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12 years jail for Mohammed cartoon plotters


Mar 16, 2011
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A DANISH court last night sentenced four men to 12 years jail after finding them guilty of terrorism over a plot to kill the staff of a newspaper that first published cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.

District Court chief judge Katrine Eriksen said the three Swedes and one Tunisian living in Sweden were unanimously convicted of plotting a shooting spree at the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Copenhagen.

Sahbi Ben Mohamed Zalouti, Munir Awad and Omar Abdalla Aboelazm -- all Swedish citizens of Tunisian, Lebanese and Moroccan origin, respectively -- and Tunisian Mounir Ben Mohamed Dhahri were found not guilty of a secondary charge of weapons possession due to a technicality, she said.

Prosecutors had charged that the four men had planned to "kill a large number of people" at the offices of the Jyllands-Posten when they were arrested on December 29, 2010.

The daily paper in 2005 published a dozen cartoons of Mohammed that triggered violent and sometimes deadly protests around the world.

Prosecutors had asked that the four, aged 31 to 46, be sentenced to 16 years' jail, four years more than the usual maximum for conspiracy to commit a terrorist act.

Prosecutor Gyrithe Ulrich told Jyllands-Posten yesterday that "this case is different" and "should result in a stricter penalty". "This was not just initial preparations as we have seen in other cases," she said. "In this case we were very close."

Both sides have 14 days to appeal the verdict and sentencing.

"We are very satisfied with the result of 12 years," Ms Ulrich said after the sentencing. She had yet to decide whether to appeal.

A machine-gun with a silencer, a revolver, 108 bullets, 200 plastic handcuff strips and $US20,000 were among the items found in the men's possession when they were arrested.

Danish police, who had been collaborating with their Swedish counterparts and had been wiretapping the men, said they swooped on them just after hearing them say they were going to the Jyllands-Posten office building, which also houses Denmark's newspaper of reference, Politiken.

At a prayer service in Denmark before their arrest, the men were heard on a surveillance tape saying "when you meet the infidels, cut their throats".

The prosecutor claimed that Dhahri, 46, was the mastermind.

The group left Stockholm on December 28, 2010, and headed across to Copenhagen, where three of them were arrested the next morning.

The four all denied the terrorism charge, but Dhahri pleaded guilty to arms possession.

Prosecutors said during the trial that the target of the suspected plot was likely an award ceremony celebrating the "Sporting Newcomer of the Year" at the Jyllands-Posten building.

In addition to a number of sports celebrities, Danish Crown Prince Frederik was present at the ceremony, but prosecutors said the four did not appear to have known he was there and that he was probably not their target.

During the trial, prosecutors also charged that the men had been planning on attacking other random buildings if they were unable to get into the newspaper building.
Become an istant celebrity and get VIP security from your Government..
All you have to do is Make cartoons of Muslim Religios icons and or write milacious material agains Islam/ Muslim..
The Infidals will love you,and give you their hottest chick even if you look like a dog (Salman Rushdee)
Become an istant celebrity and get VIP security from your Government..
All you have to do is Make cartoons of Muslim Religios icons and or write milacious material agains Islam/ Muslim..
The Infidals will love you,and give you their hottest chick even if you look like a dog (Salman Rushdee)

I disagree with the cartoons they were offensives however actions like trying to burn down and embassy and blowing up buildings isn't the answer these guys would have made the situation 10 times worse.
I disagree with the cartoons they were offensives however actions like trying to burn down and embassy and blowing up buildings isn't the answer these guys would have made the situation 10 times worse.

I dont know how solid the evidence was against them..These days Muslims get prison sentence on Random MSN chats..
But if they really were trying to do that ofcourse its wrong...
I dont know how solid the evidence was against them..These days Muslims get prison sentence on Random MSN chats..
But if they really were trying to do that ofcourse its wrong...

Yesterday 20-25 men attacked a police station in Bruxelles because the wife of one of them refused to remove the burqa (illegal), in the process (of removal) headbutted a female police officer. She got away only with questioning.

Prison sentences out of random chats huh....
Yesterday 20-25 men attacked a police station in Bruxelles because the wife of one of them refused to remove the burqa (illegal), in the process (of removal) headbutted a female police officer. She got away only with questioning.

Prison sentences out of random chats huh....

The Belgian hate monger, who calls himself Abu Imran:


Convicted of inciting hate and violence against non-Muslims, but is roaming around free because he was not present at the hearing. :lol:

Also wanted in Morocco in connection with drug trafficking.:rolleyes:
"We have no respect for your way of life, you way of thinking (...) our system, religion, values are superior to yours (...) Accept sharia or leave Belgium"

Another model citizen :D

http://www.rtl.be/info/belgique/soci...haria4belgium- << in French, use Google translate.

the authorities are currently looking into "abolishing" his citizenship and deporting him back to Morocco. :cry:................:lol:
Another model citizen :D

http://www.rtl.be/info/belgique/soci...haria4belgium- << in French, use Google translate.

the authorities are currently looking into "abolishing" his citizenship and deporting him back to Morocco. :cry:................:lol:

The guy repeatedly says he hates and rejects democracy and does not acknowledge kaffir authority and laws. Yet he did not join his lunatic friends in Amsterdam last week to hold a public presentation/provocation (one of those baboons was Anjem Choudary btw), out of fear for being deported to Morocco (Belgium has no treaty). So somehow in this case democracy and the kaffir judiciary system were much more appealing to him than his original Muslim country.

Gathering of these idiots (Looks like Anjem Choudry got almost *****-slapped):

I support cortoonist but I really hate how Denmark dealt with this stuation... I think this cartoon says it all...

I support cortoonist but I really hate how Denmark dealt with this stuation... I think this cartoon says it all...


How so? Holocaust denial is not a crime in Denmark, as far as I know.

You know what's scary? Not an archaic law, which was meant to protect the Jews after their ordeal in the second World War (I don't agree with this legislation btw) but this:

Schools 'avoid Holocaust lessons'

Some schools avoid teaching the Holocaust and other controversial history subjects as they do not want to cause offence, research has claimed.
Teachers fear meeting anti-Semitic sentiment, particularly from Muslim pupils, the government-funded study by the Historical Association said.

It also said the way the slave trade was taught could leave both white and black children feeling alienated.

Ministers in England had asked for guidance on teaching emotive subjects.

When he commissioned the report last year, schools minister Lord Adonis said the national curriculum encouraged teachers to choose content "likely to resonate in their multicultural classrooms" - but some found it difficult to do that.

The Historical Association report claimed: "Teachers and schools avoid emotive and controversial history for a variety of reasons, some of which are well-intentioned.

"Staff may wish to avoid causing offence or appearing insensitive to individuals or groups in their classes.

"In particular settings, teachers of history are unwilling to challenge highly contentious or charged versions of history in which pupils are steeped at home, in their community or in a place of worship."

The report gave the example of a history department in a northern city which decided not to teach the Holocaust as a topic for GCSE coursework.

'Worrying picture'

It cited another school which taught the Holocaust, but then avoided teaching the Crusades because "balanced treatment" of the topic would have challenged what some local mosques were teaching.

Emotive issues such as the slave trade can be taught too blandly, portraying Afro-Caribbeans as victims and isolating black children, the report said.

But when teachers downplay the role of the white authorities in abolishing the slave trade, white children can become alienated.

The report called for resources, which were scarce at present, to be made available to teach controversial and emotional history subjects.

Initial teacher training should include more attention on how to teach these subjects and a better research base should be made available to teachers, it said.

And further research into the issue, particularly the attitudes of different groups, families and individuals' to difficult subjects, needed to be carried out.

A government review of citizenship education recommended that all pupils should learn about issues such as slavery and the legacy of the British Empire.

A Department of Education and Skills spokesman said there was scope for schools to make their own decision on what to teach within the national curriculum

But he added: "Teaching of the Holocaust is already compulsory in schools at Key Stage 3 [age 11-14].

"It will remain so in the new Key Stage 3 curriculum from September 2008.

"As Alan Johnson made clear in January there are certain subjects which will be protected in the new curriculum and that includes the Holocaust."

The department and Understanding Slavery have launched a citizenship resource and a national competition, debate and showcase for Key Stage 3 students to explore the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade.

A Commission for Racial Equality spokesman said the Historical Association report painted a "worrying picture".

"The teaching of history provides the perfect forum for stimulating the development of shared values that are essential if everyone is to contribute and play a full part in an integrated British society."

It was essential that teachers were supported in developing the confidence and expertise to discuss all historical periods and events in a balanced and sensitive way, the spokesman said.

BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Schools 'avoid Holocaust lessons'
The Holocaust, which should have remained a symbol of never again for all humanity has been politicized, commercialized and trivialized by the Israelis as a cheap knee-jerk shield for their own crimes. Even Israeli politicians, Knesset members, and prominent Holocaust survivors have blasted the indiscriminate abuse of the Holocaust memory by the Israelis.

The victims of the Holocaust will never forgive the Zionists for how they have cheapened their memory.
The guy repeatedly says he hates and rejects democracy and does not acknowledge kaffir authority and laws. Yet he did not join his lunatic friends in Amsterdam last week to hold a public presentation/provocation (one of those baboons was Anjem Choudary btw), out of fear for being deported to Morocco (Belgium has no treaty). So somehow in this case democracy and the kaffir judiciary system were much more appealing to him than his original Muslim country.

Gathering of these idiots (Looks like Anjem Choudry got almost *****-slapped):


I can't understand why your governments allow people like these to roam and preach freely. These people move to your countries , preach hate against your people , and get away due to liberal judicial systems. How messed up is that? Just deport them back to Africa or the deserts they come from.
I can't understand why your governments allow people like these to roam and preach freely.

Western governments and media absolute LOVE people like these. They provide justification for invasive domestic legislation giving power to the government, and the media loves them for the sensationalist value.
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