world
That there could be a God Particle is a lie.

Yeah and one fine day there was a god who got up and created stars, planet, living organisms, animals and this one super duper intelligent creature called man and he put the home of man, i.e. earth, at the center of the universe. Right???

Even god would be laughing his a$$ off on jerks like you and your thinking.

All these experiments are meant to learn the real truth about our origins and creation of this world. Even if there is no god particle as such, such experiments will help to discover new phinomenons.

Just wondering, why didn't god created internet at the first place, why did he let humans take this credit?? Just like he created world he should have created the internet as well. The internet you are using to post your BS is itself is an engineering marvel, not created by some god.
I heard the Europeans have created this small black hole, not sure if its true, but rumor is that if it goes out of control it can grow and suck everything in.

you cannot create a black hole...... and you cannot sustain it ......a black hole is something with unbelievable gravitational pull that even light is pulled towards it because of its gravitational pull......since light gets pulled into it it appears black....if a black hole was created the earth would have been consumed by now......

the thing is there is always the people with half knowledge that keep spreading crap (creating black hole ) like these.......and they claim to know more than the scientists.....its still kind of pathetic that such crap finds people who believe in them........
The "God Particle" known as the Higgins Boson particle has nothing to do with religious deities.

The Higgs boson is often referred to as "the God particle" by the media,[68] after the title of Leon Lederman's popular science book on particle physics, The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?[69][70] While use of this term may have contributed to increased media interest,[70] many scientists dislike it, since it overstates the particle's importance, not least since its discovery would still leave unanswered questions about the unification of Quantum chromodynamics, the electroweak interaction, and gravity, as well as the ultimate origin of the universe.[68] [71]
Lederman said he gave it the nickname "The God Particle" because the particle is "so central to the state of physics today, so crucial to our understanding of the structure of matter, yet so elusive,"[68][69][72] but jokingly added that a second reason was because "the publisher wouldn't let us call it the Goddamn Particle, though that might be a more appropriate title, given its villainous nature and the expense it is causing."
A renaming competition conducted by the science correspondent for the British Guardian newspaper chose the name "the champagne bottle boson" as the best from among their submissions: "The bottom of a champagne bottle is in the shape of the Higgs potential and is often used as an illustration in physics lectures. So it's not an embarrassingly grandiose name, it is memorable, and [it] has some physics connection too."[73]
I hope we get sucked in by a black hole... Playing God is reserved for the creator only.
:blah: First of all I'm not a Mullah, second of all people like you atheists are very dumb

Aint we already playing God in many respects?

its simple physics for better understanding of the universe around us.
:blah: First of all I'm not a Mullah, second of all people like you atheists are very dumb

atheists were dumb only till the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth and when maggots were born magically from rotten meat

:blah: First of all I'm not a Mullah, second of all people like you atheists are very dumb

atheists were dumb only till the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth and when maggots were born magically from rotten meat
That there could be a God Particle is a lie.

That is such a misnomer! When Leon Lederman wrote his best seller, he originally intended to title it as "The Goddam Particle". The publishers wouldnt have any of it, so they shortened it to "The God Particle" - hence the alias for the 'up till now' elusive subatomic particle! Actually read the book, very interesting!

Although very excited, I would wait till the formal announcement sometime later today!! Watch it live here: NOW

Watch Live: Higgs Boson Announcement

This is HISTORY in the making and I am watching it live!!! Whhhhoooooooooo..........

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