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FoxNews: 'Iran Deserves To Be Annihilated'

how r u so sure they r building nukes to wipe out israel another nuclear nation and how r u so sure that they have nukes?
I'm not sure at all.

do u expect it to be another iraq deaths of over 700000 iranis for just bcz there is a slight chance iran will attack israel. and couldnt sit without bringing pakistan into this huh
What could Pakistan gain by being a party in an Iran-Israel conflict?
Nations like Iran and Pakistan go to war for their own aggrandizement

what about nations like us who go to war for their own needs of oil and is probably going to do the same in iran to have greater access of oil and wiping out any chance of opposition huh? or how about israel who is urging usa to attack iran knowing that there is a chance iran has no nuclear bombs and will only destabilize the entire region

---------- Post added at 12:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 AM ----------

What could Pakistan gain by being a party in an Iran-Israel conflict?

why would we enter the war we have already told us no on giving ground for iran attack the people support nuclear iran and ofcourse we should have trade with iran since its our neighbour but in an instance of war i doubt pakistan will involve
Thank you Solomon :tup:

Why are you thanking him, the comments about annihilation are contemptible.

Ahmedinijad made one comment about israel which was grossly misquoted and that has stuck for years.

What was said now is far worse so ofcourse they will do damage control because Iran must look the aggressor, so don't apologise, it's not for your benefit.

why are you rising your blood pressure levels over something Fox bloody News said......you're doing what they want you to do.

be winners, dont be losers.

---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------

and by the way, if they wanted to annihilate Iran they would have done it ages ago....but they are scared of the consequences it will have

sooner or later, USA will have to put a leash on its carrier-state ---which has caused more harm to US interests than any other country in the globe.
No words left for Fox News. Truly indicative of the 'dumbing down of America & the people'.
Why are you thanking him, the comments about annihilation are contemptible.

Ahmedinijad made one comment about israel which was grossly misquoted and that has stuck for years.

What was said now is far worse so ofcourse they will do damage control because Iran must look the aggressor, so don't apologise, it's not for your benefit.
Indeed Ahmadinejad was not even himself giving this sentence but he just quoted Khomeini words and it was mistranslated and out of context. totally agree.

I thank Solomon because it is nice to read that they guy is sorry for the stupid fanatic words he was saying.

I wish that people full of hatred in both sides have les and less power. The stance anti US exists in Iran and most people are tired of this. It is useless to hatre a country we should build a relation of respect.
No words left for Fox News. Truly indicative of the 'dumbing down of America & the people'.

first time i turned on fox news, i actually thought it was a mock news type thing.......i was shocked to find out that it was the "Real deal"

i feel sorry for the numbed-nuts who actually subscribe to it every day......very misleading, out-of-context and emotional headlines and debates. In fact i think they played an interfering role in the 2000 elections in america
It has to be mentioned that the term "annihilation" is unacceptable to a reasonable human being. Despite that most regional countries are suffering from Iranian policy, but its non of our moral nor religion to wish death to all Iranian. Iranian people themselves are being extremely oppressed by their government, and the world should punish those who involved in causing all the troubles in the region. In fact, if Iranian people don't move to get their freedom which is the easiest way, the world is going to take actions in the hard way which seems inevitable. The ridiculous thing that a man could ever imagine is Iranian regime talking about freedom and democracy.
CARLSON: I think we are the only country with the moral authority [...] sufficient to do that. [The U.S. is] the only country that doesn’t seek hegemony in the world. I do think, I’m sure I’m the lone voice in saying this, that Iran deserves to be annihilated. I think they’re lunatics. I think they’re evil.

He is going to lose his job soon!
It has to be mentioned that the term "annihilation" is unacceptable to a reasonable human being. Despite that most regional countries are suffering from Iranian policy, but its non of our moral nor religion to wish death to all Iranian. Iranian people themselves are being extremely oppressed by their government, and the world should punish those who involved in causing all the troubles in the region. In fact, if Iranian people don't move to get their freedom which is the easiest way, the world is going to take actions in the hard way which seems inevitable. The ridiculous thing that a man could ever imagine is Iranian regime talking about freedom and democracy.
Who are you to decide what Iranian people want?Stop already with your BS again.If you suffer from Iranian policy in region,live with it or you can shot yourself.And you talking about democracy,freedom while living in Jordan, well that's worth a smile.
The response to that bizarre statement is the Iranian community living in the states should launch a strong protest and write an official letter to FOX demanding an apology and the firing of Carlson.
Nations like Iran and Pakistan go to war for their own aggrandizement.

and when Iran did it?... Dont speak BS for the sake of BS.

Israel goes to war for survival.

Iran never threatened to attack Israel, so no need for BS of "survival" there.

As long as Iran's pursuit of nukes

How do you know Iran is pursuing nukes? They say they dont, nobody in the World has a single proof otherwise.

Yet when and if Israel is convinced that Iran's leaders will shortly gain the physical means to annihilate as well as the declared motive they may strike even if that means tens of thousands of dead civilians inside and outside Israel. That would be agony for the Jewish State both at their own casualties (think how Pakistan, ~25x Israel's population, would feel if 500,000 of their women and children were killed in a war) and at the casualties they'd be compelled to impose on innocent Iranians, but that would be a lot better than the extinction of another six million Jews.

Just try to use your head: even if Iran makes the nukes, it will be as DETERRENT ONLY. If Iran nukes Israel, they would be nuked to oblivion by Israel and US, therefore nuclear Iran would just mean US/Israel no longer can attack Iran, as it would ensure mutually assured destruction, nothing more, nothing less.
If Iran nukes Israel, they would be nuked to oblivion by Israel and US, therefore nuclear Iran would just mean US/Israel no longer can attack Iran, as it would ensure mutually assured destruction, nothing more, nothing less.
MAD only works when each party believes that the rational choice is to avoid war to survive. Under the mullahs Iran's demographics, economy, and political stability are now collapsing. As "Spengler" put it earlier today -
What is the rational self-interest of a bank robber with terminal brain cancer and no living relations? If such an individual takes hostages, you tell the police snipers to take their best shot.
why should i learn persians??and whats the role of it in present conditions??

Sorry for trolling other Indian members, I mean no offense to India, but just to inform you Prism, because anytime the Persians pleased they screwed your country. It didn't took Nadir Shah more than a year to make your king surrender, you spoke Persian in your courts for decades and Taj Mahal in your country is a master piece of Persian architecture.

What's the role of it in present conditions? go ask your British masters that you called them 'sahib' :lol: ask them why they're so overly obsessed with anything about Iran that whenever you go to a western newspaper you find that the most important thing on their news is about something in Iran.
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