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India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest

I am not having to try very hard at doing anything. There is ample information on Indian designs on BD. There are many writers discussing the subject all over the world. I do not post these article out of hatred for India but the world must be informed about the true nature of India and how they are the main cause of conflict in the region.

Iraq is discussed as its about oil, Iran is discussed as its about access to CAR, NK is discusses as its about Nukes, Pakistan is discussed due to Afghanistan, but why Bangladesh ? Whats Bangaldesh relevance in the world stage? You have nothign to offer to be discussed by worthy authors around the world, ah yes uselss guys whose literature about Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and NK wont be worth a crap would have time to write up about Bangladesh.

India would never want to have this 'head ache' on its shoulders, we are happy to see you 'free'.
I thought it was because Pakistan had Indian POW's in the West and this was an exchange.

Really. 93000 POWs to exchange for few hundred Indian POWs with Pakistan!

But yes, India treated the POWs with humanity (they had better rations than Indian troops!) and made sure they reached home safe and sound.

I am happy for that decision. The passions in Bangladesh at the time would have ensured that these POWs could not be treated as per the Geneva convention. I have read that Bangladesh did demand their handing over to them but India had committed to their safe keeping in the instrument of surrender.
Tell me a simple fact. What do you mean that 99% of Bangladesh was liberated? Liberated from whom? How many Pakistani soldiers surrrendered or were killed during that liberation before India marched in?

Simple questions needing simple fact based answers?

99% is an exaggeration but most of Bangladesh were freed by 3rd December.And many more districts were ready to be freed.
You could have at least use your sense before posting comments which demeans the role of our Heros,no matter what your intention was.

Really? While I have no intention to demean the Bangladeshi freedom fighter's role and the "gopher" comment was for the likes of Munshi, tell me who was the Mukti Bahini representative who got the surrender letter from Niazi? How many surrendered troops remained in Bangladesh after the war was over?

Do you know whey India took the decision to not hand over the POWs to the Mukti? They would have been lynched! Forever condemning any chance of Pak-Bangla friendship ever in the future!

Gen.M A G Osmai was supposed to be there,but he was not in Dhaka at that time,so another representative was there during the surrender.If you look at the surrender letter it states "Gen.Aurrora commander of Indian and Bangladesh forces",this alone proves that Pakistan surrendered to Allied forces not to Indian Army.

Yes you are right,if those 93000 were handed over to freedom fighters,then not more than 10000 would have returned to Pakistan.Just like Russians did with Germans.
For the same reason Sheikh Mujib pardoned many razakars.

Before this gets off topic,I am repeating it again.
"India got what it wanted and Bangladesh got what it wanted.so deal cleared."
It was not for the love of your "younger brothers" but for your own interests.But we still thank you for what you did.So keep it to that level.Don't try to act as Masters.
Iraq is discussed as its about oil, Iran is discussed as its about access to CAR, NK is discusses as its about Nukes, Pakistan is discussed due to Afghanistan, but why Bangladesh ? Whats Bangaldesh relevance in the world stage? You have nothign to offer to be discussed by worthy authors around the world, ah yes uselss guys whose literature about Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and NK wont be worth a crap would have time to write up about Bangladesh.

India would never want to have this 'head ache' on its shoulders, we are happy to see you 'free'.

I would not call what India did freedom. They just put a brand new ball and chain around our necks and put a label on it saying free.

Bangladesh has had a mere 37 years of history while India has double that. Give us a few more years and we will be discussed more frequently and with more importance even if it means we have to shoot a few Indians (in retaliation of course) to get that attention.
99% is an exaggeration but most of Bangladesh were freed by 3rd December.And many more districts were ready to be freed.
You could have at least use your sense before posting comments which demeans the role of our Heros,no matter what your intention was.

You need to still answer how many Pakistani troops surrendered to them or were killed by them?

Were the areas liberated without any resistance by the PA?

Gen.M A G Osmai was supposed to be there,but he was not in Dhaka at that time,so another representative was there during the surrender.If you look at the surrender letter it states "Gen.Aurrora commander of Indian and Bangladesh forces",this alone proves that Pakistan surrendered to Allied forces not to Indian Army.

Yes you are right,if those 93000 were handed over to freedom fighters,then not more than 10000 would have returned to Pakistan.Just like Russians did with Germans.
For the same reason Sheikh Mujib pardoned many razakars.

Before this gets off topic,I am repeating it again.
"India got what it wanted and Bangladesh got what it wanted.so deal cleared."
It was not for the love of your "younger brothers" but for your own interests.But we still thank you for what you did.So keep it to that level.Don't try to act as Masters.

Your own comment about "Gen.Aurrora commander of Indian and Bangladesh forces" proves who led the effort!

But see, I salute your freedom fighters. If someone tries to mess with India's role or starts talking of the so called "looting", I will get back.

It doesn't matter what our interests were or were not. India helped Bangladesh in it's worst hour, saved your lives, honour of your women, recognized your country first (it was by no means sure that it would have been recognized, had India not pulled it's weight).

It is up to you how you see this. As a friendly gesture with gratefulness and friendship or with analysis of what was in it for them!
I would not call what India did freedom. They just put a brand new ball and chain around our necks and put a label on it saying free.

You mean you are still slaves, well then wake up its your mentality.

Bangladesh has had a mere 37 years of history while India has double that. Give us a few more years and we will be discussed more frequently and with more importance even if it means we have to shoot a few Indians (in retaliation of course) to get that attention.

Thats the AQ way, road to fame via Gun. Are you so desperate for attention ?

Bangladesh would be many of those countries who would be insignificant all thru.
99% is an exaggeration but most of Bangladesh were freed by 3rd December.And many more districts were ready to be freed.
You could have at least use your sense before posting comments which demeans the role of our Heros,no matter what your intention was.

Gen.M A G Osmai was supposed to be there,but he was not in Dhaka at that time,so another representative was there during the surrender.If you look at the surrender letter it states "Gen.Aurrora commander of Indian and Bangladesh forces",this alone proves that Pakistan surrendered to Allied forces not to Indian Army.

Yes you are right,if those 93000 were handed over to freedom fighters,then not more than 10000 would have returned to Pakistan.Just like Russians did with Germans.
For the same reason Sheikh Mujib pardoned many razakars.

Before this gets off topic,I am repeating it again.
"India got what it wanted and Bangladesh got what it wanted.so deal cleared."
It was not for the love of your "younger brothers" but for your own interests.But we still thank you for what you did.So keep it to that level.Don't try to act as Masters.

I dont have a problem with what you say. We both got what we wanted, so lets be happy.
You need to still answer how many Pakistani troops surrendered to them or were killed by them?

Were the areas liberated without any resistance by the PA?

They were liberated through severe fights.The Pakistani forces in those areas retreated to their stronghold areas,mainly Dhaka.By end of November,slowly Bangladeshi flags had been hoisted in different districts across Bangladesh.Those areas were freed weeks before Pakistan army surrendered to Allied forces.Just as I am typing this,I am having goose bumps.

The freedom fighters were closing in on Pakistani positions by December 3rd.It would take few weeks to finish things off.
I can't give you what number of Pakistani troops were killed or how many surrendered.Even if they surrendered they probably ended as deads.As the emotion was running so high during that period.

Your own comment about "Gen.Aurrora commander of Indian and Bangladesh forces" proves who led the effort!

What am I saying?It was an Allied operation.And he was chosen as the supreme commandar but that does not mean Indian forces did bulk of the fighting.They just put the final nails on the coffin.Just accelerated the process.The condition of Pakistan army by december was such that,they were bound to lose anyway.

Moreover,Bangladesh still did not have an official armed forces.We were guerilla fighters,using tactics similar to viet cong.So it is understandable why Gen.Aurora was made Supreme Commander of Allied forces.
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Bangladesh would be many of those countries who would be insignificant all thru.

I beg to differ on that.Had we allowed China to set up naval base In Chittagong,Indian policymakers would be doing this:hitwall::hitwall:

No country is insignificant,as every country has its unique abilities.So lets get back to the topic now.
We attacked and was greeted by cheers !!!

And you were also booted by cheers. And now today India is blaming Bangladesh for terrorism in India. After many years the Bangladeshis are becoming aware of Indian designs against BD.
And you were also booted by cheers. And now today India is blaming Bangladesh for terrorism in India. After many years the Bangladeshis are becoming aware of Indian designs against BD.

Booted ? Booted? The only guys who were booted was Pakistanis.
To Vinod2070:

The Commander of Eastern Command of the Pakistan Army, Lt. General A. A. K. Niazi surrendered to the commander of the joint Indo-Bangladesh force and the chief of Indian eastern command Lt. General Jagjit Singh Aurora. The Bangladesh Forces were represented at the ceremony by Group Captain AK Khondakar.
What am I saying?It was an Allied operation.And he was chosen as the supreme commandar but that does not mean Indian forces did bulk of the fighting.They just put the final nails on the coffin.Just accelerated the process.

I'm afraid I will have to differ with you over here brother. Had it not been for the Indian Army, there would not have been a Bangladesh. The PA had defeated the Indian backed rebels (albeit at great cost to the civilian population) and cleared them from the cities and large areas of country-side. It was the Indian invasion which sent things to hell for us. The credit must go to the Indians here, they organized and pumped the brutal insurrection and then didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the PA’s weakened military and diplomatic disposition. I can provide loads more information to you in this regard, if you require.

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