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JSQM joins call for Sindh independence

May be because Khalistan movement has better chance of regrouping than this movement of cheap banter. They aren't worthy to create any trouble for the federation of Pakistan.

Would you like to back your statement with some reasoning / verification or is it because you say so ;) ?
MQM is enough for these people , they will roast this a holes badbodar nationalists .. our future is pakistan not these greedy fuedal docaits .. these people have no such mandate
thats what you said before 1971...you guys have been ignoring your own issues for so long now that they will boomerang and hit you in face...

even your media is funded by India...your whole system has been compromised :devil:

There are actual issues.. and then there are theories of hate filled fantasies.
Yours is the latter.
Sindh is beset by woes due to a feudal system..
But there is hardly a peep apart from such publicized pip squeaks when it comes to "independence".
our media need regulations. They were showing it all on tv. Esp Geonews s+

My question is why is it happening at all. If any person feels his government has been ignoring him he should be helped and supported by the state. I don't understand why that is not happening. Indian support or foreign funding... there shouldn't be a person who
1) is ready to sell himself for profit
2) Is alienated by the center to such an extent that he forgets his loyalty to Pakistan.

Eliminating 1 is difficult... 2 however should be looked at. Being a smaller country we shouldn't have this many independence movements. Instead we have more than in India.

The problem is these things should not happen at all. Instead they are happening. Why?

Sindhi nationalists can't take out MQM but how on earth are they going to take all over Sindh now?
I doubt this independence movement would work....

MQM is a completely seperate issue. Not only the Sindhi Nationalists but Urdu speakers want to take it out as well...

When your leader, Altaf Hussain is a traitor who calls the formation of Pakistan a mistake... we already know JSQM isn't the only threat around.
MQM is a completely seperate issue. Not only the Sindhi Nationalists but Urdu speakers want to take it out as well...

When your leader, Altaf Hussain is a traitor who calls the formation of Pakistan a mistake... we already know JSQM isn't the only threat around.

Only if you have bothered reading the entire article you may have noticed that the jsqm leaders has called upon urdu speakers to stand by them Now urdu speakers are mostly represented by MQM and are residents all over sindh therefore you cannot be separated !! and if Altaf was a traitor and ever wanted a separate state he would have called upon for a separate state at these ideal most times .. so stop being paranoid and understand in what context it is said
Only if you have bothered reading the entire article you may have noticed that the jsqm leaders has called upon urdu speakers to stand by them Now urdu speakers are mostly represented by MQM and are residents all over sindh therefore you cannot be separated !! and if Altaf was a traitor and ever wanted a separate state he would have called upon for a separate state at these ideal most times .. so stop being paranoid and understand in what context it is said


Partition of India a Blunder - Altaf Hussain - YouTube

Its not only the fault of JSQM that ideas of seperation are being floated... This seperation and division is within us Pakistanis.

do you see why 3000 people marched out in the JSQM rally. Because of undying loyalty to their political parties... more than to Pakistan. Now go ahead. Justify your 'God' calling partition a mistake.

Tell me if tomorrow MQM demands independence from Pakistan or Jinnahpur you still won't be defending them or justifying them somehow.
...urdu speakers are mostly represented by MQM...
"mostly" I find an exaggeration. I've known thousands, with only a handful having that kind of tilt towards that party. However, I can't deny they might have more penetration among the daily-wage labourors who are not only economically but politically fragile people and need a political umbrella. Maybe there isn't at all. I haven't probed the flower vendors in the street.

But there's a fundamental difference between the two *QMs. For reasons of an unwilling support base (who vociferously identify themselves as Pakistanis before something else by and large) the MQM cannot effect a secession even if they desired. The JSQM can actually do it, and it's not going to be non-violent against the civilian population.

I thought BQ has some deeper appreciation of social mechanics but his propos against the Panjabis give the impression of a popularist opportunist. What's he gonna say next "there's too much salt in my soup for my liking, and that's the obvious conspiracy of a Panjabi d o g"?
Tell me if tomorrow MQM demands independence from Pakistan or Jinnahpur you still won't be defending them or justifying them somehow.
When your brain comes out of hibernation, would you please spare a thought to why would a purported traitor-ing group want to identify its alleged seceded fiefdom by Mr. Jinah's name? Thank you.

Till the time it does, please don't try to think beyond 'I'm hungry' or 'we won the finals' kind of subjects! Thank you again.
For the sake of audience herein, would you care to explain how has it become invalid ?
because as the name suggests- the two nation theory was supposed to be 2 nations and not 3 nations - which has become reality after 71.
baluchistan is already fighting for a new state and now this sindhu desh has come into the picture. may be we have to call it a 4-5 nation theory in couple of decades.
i think india will not and should support any separatists in your country.
may you take care of these bunch of people asking for separation.
=BelligerentPacifist;2734904]"mostly" I find an exaggeration. I've known thousands, with only a handful having that kind of tilt towards that party. However, I can't deny they might have more penetration among the daily-wage labourors who are not only economically but politically fragile people and need a political umbrella. Maybe there isn't at all. I haven't probed the flower vendors in the street.

You know few people u took their word FINE however there has been over 5-6 general elections and results prove most support MQM ! as for "daily wage and laborers let me correct you here most urdu speakers are enterprenurs and owns businesses or they work for private sector thus your term of daily wage earners Labourers) doesnt really fit in on the majority they are from the small section of middleclass people in Pakistan.
When your brain comes out of hibernation, would you please spare a thought to why would a purported traitor-ing group want to identify its alleged seceded fiefdom by Mr. Jinah's name? Thank you.

Till the time it does, please don't try to think beyond 'I'm hungry' or 'we won the finals' kind of subjects! Thank you again.

Apparently a man named Syed Jamaluddin claims to have known Altaf Hussain early and is now promoting the idea of independent Jinnahpur... he believes Altaf originally wanted to a seperate state for Urdu speakers but moved away from the idea later. Jinnahpur is an idiotic concept but still a concept that I believe does exist... I know a person who personally knows Syed Jamalluddin. Hates the guy but knows him.

Point is I don't care if its the truth. Only issue is where does this thinking actually lead? Where does it actually come from?

Republic of Jinnahpur

According to Syed Jamaluddin, Urdu Speaking nation will now have to wait possibly for many more years in order to get their right of independence which was looking apparent if a new province for Urdu Speaking nation was on the cards.


I am an Urdu speaker myself but traditional politics simply does not go down with me. It is in the best interests of the MQM to promote the Mohajirs are oppressed as it gets them much needed votes. Same it is with the ANP. JSQM or not this idea of division would not even have come to our heads had this tradition of believing our political parties are God not existed. We are responsible for the division today.

It hurts me more that though urdu speakers are more educated and smarter they still take a part in such dirty politics. The last thing we can accept is to have a leader calling for the division of our land. Except a single Nazim MQM has produced nothing for the land and has only divided Pakistanis further.

Partition of India a Blunder - Altaf Hussain - YouTube

Its not only the fault of JSQM that ideas of seperation are being floated... This seperation and division is within us Pakistanis.

Yes its HUGE and created by estabilishment and its follies (fuedals and the elite class) ... the same is dominated by punjab thus why all the blame on them... these problems were always there we are coming to know since in the past those who voiced concerns were buried 6 feet under never to be heard from. The same emerged in 80's as well by having the same attitude how this was handled in baluchistan or past in sindh will further infuriate the situation .. these groups and their concerns must be discussed and dealth with.

do you see why 3000 people marched out in the JSQM rally. Because of undying loyalty to their political parties... more than to Pakistan. Now go ahead. Justify your 'God' calling partition a mistake.

Congratz you just commited a Kufr ... coming back to what you have said ""if you have ever been to interior sindh .. and seen the poverty and living conditions of these people you could understand where they are coming from and how this jsqm managed 3000 people , one has to understand the demographics and geography of a place before giving expert opinion and assume solutions.

Tell me if tomorrow MQM demands independence from Pakistan or Jinnahpur you still won't be defending them or justifying them somehow.

About jinnahpur few of your type's admired generals have come on tv and confirmed that there was no such thing , it was big drama conducted by the deep state , the military establishment to acheive certain goals. They tried but eventually failed miserably to divide MQM into further groups ... there was / is no proof except where some geniuses from this malfunctioning army found some maps it was all made up. it takes common sense to understand those who made this country or say sacrificed it all for this country left their land and wealth etc etc will defending any one who want to break this country ...
Apparently a man named Syed Jamaluddin claims to have known Altaf Hussain early and is now promoting the idea of independent Jinnahpur... he believes Altaf originally wanted to a seperate state for Urdu speakers but moved away from the idea later. Jinnahpur is an idiotic concept but still a concept that I believe does exist... I know a person who personally knows Syed Jamalluddin. Hates the guy but knows him.

Point is I don't care if its the truth. Only issue is where does this thinking actually lead? Where does it actually come from?

I am an Urdu speaker myself but traditional politics simply does not go down with me. It is in the best interests of the MQM to promote the Mohajirs are oppressed as it gets them much needed votes. Same it is with the ANP. JSQM or not this idea of division would not even have come to our heads had this tradition of believing our political parties are God not existed. We are responsible for the division today.

It hurts me more that though urdu speakers are more educated and smarter they still take a part in such dirty politics. The last thing we can accept is to have a leader calling for the division of our land. Except a single Nazim MQM has produced nothing for the land and has only divided Pakistanis further.

My 2 cents on the topic - I do not believe that Pakistan, a nuclear state, can easily be partitioned now. And from the previous posts, I have come to see that these leaders do not have much support. So, until and unless Sindhis rise against pakistan as a whole, getting a separate state is a daydream.

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