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China Supports Sri Lanka & India against Sri Lanka

I believe SL Tamils deserve to live in a society where they are equal with Sinhalese, and not discriminated against simply because of race. I have seen no evidence so far that Sinhalese discriminate against the Tamil minority. But if any group takes up arms against a government, or use terrorism as a tool, it is not surprising for the government to crack down on them. At the same time, the government should do this in the most humane way possible minimizing innocent casualties.
so still after seeing the Channel 4 footage, you are saying that there is no violation or human rights or descrimination against Tamils,
If you say that, then I think the PRC has done more than what is shown in Channel 4 footage that you do not see it as a bigger massacre.
Kindly read the history of the ISLAND nation before saying that there was no descrimination. will you keep quite if a PRC army men presses the brest of your sister or wife when she goes on the street, the SL army did all attrocities like that so that the Tamils became a organized fighting force to oppose such descrimination.
and you think that we Tamils one of the peaceful people in the subcontinent all of a sudden became so violent that we created a Air Froce, Navy and a Regular army just for the sake of fun.
I believe SL Tamils deserve to live in a society where they are equal with Sinhalese, and not discriminated against simply because of race. I have seen no evidence so far that Sinhalese discriminate against the Tamil minority. But if any group takes up arms against a government, or use terrorism as a tool, it is not surprising for the government to crack down on them. At the same time, the government should do this in the most humane way possible minimizing innocent casualties. As I said earlier in this thread, Sinhalese should welcome SL Tamils back with open arms and generosity to let wounds heal.

The reason for the formation of LTTE is this inequality
Sinhala Only Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moreover during those days discrimination was high against tamils like how was caste problem was in india... Politicians made tamil bashing as a matter of policy to gain votes.. And when there was no option LTTE arose.. But they have eeven killled his 12year old son... They eliminated their whole family... Am not saying LTTE was a saint, but the Sinhallese policies were responsible for their actions, and now they have conducted massacras....chinese have betrayed tamils by supportin this genocide
The reason for the formation of LTTE is this inequality
Sinhala Only Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Okay, in China we have a lot of dialects too. But Mandarin (especially using Beijing as a reference) was chosen as the lingua franca. This is inconvenient for many people who don't speak Mandarin, but let's all live and let live.

Moreover during those days discrimination was high against tamils like how was caste problem was in india... Politicians made tamil bashing as a matter of policy to gain votes.. And when there was no option LTTE arose.. But they have eeven killled his 12year old son... They eliminated their whole family... Am not saying LTTE was a saint, but the Sinhallese policies were responsible for their actions, and now they have conducted massacras....chinese have betrayed tamils by supportin this genocide
Okay that video was a bit disturbing. They should have put those people on trial instead of extra-judicial killings. But this does not rise to genocide. The 12 year old boy was disturbing too, but he was the son of their leader, and it's not surprising LTTE wanted to go down this way, die rather than surrender -- same way as bin Laden or Che Guevara.

so still after seeing the Channel 4 footage, you are saying that there is no violation or human rights or descrimination against Tamils,
If you say that, then I think the PRC has done more than what is shown in Channel 4 footage that you do not see it as a bigger massacre.
Kindly read the history of the ISLAND nation before saying that there was no descrimination. will you keep quite if a PRC army men presses the brest of your sister or wife when she goes on the street, the SL army did all attrocities like that so that the Tamils became a organized fighting force to oppose such descrimination.
and you think that we Tamils one of the peaceful people in the subcontinent all of a sudden became so violent that we created a Air Froce, Navy and a Regular army just for the sake of fun.
Yes, Tamils are peaceful. I've noticed north indians are more obnoxious than Tamils. Especially the Sikhs. Yet, Buddhists are peaceful too. Sri Lankans (both Sinhalese and Tamils) need to resolve their differences and heal the wounds. Neither side is totally clean here.

The USA and its allies interference in an internal matter like this is medicine worse than the illness. Look at the West's blatant intrusions on Muslim countries just like colonialism. This is why China was right in opposing the resolution.
India's stand should have been consistent from the begining, IG supported LTTE and represented them as the voice of Tamils in SL, but the back bone less, inexperianced a hole Rajiv Gandhi who became the PM because Sitha Ram Kesari of Congress brought him in to make sure the Congress has a Gandhi Hare, resulted in we loosing all our strategic interest in SL and in the neighbour hood.
You think the IPKF was a saint organization, the IPKF did all attrocities and because of PM Rajiv Gandhi aka A hole, now Tamils in Tamil Nadu are thinking that we are better off with out INDIA.
For over a decade TN fishermen are killed at sea, and nothing is taken care seriously by the INDIAN Government, but only 2 Keralites got killed by the Italians, the Indian Government goes to the extent of risking good relations with Italy. You think that Tamils are second grade citizens when compared to the rest of INDIA.
Even a lot of Tamils such as me voiced for the arrest of the Italians, have any other state people raise the voice for the arrest of the SL Navy personal who kill our fisher men every day. Heck the media does not even publish this.

Again I don't understand your point . You are going into a frenzy as if IPKF was deployed in TN. What did GoI did to TN..did AFSPA was imposed, or night curfew was imposed, or are troops deployed in the streets of TN cities, are there Army barracks and fire bases in rural TN..what exactly seems to be your problem. Tamils are as much citizens of India as anyone else. Nothing more, nothing less.

Also I don't understand the Tamil whining when both their major political parties have huge leverage in Center which was seen during the Mullaperiyar issue. As far as the fishermen case case go, you realize that one of the killed was from KK dist in TN. Also here the case was very clear..a crime committed inside Indian territory. If you think that TN fishermen are unlawfully targeted call upon JJ or Karuna to do something or deploy the Marine Police ( if you have one).

Anyways I reiterate my solution to the problem..invite all Sl Tamils who wants to leave SL to TN. Some can be send to A & N Island if TN doesn't have much space..but I think we have adequate space for 3 million more souls.
Okay that video was a bit disturbing. They should have put those people on trial instead of extra-judicial killings. But this does not rise to genocide. The 12 year old boy was disturbing too, but he was the son of their leader, and it's not surprising LTTE wanted to go down this way, die rather than surrender -- same way as bin Laden or Che Guevara.
Only a bit disturbing!!!! wow, even the US did only kill OBL in the raid they did not harm his sons and daughters. and these Sinhala Army bastered have killed a 12 year old boy and you seem to have no remorse for their action, what happend to your humanity man, is this how China brings up its peopl (Cold, Calculative and strategic interest oriented) and have killed the human in you.
The issue is you evil Hans trying to destroy other ethnic groups did you not learn from Japan when they massacred you like dogs?
I have never met a Chinese in my life like Sinochallenger who has used words like Evil Brahmanism, Cunning Zionist etc. etc. on this PDF commonly. :D
LOL at indians first reaction when they lose an argument badly :lol:

Only a bit disturbing!!!! wow, even the US did only kill OBL in the raid they did not harm his sons and daughters. and these Sinhala Army bastered have killed a 12 year old boy and you seem to have no remorse for their action, what happend to your humanity man, is this how China brings up its peopl (Cold, Calculative and strategic interest oriented) and have killed the human in you.
Look like I said, I don't think it was right, but the medicine (USA coming in as "world police") is worse than the illness. There are conflicts between Asia nations, sure, but with wisdom and patience we can settle these ourselves without Western neo-colonialism. I hope the SL Tamils and Sinhalese are compassionate enough to find peace going forward.
Okay, in China we have a lot of dialects too. But Mandarin (especially using Beijing as a reference) was chosen as the lingua franca. This is inconvenient for many people who don't speak Mandarin, but let's all live and let live.

Okay that video was a bit disturbing. They should have put those people on trial instead of extra-judicial killings. But this does not rise to genocide. The 12 year old boy was disturbing too, but he was the son of their leader, and it's not surprising LTTE wanted to go down this way, die rather than surrender -- same way as bin Laden or Che Guevara.

Yes, Tamils are peaceful. I've noticed north indians are more obnoxious than Tamils. Especially the Sikhs. Yet, Buddhists are peaceful too. Sri Lankans (both Sinhalese and Tamils) need to resolve their differences and heal the wounds. Neither side is totally clean here.

The USA and its allies interference in an internal matter like this is medicine worse than the illness. Look at the West's blatant intrusions on Muslim countries just like colonialism. This is why China was right in opposing the resolution.

Wow. You are so good with Generalizations based on religion.Very judgmental. I never know that it's so easy to make compartments of human beings. Bravo for your intellectual contribution here.So what if you got paid for it :yahoo:
Again I don't understand your point . You are going into a frenzy as if IPKF was deployed in TN. What did GoI did to TN..did AFSPA was imposed, or night curfew was imposed, or are troops deployed in the streets of TN cities, are there Army barracks and fire bases in rural TN..what exactly seems to be your problem. Tamils are as much citizens of India as anyone else. Nothing more, nothing less.

Also I don't understand the Tamil whining when both their major political parties have huge leverage in Center which was seen during the Mullaperiyar issue. As far as the fishermen case case go, you realize that one of the killed was from KK dist in TN. Also here the case was very clear..a crime committed inside Indian territory. If you think that TN fishermen are unlawfully targeted call upon JJ or Karuna to do something or deploy the Marine Police ( if you have one).

Anyways I reiterate my solution to the problem..invite all Sl Tamils who wants to leave SL to TN. Some can be send to A & N Island if TN doesn't have much space..but I think we have adequate space for 3 million more souls.
if you deploy army in TN I have no problem, they are my country men who are protecting us, but the issue is why fuc# up in some one elses land.

And Tamils here at PDF, please take a look at the bold part here, now do you see why we are losing and treated as 2 nd grade citizens in our own land, it because we lag the collective thinking like the Keralites, what ever happens the Kerlites are untied in their demand untill they are met, but we tamils loose sight of what we want over a couple of days and go to our daily work, and this attitude towards our own survival has resulted in the INDIAN Government taking us very lightly and treating us like second grade citizens.
Atleast now onwards do what is good for you and good for the race do not stop with the first part, also concentrate on the bolded part to ensure that we live with dignity and self respect in our lands
if you deploy army in TN I have no problem, they are my country men who are protecting us, but the issue is why fuc# up in some one elses land.

They were deployed to implement the Indo-Lanka Accord. Also as far as I know if RG didn't pushed for this accord, LTTE would have finished in 1986 itself.
They were deployed to implement the Indo-Lanka Accord. Also as far as I know if RG didn't pushed for this accord, LTTE would have finished in 1986 itself.
The problem in every human being is that they never acept that their side is wrong and you my friend are also in the same league. at least there are honest people who will accept that it was our mistake to mendle with SL affire directly by sending in armed personal. See my signature and learn, those are the words of Malcom X who stood for what is right
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