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Army Rejects Gillani Claims - Gillani sacks Defence Secretary

now the PA shold act independantly and put everybody in jail whoever is in cahoot with the US.......:smokin:
Saray G@#oo aik jaisay hai

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Wednesday said Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani talked to him on the phone before the issuance of the military reaction to his (Gilani)statement by ISPR, Geo News reported.

"We have always stood by the army and we have nothing against anyone," the Prime Minister said while talking to media here.

As regards his statement during an interview to a Chinese newspaper on the replies submitted by the Army Chief and DG ISI in memogate case, the Prime Minister said under the rules of business the replies should have been sent through the Ministry of Defence to the Ministry of Law and Justice and then to the Attorney General of Pakistan.

"They did not write to the Defence Ministry and bypassed the Ministry of Law and Justice and sent only a copy to the Attorney General. They sent the replies straight to the Registrar."

The Prime Minister said his interview in China was pre-scheduled and when the interview was done General Kayani had landed in Pakistan.

He said democracy would continue to function in the country and the Senate elections would be held on time.

The Prime Minister said under a trichotomy of powers there should be a balance between the institutions in the country.

He said: 'The game currently being played was aimed at stopping the Senate polls from taking place'.

COAS talked to me before ISPR reaction: PM
hope PM also fires Pasha and Kiyani..

And what reason can you give for this.

1 They are incompetent
2 They are corrupt
3 They have violated the law or worked against constitution
4 All of the above
Pick your best choice but keep in mind that all these choices apply to your new heroafter Imran khan his highness Mr Gillani too and hence justify his sacking too. :)
PA has also been completely in cahoots with USA whenever it has ruled. Musharraf was their staunchest ally in the WoT.

Agreed but the time is change. Kiyani, Pasha and army are doing their best to protect the country.

Musharaf is a lap pig of Americans.
govt is the one which gives orders to the army, to fight a war!
if our govt is not giving , orders then what army can do about it?
bigger problem is that , our politicians, judges, & armed forces, they all had been traped by cia, on different grounds, & we cant find a single person to create our own policy, so in the end every one has tied others hands.
i guss & hope that may god bring army back in power, so that they can face the music,& can take real actions against our open enemy?
is this the army arm twisting so that they could do an election and declare their front man musharaff democratically elected pm of pakistan. The only thing going against him last time was he was dictator now he can be officially 'elected'
the gvt has just lost it,or they are just trying to be political martyr to salvadge some political rep.

as far as i see it ,the gvt thought they had army in check mate but what they did'nt comprehend was that this was the army they always plan ahaead minutes after sacking secretary defense and appointing their puppet,army assigned a new commander to 111 brigade no doubt this new commander would be a hardened military type who only beleives military to be the way and life,anyways this puts the check(chess term) on zardari & co and not the army now they can choose which way they are gonna loose and army being wise knows it can mess arnd with these baboons till they will be in check mate from the court as simple as that,so don't worry there will be no coupe,only gvt officals in isb will have some sleepless nights,thinking when they are going to be draged out of their cozy beds at night by the soldiers of 111 birgade!

pakistan zindabad,isi forever
Wow, things are getting interesting. :woot:

just remember, a couple of days ago, sind interrior minster said that, musharf would be aressted on his retrun & would be given C class in the prison, i guss many of politicians will be booking thier beds in the jail , on D class?;)
farzansaeedkhan;2485776]Defence budget of Pakistan is equal to around only 1 month of expenses of NATO in Afghanistan

wow did u know that Nato is not one country and Most members are developed states no where near as bankrupt as Pakistan is.

Do you know India's Defense budget is more than the total budget of Pakistan's budget

Do u know that Indians economy and land mass is way Bigger then we are again thanx to the Military men.

Do you know our defence budget doesn't exceed over 25% of the total budget?

Do u know that's more then Americans spend on there military GDP wise.

People say its 60% and that is a lie.

I guess you have Inside knowledge

Do you know in 2010-11 total Budget was over 3900 Billion Rupees out of which 440 Billion were for Defense

440 billion dosent even cover the salaries of Military personals

Whereas 400 Billion for losses and subsidy in Steel Mills, PIA, PEPCO etc.

Again all destroyed By generals but i am sure you cant see that part

No one speaks about those 400 Billion and rest of the 1000 Billion which goes into corruption.

Stick around no one on this forum holds back when it comes to corruption of Pakistani politicians and generals
Allah karray we get another Marshall-Law for good ...Under the Islamic Rule ....Insha-Allah.......:smokin:
Zardari going to Dubai....Again?

i watched this at work......i was laughing very hard

dude, at some parts of the song it's actually got a great rhythm and beat!

good find :woot::laugh:
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Allah karray we get another Marshall-Law for good ...Under the Islamic Rule ....Insha-Allah.......:smokin:

Well lets us pay off the Last Islamic Marshall Law .Talibans. Terrorist. Bankrupt Economy. extremist and then we can start on the new one.
Musharaf is million time better than these corrupted PMLN and PPP.
I want to see our GDP again at 8+. Only Musharraf is capable of doing this.
:welcome: Musharaf :welcome:.

I want to see Jobs again.
I want to see more trade of Submarines, jets, Frigates,tanks and all types of military weapons.
I want to see Foreign investment again.
Only you can do again.:tup:
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