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India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest

How is this off topic. My posts shows that Munshi is trying "very hard" to show that India is a enemy off BD. These posts shows that infact India and BD are making progress. You always have some difference with you neibours. Canada and USA have differences over Arctic land, there is area in Arctic which claimed both by US and Canada. But it doesn't mean US trying to take over Canada. That's how we have some difference with BD and governments of both nations are trying to work through dialoge. Munshi can't see past his hatered toward India and I am trying to show that he is trying to mislead us by making firey comments toward India based on some anti-India news which is "Highly" biased.

I am not having to try very hard at doing anything. There is ample information on Indian designs on BD. There are many writers discussing the subject all over the world. I do not post these article out of hatred for India but the world must be informed about the true nature of India and how they are the main cause of conflict in the region.
I am not having to try very hard at doing anything. There is ample information on Indian designs on BD. There are many writers discussing the subject all over the world. I do not post these article out of hatred for India but the world must be informed about the true nature of India and how they are the main cause of conflict in the region.

I think cause of problem in this sub continest are extremists not India. The country who saved Bangladesh lives and helped you earn self rule cannot be cause of problems. You say that you dont hate India, but I think you are in denial. What was the last you posted something about the progress Indian Bangladesh are making? Sure we have some differences but which neibour doesn't?
Baimani ki bhi hadd hoti hai. Munshi, do u know how the mukti bahini was created? India trained its cadets from the bangladeshi refuge camp. 10 million bangladeshis fleed to India, your grandpa was probably one of them. Ask him how he was treated in India? There was no shortage for food for them, at a time when there was food scarcity in India. 4000 indian soldiers gave away there lives to liberate you. I am not saying that liberating bangladesh did not involve india's interests, but u should appreciate our contribution. Even today 5 lakh bangladeshi migrants work in India and remmit money back to BD. And by the way, dont forget that an Indian has written the national anthem of BD--amar sonar bangla.

I know very well how the Mukti Bahnini was created. I wrote a book on the subject. This, however, does not take care of the issue that Indian did everything in its own interest and since 1971 has treated Bangladesh as a colony to be colonized and abused. Unfortunately both my granddads passed away many years ago but I do know other freedom fighters and they have unpleasant memories about India and their experiences there. Whatever contribution India did have has been wasted away by your nations arrogance and nefarious agenda to dominate and control the region. Yes there are some Bangladeshis in India remitting money back here but we have our 3 lakhs Indians in this country sending that money right back. There is virtually no economic benefit for Bangladesh but it is tolerated because otherwise the Indian economy would collapse in its eastern half.
Is there any doubt about the tittle? Why Hindu India would come to the rescue of Muslims when the same Muslims separated from India 1947 based on two nation theory and lets not forget Muslim from bengle were forefront for the cause of Pakistan. Only the fool, ignorant box mentality people will believe that India helped east Pakistani form Sheer love.
True, but separation doesn't mean eternal enmity and animosity. Actually, it gives the opportunity for the opposite to develop: feelings of friendship over the fence, rather than domination from within.
Actually that gratitude evaporated within the first 3 years of independence and eventually led to the death of Sheikh Mujib whose party was pushing us ever closer to India.

If that was the case, then Bangladesh would not have elected Sheikh Mujib's daughter Sheikh Hasina (who by your own admission is pro India) with such overwhelming majority in the recent elections;)
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By Mohammad Zainal Abedin

What language, Pinak Ranjan Chokrabartee, the Indian High Commission in Bangladesh, who has already been branded by some analysts as Indian Governor in Bangladesh, for his naked and direct dictation to Bangladesh, should use condemning Indian plunder in Bangladesh in 1971? He said Bangladesh could not get its independence so early lest India militarily involved itself in our war of liberation. Through its participation in our war of liberation India, in the truest sense of the term, as if, restarted the Maratha cavalry attacks of 18th century Bengal. India now repeats the same in Bangladesh. It only changed the version and technique of plundering Bangladesh. Maratha cavalry attacked Bengal in broad daylight and looted, but modern Indian bandits loot Bangladesh under the cover of friendship.

Pinak claimed that without Indian military involvement Bangladesh liberation war could be prolonged. I fully agreed with his comment. But Indian policies and activities over the last 37 years uncovered the truth that India militarily involved in our war of liberation not for our sake, but entirely for the sake of India?s hegemonic and economic interest. The events and incidents that occurred since 1972 prove that it could be better for Bangladesh if we could liberate our country ourselves. India did not allow us to be liberated without Indian assistance.

Indians do not have any legal and moral rights to claim that it liberated Bangladesh. When we were on the verge of victory and liberated about 99 per cent portion of Bangladesh, except some pockets of urban areas, India declared war against Pakistan. When we, the freedom fighters, made the defeat of the Pakistan forces inevitable, India, for a number of ulterior reasons, directly involved in this war under the disguise of so-called allied forces. India earlier fought twice with Pakistan, but suffered shameful defeat.

In 1971 India though claimed its victory over Pakistan in Bangladesh, its forces could not capture even a district in West Pakistan, rather hundreds of thousands of Indian soldiers were captured by Pakistani troops and many Indian soldiers surrendered to Pakistan. So the so-called victory of Indian army in Bangladesh against Pakistan was possible due to the Bangladeshis in general and the freedom fighters in particular. Pinak directly admitted that the freedom fighter could liberate the country, however, later on. Yes, we the freedom fighters desired so. We never wanted India’s direct military involvement in our war of liberation.

Our leaders failed to foresee the ultimate outcome of Indian friendship would be so sour, bitter and suicidal. If they could anticipate in
what treacherous way India, in the name of friendship, would behave with us they would prefer to die, rather agreeing to take India’s military assistance. It is now known to all that India compelled the then revolutionary government of Bangladesh, exiled in India, to sign in an uneven agreement that paved the way for India to invade Bangladesh under the cover of allied forces. Our fake friends now through their overt and covert designs and hegemonic policies dream to make us their slaves. We are going to lose our independence to India.

During Pakistan period we could raise slogans against Pakistani exploitation and we could demand to stop such exploitation. Now India not only exploits us more nakedly, but also ruins our country applying many-fold designs. Our leaders could not imagine that after the dismemberment of Pakistan, India would pose to become our master under the cover of friendship and conspire to annex our country to India.

If we were allowed to liberate our country ourselves, India would not get the chance to loot our country after 16th December that included machineries and accessories of jute mills, textile mills, sugar mills, steel mills and their raw materials stored in the godowns, food, banks, markets, schools, colleges, universities, even residential houses and offices, even toilet materials of worth Tk. 90,000 crores. On the other hand, India misappropriated cash money and relief materials like food, baby food, clothes, blankets, medicines, etc., that were donated by several international agencies and groups for the Bangladeshi refugees sheltered in India in 1971. India took away all the arms and ammunitions, equipment and military-related materials to India which, were later distributed among the three branches of Indian armed forces. Poor India boomed within years with the money that the Indian army looted after 16th December. India arrested all the 93,000 soldiers of Pakistan to India and used them as tool to release the Indian soldiers arrested in Pakistan in 1971.

Besides, India compelled Pakistan to sign uneven treaty in exchange of releasing Pakistani troops from Indian jails. It is difficult to calculate how many billions of dollars India looted from Bangladesh through monopoly business since 1972. Through the independence war of Bangladesh India was immensely benefited economically, militarily, strategically, and internationally. So India involved in our war of liberation was for Indian interest, not for us.

India now keeps Bangladesh economically poor and shaky and politically disunited and disturbed. India undertook many criminal policies in order to make Bangladesh initially a subservient country and finally a part of India. It is never possible to present statistics and the extent of property worth of how many billions dollars were damaged by India’s overt and covert subversive activities in Bangladesh. None has the actual records how many billions of dollars Bangladesh lost in its agriculture, fishery, communication, industry, health and housing sectors due to India?s blockade of water during the dry season and flooding it during the rainy season. It is equally difficult to enumerate how much amount of money Bangladesh lost over the years due to Indian sabotage and subversive activities. All these might not be possible, if we did not take Indian help in 1971. Pinak Ranjan or

Jacob or all other Indians should remain grateful to us as it was our liberation war that paved way for India to emerge economically solvent, militarily strong and regionally and strategically powerful.


Munshi, didn't you feel ashamed to post such tripe!

Tell me if the "Freedom fighters" were so capable, how many Pakistani units surrendered to them? We all know there were 93,000 POWs who surrendered to India!

They were "gophers" who needed the professional Indian army to come and finish what these gophers had started. They would have been wiped out in months were it not for India. Everyone and his uncle knows that.

Henry Kissinger described the then "East Pakistan" as a basket case for a reason. So many feel that is a condemned piece of real estate that can never stand on its two feet. I guess people like you prove that day in and day out!

I can't even begin to go into the absurdity that this post is. Let me not even try.
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It is what is called revisionist history. As the days pass, such people will go on increasing the role of these "freedom fighters" and diminishing the role of the Indian army in the liberation.

Talking about the "loot" will come in handy in trying to demonize those who protected their lives and honor of their women and kids. Those who saved them from an ongoing genocide in which the "freedom fighters" could not even force a slack. The claimed sum of the "loot" from a land that was bitterly complaining of economic discrimination and was and still is endemically poor will slowly go on increasing to ever more ridiculous amounts.

I guess 90,000 cr Taka is already many times more than all the wealth that was ever there in Bangladesh at that point and surely many times more than the combined GDP of the whole of the two wings Pakistan at the point! But then these idiot just need to make the most outlandish claim and let the world figure out their stupidity.

Sadly for these idiots and revisionists, the facts scream at their face and the war has been very well recorded. Anyone who wants can see the news stories of the day, see the youtube videos of a grateful Bangladeshi ambassador promising that Bangladesh will be eternally grateful to India and calling India their saviours. You can't wish it away, even if you want to. The facts will always scream back at you.
Indians do not have any legal and moral rights to claim that it liberated Bangladesh. When we were on the verge of victory and liberated about 99 per cent portion of Bangladesh, except some pockets of urban areas, India declared war against Pakistan. When we, the freedom fighters, made the defeat of the Pakistan forces inevitable, India, for a number of ulterior reasons, directly involved in this war under the disguise of so-called allied forces.


This is very true.India need not to intervene directly because the war was almost over.Pakistani troops were demoralised.India's indirect help was enough to defeat Pakistan.

This is also the reason that many freedom fighters including Zainul Abedin who himself is a freedom fighter feels their credit was taken away by India.And that India did that just to take the credit and also for various other reasons,not going too deep into it.

Our independence would come,may be a few days later but it would have come,with the indirect support of India only.

Off course India had their interests,otherwise they would not have helped Bangladesh.May be a few individuals helped for humanitarian cause but the Indian govt. policy had its interest as its priority.Good for Indian people but not "so good" for us.
Lol. Without India, there would practically have been no Bangladesh. I do see a lot of Bangladeshi's trying to fool themselves that India jumped in only at the end. It was India that started and fanned the damned thing, armed the mukti bahini and whatnot. Yet in the end, IA had to enter directly.

They didn't have to enter the war.Get this words clearly.The war was almost over by december 3rd,with most of Bangladesh almost freed.

No one is ignoring the fact that India did not support us indirectly.Read the first article.

BTW it is not written by Mr.Munshi,as many here is mistaking it as,but by Zainul Abedin.Who was a freedom fighter and was in fact trained by India.

So keep your "Bulleying" tactics to yourself.We hate it here in Bangladesh.Don't like any one acting as masters,get that.:angry:
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Baimani ki bhi hadd hoti hai. Munshi, do u know how the mukti bahini was created? India trained its cadets from the bangladeshi refuge camp. 10 million bangladeshis fleed to India, your grandpa was probably one of them. Ask him how he was treated in India? There was no shortage for food for them, at a time when there was food scarcity in India. 4000 indian soldiers gave away there lives to liberate you. I am not saying that liberating bangladesh did not involve india's interests, but u should appreciate our contribution. Even today 5 lakh bangladeshi migrants work in India and remmit money back to BD. And by the way, dont forget that an Indian has written the national anthem of BD--amar sonar bangla.

No one denies India's help in liberation war,in Bangladesh.Take a look at our medias in case you don't believe.

We always say Bangladesh won its freedom with India's help,whenever we talk about our independence.

But some Indian people are into "I am Superior to you" kind of mood.That's why we often hear words like "we liberated you".
Now I don't hear Americans claim we freed world from Hitler,rather we hear "Allied Forces" freed the world from Hitler.
Unfortunately some of our Indian friends tend to forget that.But we always say "Mitra Bahini"(Allied force) while talking about liberation war.

Do not try to be our masters.India got what it wanted and Bangladesh got what it wanted.So deal cleared.We don't need a big brother,we know very well to run our country,be it poor,but we are better on our own.
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Munshi, didn't you feel ashamed to post such tripe!

Tell me if the "Freedom fighters" were so capable, how many Pakistani units surrendered to them? We all know there were 93,000 POWs who surrendered to India!

They were "gophers" who needed the professional Indian army to come and finish what these gophers had started. They would have been wiped out in months were it not for India. Everyone and his uncle knows that.

Many of the freedom fighters were from Pakistan army,East Pakistan Rifles,Police,navy.Who defected from Pakistan in the early days of fighting.Major Zia ur Rahman,Khalid Mosharraf and more.They were the sector commanders.

It is true freedom fighters needed Indian arms and training.As many were university students and farmers.But that does not mean Indian Army had to intervene.We were not losing the war,so why did they have to enter?
Do some research and come back.

CORRECTION to your faulty post:

93000 Pakistani troops surrendered to ALLIED force,not to Indian Army.Got that?
Same old "I am superior" syndrom.:angry:
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Thank you Leonblack08 for clarifying the issues.

I should repeat the main points in that I did NOT write the article and the person who did is a recognized freedom fighter.
Many of the freedom fighters were from Pakistan army,East Pakistan Rifles,Police,navy.Who defected from Pakistan in the early days of fighting.Major Zia ur Rahman,Khalid Mosharraf and more.They were the sector commanders.

It is true freedom fighters needed Indian arms and training.As many were university students and farmers.But that does not mean Indian Army had to intervene.We were not losing the war,so why did they have to enter?
Do some research and come back.

Tell me a simple fact. What do you mean that 99% of Bangladesh was liberated? Liberated from whom? How many Pakistani soldiers surrrendered or were killed during that liberation before India marched in?

Simple questions needing simple fact based answers?

CORRECTION to your faulty post:

93000 Pakistani troops surrendered to ALLIED force,not to Indian Army.Got that?
Same old "I am superior" syndrom.:angry:

Really? While I have no intention to demean the Bangladeshi freedom fighter's role and the "gopher" comment was for the likes of Munshi, tell me who was the Mukti Bahini representative who got the surrender letter from Niazi? How many surrendered troops remained in Bangladesh after the war was over?

Do you know why India took the decision to not hand over the POWs to the Mukti? They would have been lynched! Forever condemning any chance of Pak-Bangla friendship ever in the future!
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Do you know why India took the decision to not hand over the POWs to the Mukti? They would have been lynched! Forever condemning any chance of Pak-Bangla friendship ever in the future!

I thought it was because Pakistan had Indian POW's in the West and this was an exchange.
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