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India Maintains Strategic Air Base in Central Asia


Mar 4, 2010
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India Maintains Strategic Air Base in Central Asia

NEW DELHI | FEB 29, 2012

India is in talks with Tajikistan to set up a military hospital there even as it maintains an airbase in Ayni there, the country's only such facility overseas.

India has collaborated with Tajikistan to "reconstruct and recreate" the airbase which is strategically significant due to its location next to Afghanistan, government sources said here today.

While New Delhi maintains that reconstruction of the air base is part of the assistance programme to Tajikistan, the nature of such facilities is significant due to its presence in oil-rich Central Asia.

The facility also assumes significance in view of the presence major international players like the US, Russia and others in the region. There are two more air bases in the region which are manned by Americans and Russians.

Sources said the Russian government had also shown interest in using the facility but the air base was clinched by Defence Minister A K Antony during his visit to Tajikistan in October this year.

Antony had also made a technical halt at the base on way to Russia in October last year.

According to reports, India has spent USD 70 million to upgrade the base which was one of the major air hubs in the erstwhile USSR Central Command.

The abandoned Soviet air base is just 10km away from Dushanbe and was modernised by India as part of aid to Tajikistan in building its armed forces.

Sources said India is also discussing a proposal with Tajikistan to set up a military hospital there.
FILED ON: FEB 29, 2012 20:56 IST

news.outlookindia.com | India Maintains Strategic Air Base in Central Asia

nothing new about this except the part of the hospital . :)
True, from months ago-


The gate to the Ayni air base outside Dushanbe: what's going on inside? [/COLOR]

Joshua Kucera

India is quietly using the Ayni air base in Tajikistan, hosting a contingent of helicopters and fighter jets in cooperation with Russia, an Indian journalist reports. Saurav Jha, writing in World Politics Review (subscription required, but free trial available), while the Tajikistan government has denied that it would allow anyone but Russia to use the base, the truth is otherwise:

However, an Indian official directly involved in renovating the airfield told World Politics Review that an Indian air force contingent, including Indian Mi-17 helicopters and leased Russian fighter jets, is currently deployed to the base under joint Indo-Tajik control. The Russian equipment will be maintained by Russian contractors, creating “a sort of joint control over these assets.” His comments echo recent reports of negotiations between the three parties for joint use of the base.

Jha also theorizes on why everyone is keeping this quiet: to avoid offending China and Pakistan.

India has spent almost $70 million, including equipment costs, to completely repave and extend the runway at Ayni, set up air traffic control and perimeter fencing and build three hardened shelters -- all, the Indian official confirmed, with an eye to supporting fighter-jet operations.

That might be the real reason behind Tajikistan’s reticence to officially clarify the status of the base.

While Ayni will allow India to watch over northern Afghanistan in the aftermath of a NATO withdrawal, it can also provide coverage for Indian fighter aircraft over northern Pakistan and western China, areas that lack robust air defense networks. Tajik officials might be downplaying their involvement in the base out of deference to Beijing and Islamabad’s sensitivities.

All this actually sounds plausible, and jibes with what what India's defense minister AK Antony hinted at when he last visited Dushanbe in October:

India, Tajikistan and Russia are in negotiations on the joint use of the Ayni Air Base, close to the Tajik capital Dushanbe which is set to acquire strategic significance after US withdrawal from Afghanistan, sources said...

When asked if India was a partner in the use of the base, Antony merely described Ayni as the best air base in entire Central Asia.

Curiously, there is still no word about what may have transpired during Antony's subsequent visit to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, nor any mention of India's recently reported interest in using a different air base in Tajkistan, Farkhor near the Afghanistan border. The intrigue just keeps getting thicker...

India Reportedly Basing Helicopters, Fighter Jets In Tajikistan | EurasiaNet.org
I don't like to troll but an Indian air base in SCO is as believe as a Chinese Airbase in India.

I rather wait for hard evidence of Indian fighters and soldiers before I believe random sources tyvm.
I don't like to troll but an Indian air base in SCO is as believe as a Chinese Airbase in India.

I rather wait for hard evidence of Indian fighters and soldiers before I believe random sources tyvm.

sco is not your property
^^^ i liked that spirit of yours ..having said that sco does not cover defence matters or does it ?
^^^ i liked that spirit of yours ..having said that sco does not cover defence matters or does it ?

Its Russian-Chinese dominated which...normally means that its all talky talky secrets behind the doors on whats going on.
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