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Going ‘miskeen’ in Saudi Arabia

Good and bad people in every society
Generally, arabs dont treat our(indians, pakistanis, bangalis etc) people nicely
1. Some of Our own people are antiques, silly and some time like jokers
2. Arabs consider themselves superior and powerful as they lack moral values,good education and family setup
Most of their parents life is spent on marrying and counting children how u can expect them to give their children proper values, i doubt even they can remember their names, may be can mark or put numbers from 1-50 or even more

I would prefer to stay hungry in pakistan rather than working in any arab country
Indeed sir an opinion can only be made if one were to experience these people first hand and so I do suggest you to continue your stay on this forum and witness for yourself how much 'unprovoked' love are these Arabs subjected to by many of your and my compatriots. At times one feels like burying one's head in shame !

Good responses by you in this thread.
Though I have never been to any Arab country I have dealt with Arabs in North America and they are just fine human beings. It is a shame that some Pakistanis here bash Arabs in general--a group of 300 million people, spread over 20+ countries!--because of their real or perceived personal bad encounters.
I will add some more: Here in North America I am quite a well-adjusted person in every sense of the word. Most of my friends are white--though it was not by design. But even here it is not beyond drunk guys--I hang out at bars quite a bit and drunk people are different people quite often --to pass either overt or suggestive very insulting racist remarks. Since Feb. of this year alone I can count at least three times that has happened. But I am not going to form a negative opinion about the 'whites' because of these few incidents when I know that an overwhelming numbers of Americans and Canadian are okay in dealing with me.

Oh, beggars can never be choosers. And people of new-riches and/or lack of personal maturity are abundant in poorer countries: They exist in Pakistan just as they do in KSA or elsewhere.
LOL - It wasn't the "Message" per-se, it was message over message over message over message. Now what does that signify? It shows that: You ****, mend your ways. :D

By the way, I don't know what has an edge. Martial arts vs noora kushti? Kidding! :D

Or maybe an Angel whispered in God's ear 'Pssst...lets try the Asians for once...maybe it'll work better' and God went 'You Mad Brah !' :woot:

BlackEagle - If thats you then know this 'You've got girly arms...lift some weights, brother !' :woot:
Slaughtered by whom ? Arabs...? Or Pakistanis...? If I'm stupid enough to strap a bomb to my body and blow up a military picket thinking that its Jihad and the Government of Pakistan couldn't stop the indoctrination to begin with, is it our fault ? Or someone else's ? Besides the Saudi version of Islam in Pakistan is called 'Ahl-e-Sunnat wal jammat'....the Talibunnies, the AQ guys and our very own OBL holidaying in Abbottabad were 'Deobandi' for the first and 'Qutubi' for the other two ! So why blame the poor Wahabi when he didn't even influence them ?
Armstrong buddy, are you a Pathan? Is your home in S or N Waziristan or any other tribal agency? Are you polylingual? Were you there in the 80's and 90's? Did you serve time in any service(s)? I am, and have done all of it. So a lesson to me will be pointless!
By the way all things aside, why are you so protective of these people anyways?
Or maybe an Angel whispered in God's ear 'Pssst...lets try the Asians for once...maybe it'll work better' and God went 'You Mad Brah !' :woot:

BlackEagle - If thats you then know this 'You've got girly arms...lift some weights, brother !' :woot:

He is not me, you know, it's just a random pic. :bunny:
By the way, BLACKEAGLE, I used to be very nice person half a decade ago, minding my own work :D

And none of things I have written are applicable to you! So chill.
Armstrong buddy, are you a Pathan? Is your home in S or N Waziristan or any other tribal agency? Are you polylingual? Were you there in the 80's and 90's? Did you serve time in any service(s)? I am, and have done all of it? So a lesson to me will be pointless!
By the way all things aside, why are you so protective of these people anyways?

Nope, none of them above, I'm afraid ! But do share with us what you saw over there that incontrovertibly implicates 'the Arabs' in this !

And I'm not protective of them or anyone but BlackEagle is my friend and judging by how my family has been received in the Arab Lands...I do have soft-spot for them ! Plus I've personally not come across anything to suggest castigating the Arabs the way some of us do on PDF...if you have please do share !
Good responses by you in this thread.
Though I have never been to any Arab country I have dealt with Arabs in North America and they are just fine human beings. It is a shame that some Pakistanis here bash Arabs in general--a group of 300 million people, spread over 20+ countries!--because of their real or perceived personal bad encounters.
I will add some more: Here in North America I am quite a well-adjusted person in every sense of the word. Most of my friends are white--though it was not by design. But even here it is not beyond drunk guys--I hang out at bars quite a bit and drunk people are different people quite often --to pass either overt or suggestive very insulting racist remarks. Since Feb. of this year alone I can count at least three times that has happened. But I am not going to form a negative opinion about the 'whites' because of these few incidents when I know that an overwhelming numbers of Americans and Canadian are okay in dealing with me.

Totally agree with you!

Oh, beggars can never be choosers. And people of new-riches and/or lack of personal maturity are abundant in poorer countries: They exist in Pakistan just as they do in KSA or elsewhere.

Now that I don't agree with. Taking advantage of a person who can't defend him/herself or is in direstraits? Nopes.. No way that I'll agree to that!
Unsure on whether the article is speaking about the intolerance exhibited by Arabs in general or simply why Pakistanis(part of the honorable Ummah) are also being subjected to it.
their country their rules

Hello, what nonsense, first they want their version of twisted islam-edited sharia enforced on Pakistan and many other S. Asian countries and on the other hand they have their fked up Rules "my arse my country". Remember if 35%+ of asian work force leave saudi arabia they'll be a big vacuum and economy will start to crumble, imagine 75% work force imported from outside on extremely minimal wages, they leave saudi arabia or any other arab nation arab nations are in deep shyt, remember it was pakistan-india-bangladesh-sri lanka-philippines that took almost all jobs to help saudis or for the fact arab states reach where they are today pay some respect to these nations, these arabs are getting arrogant day by day.

Remember (hubsha) Ethiopia; They did not kicked out muslim asylum seekers at the time of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H, remember Jews-chritians lived in Arabia of that time Prophet did not throw them out of Arabia, so how did my country my rules came about do you know these idiots in early 90s-2000s went to Montreal only purpose to have army of babies because government pays handsome welfare each kid under 18 gets $200, literally, when I went their i saw these Saudis-egyptians-labnese and other arabs with 7-9 Kids every arab family not less than 6 Kids a must and considered normal...quit praising them.

It is time you people realize you need to support and take an all out side of Pakistanis working in saudi arabia or any other arab state instead of running away because a saudi will catch your dhoty.
Nope, none of them above, I'm afraid ! But do share with us what you saw over there that incontrovertibly implicates 'the Arabs' in this !

And I'm not protective of them or anyone but BlackEagle is my friend and judging by how my family has been received in the Arab Lands...I do have soft-spot for them ! Plus I've personally not come across anything to suggest castigating the Arabs the way some of us do on PDF...if you have please do share !

I'm leaving BLACKEAGLE alone. Good enough? :D Rest you don't need a history lesson from me.. You're bright enough!
Hello, what nonsense, first they want their version of twisted islam-edited sharia enforced on Pakistan and many other S. Asian countries and on the other hand they have their fked up Rules "my arse my country". Remember if 35%+ of asian work force leave saudi arabia they'll be a big vacuum and economy will start to crumble, imagine 75% work force imported from outside on extremely minimal wages, they leave saudi arabia or any other arab nation arab nations are in deep shyt, remember it was pakistan-india-bangladesh-sri lanka-philippines that took almost all jobs to help saudis or for the fact arab states reach where they are today pay some respect to these nations, these arabs are getting arrogant day by day.

Remember (hubsha) Ethiopia; They did not kicked out muslim asylum seekers at the time of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H, remember Jews-chritians lived in Arabia of that time Prophet did not throw them out of Arabia, so how did my country my rules came about do you know these idiots in early 90s-2000s went to Montreal only purpose to have army of babies because government pays handsome welfare each kid under 18 gets $200, literally, when I went their i saw these Saudis-egyptians-labnese and other arabs with 7-9 Kids every arab family not less than 6 Kids a must and considered normal...quit praising them.

It is time you people realize you need to support and take an all out side of Pakistanis working in saudi arabia or any other arab state instead of running away because a saudi will catch your dhoty.
Thank God.. There are people with my mindset out-there. I thought I was alone :D
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