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India Not To Accept Any UN Resolution!!!

Invincible INDIAN

May 18, 2011
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India Not To Accept Any UN Resolution

Defence News - India Not To Accept Any UN Resolution

Indian Defence Minister Krishna Menon yesterday threatened that the ceasefire agreement in Kashmir would exist no longer if Pakistan bartered away "India's legal rights over Azad Kashmir" to China.


Indian Defence Minister Krishna Menon yesterday threatened that the ceasefire agreement in Kashmir would exist no longer if Pakistan bartered away “India’s legal rights over Azad Kashmir” to China. Mr Menon, who was addressing a public meeting at Sapru House, said India has “never abjured the use of force” though it has promised not to take the initiative to change the present position in Kashmir by force in spite of her “legal and moral right over the territory”.

Let there be no illusion, he added, that the Indian Army would strike where and when necessary if Pakistan commits aggression against Kashmir. Mr Menon alleged that the Security Council was committing a violation of the United Nations Charter inasmuch as the Kashmir issue was concerned, and added that India would not accept any resolution of the Security Council if it tried to question India’s sovereignty over Kashmir.

He also criticised the United States, Britain and Ghana which, he said, had supported Pakistan in calling a meeting of the Security Council to discuss the Kashmir problem. Mr Menon bluntly changed earlier Indian offers for negotiations with Pakistan, and said India would negotiate only when it was recognised that accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India was final and irrevocable and that Pakistan was not on equal status with India as it was an "aggressor".

Mr Menon went a step further and said India would never accept the division of Kashmir which included not only Kashmir, but also Hunza and Gilgit. The ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, who was the rightful authority in 1947, had acceded to India, he claimed.

:yahoo: :tup::tup::tup: :yahoo:
Strong words indeed but I can't see Pakistan altering course if I'm honest. It may take back water dialouge to see any changes even then I'm not truly confident.
India Not To Accept Any UN Resolution

Defence News - India Not To Accept Any UN Resolution

Indian Defence Minister Krishna Menon yesterday threatened that the ceasefire agreement in Kashmir would exist no longer if Pakistan bartered away "India's legal rights over Azad Kashmir" to China.


Indian Defence Minister Krishna Menon yesterday threatened that the ceasefire agreement in Kashmir would exist no longer if Pakistan bartered away “India’s legal rights over Azad Kashmir” to China. Mr Menon, who was addressing a public meeting at Sapru House, said India has “never abjured the use of force” though it has promised not to take the initiative to change the present position in Kashmir by force in spite of her “legal and moral right over the territory”.

Let there be no illusion, he added, that the Indian Army would strike where and when necessary if Pakistan commits aggression against Kashmir. Mr Menon alleged that the Security Council was committing a violation of the United Nations Charter inasmuch as the Kashmir issue was concerned, and added that India would not accept any resolution of the Security Council if it tried to question India’s sovereignty over Kashmir.

He also criticised the United States, Britain and Ghana which, he said, had supported Pakistan in calling a meeting of the Security Council to discuss the Kashmir problem. Mr Menon bluntly changed earlier Indian offers for negotiations with Pakistan, and said India would negotiate only when it was recognised that accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India was final and irrevocable and that Pakistan was not on equal status with India as it was an "aggressor".

Mr Menon went a step further and said India would never accept the division of Kashmir which included not only Kashmir, but also Hunza and Gilgit. The ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, who was the rightful authority in 1947, had acceded to India, he claimed.

:yahoo: :tup::tup::tup: :yahoo:

Old news ..they are quoting Krishna menon's statement ....He served as Defence Minister from 1957 to 1962.
^^^^ What he said, Krishna Menon's statements are from the time when he was in office, which was 1957-1962
Ḥashshāshīn;2952611 said:
Is all India does is threat? Remember when they threatened to conquer Lahore? :cheesy:

And threats to do surgical strikes in pakistan to hunt LeT guys. :D
54 year old news???

They(Defence News) quoted it today and it was new to me and feel proud to take a tough stand. Why the fuss? We have not changed our stand and can be debated.........

BS thread...its quite late to start it now....half a century I guess.:rofl:

Our stand has not changed from half a century dude...
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