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World Is Embracing Islaam

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Fasih Khan

Apr 1, 2010
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Mash’ Allah, As World Conscience is awakening the World is Embracing Islam. Word Islam means peace and it is for one to submit him / her self to Allah SWT (The God Almighty) and earn eternal peace in this life and hereafter. In this thread we'd be posting the people with the light, sharing their views about Islam, Insha' Allah.

The Rise of Islam in Japan(1/2) - YouTube

The Rise of Islam in Japan(2/2) - YouTube

The Dutch are coming to Islam 1/2 - YouTube

The Dutch are coming to Islam 2/2 - YouTube
Dear, these threads generally turn into troll fest and hurts religious sentiments of many people. Kindly refrain from posting any religion based thread.
Just wait for the liberal mullahs and molvianis of defence.pk.:lol:
There is no point in opening threads like this.
Indians will only turn it into a troll fest and use it as a medium to air their absolute hatred for Muslims and Islam.
There is no point in opening threads like this.
Indians will only turn it into a troll fest and use it as a medium to air their absolute hatred for Muslims and Islam.

Great logic for not opening Islam / Pakistan based threads. And why can't Indians be brought to the book, If they don't stop ruining every thread on PDF (Pakistan Defence Forum).

ISLAM: The Fastest Growing Religion in the World - YouTube

Why's Islam nothing but the Truth !!!

100% proof the Qur'an is The Word of God. - YouTube
This is meant to be a troll thread
I guess i am gonna start a thread with the title starting with

"Hinduism is the best religon of the world"

And hope moderators and fasih khan wont have problems with that....
I've got no problem with Islam, or any religion for that matter. But what really, really gets down my nose is the preaching/force feeding done by many religions. Just yesterday I was volunteering at a hospital when some Christian came up to me, handed me a leaflet on how great Jesus is and told me to read it carefully. Now she asked me of I was a Christian which I responded "no" and she still give me the leaflet! This kind of praying on the unaware is just sickening. Now what right does any religion have to say it is better than any other religion? What right does any religion have to go out and try and convert others? I have always been told throughout my life that religion is a choice of an induvidual and every person is free to chose their own path and that ultimately all religions are different paths to the same end- this is what Sikhi believes and is why Sikhism has no such thing as missionaries. Now this intolerance of other relgions that spurs on missionary work is the same intolerance responsible for the slaughter of millions in the name of relgion over the years.
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