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Turkey to Order F-35 Fighters from U.S.

Turkey Authorizes Initial Purchase of 2 F-35s

ANKARA - Turkey's top decision-making body Jan. 5 paved the way for the country's formal participation in a U.S.-led program for the production of next-generation F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft.

"The Defense Industry Executive Committee has authorized the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries [SSM] to conduct talks for the aircraft's purchase order," the committee said in a statement after its meeting. The committee's members include Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Defense Minister İsmet Yilmaz, Chief of the General Staff Gen. Necdet Ozel and procurement chief Murad Bayar.

SSM and Lockheed Martin, the plane's main manufacturer, now are expected to sign a formal document for Turkey's purchase order for a first batch of two F-35s. This decision enables Turkey to begin the reception of the aircraft in 2015.

Turkey is a member of the F-35 consortium, but until Jan. 5 had not been committed officially to buy the aircraft. Turkey plans eventually to operate about 100 aircraft. Other members of the consortium include the United States, Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Norway and Denmark.

Other countries have interest in the aircraft but are not part of the consortium, including Israel. A recent decision by Japan to buy the F-35 has been a major boost for the program. Japan and Israel are expected to receive deliveries as of 2016.

The committee also has chosen the U.S. Bell Helicopter Textron as the main producer of the Turkish police's next light helicopter type.

The committee's decision came at a time when the Turkish police are preparing to assume a larger role in the fight against the outlawed separatist Kurdistan Workers Party. The Security Directorate will buy up to 15 light helicopters, worth up to $100 million, in a first batch to bolster the force's capabilities.

Bell was competing against Italy's AgustaWestland and Eurocopter Deutschland, the Eurocopter's German arm.

Bell later is expected to lead the manufacture for the Turkish police of more light helicopters in planned follow-up batches. The company also is expected to cooperate in the production with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), Turkey's state-owned aerospace company.

The Turkish Security Directorate's helicopter fleet is primarily composed of U.S.-made MD600 light helicopters, which are getting older and more difficult to operate. The new light helicopters should be more effective at police tasks such as tracking suspected criminals and intervening in incidents that could erupt during mass demonstrations, industry sources said.

The committee also decided that SSM would buy 10 Anka UAVs from TAI. After the first three tests ended with crash landings, the final three flight tests were successful. TAI would have delivered three Ankas to the military this year, but the committee's decision paves the way for serial production of 10 platforms.
sure, But then why did Israel ordered 20?
2 Turkish F-35s will be from LRIP-5.
20 Israeli F-35 will be from LRIP 8-10.

LRIP-5 can be used only for training.
LRIP-6/7 will have initial fighting capability.
LRIP-8+ will have full fighting capabiliy.
2 Turkish F-35s will be from LRIP-5.
20 Israeli F-35 will be from LRIP 8-10.

LRIP-5 can be used only for training.
LRIP-6/7 will have initial fighting capability.
LRIP-8+ will have full fighting capabiliy.

What is your source ?

I haven't seen anywhere that Turkey ordered 2 LRIP-5
I am saying that Muslim world benefited HUGELY thanks to West and US in particular. Without West you would live still in 13th century. US is still saving millions of Muslim lives every year through aid.

As for Iraqi invasion, I dont support it, but in same time portraying it as biggest crime is absolutelly unfair. Saddam was a bloody dictator, responsible for death of hundreds of thousands of Muslims, much more than US invasion. His rule brought stability, but at super high cost, and sooner or later these tensions would explode anyway, just like they explode now in Syria without any US invasion.

Without the Muslims you would be living in the stoneages. Try grabbing a history book, and learn about Islamic history instead of trashtalking.
Every nation/empire had good and bad days. True the western community is more modern and "civilized" today, but how long will it last? And for how long was the Muslims more modern and civilized?
Eery nation had good and bad days, but only West had scientific and industrial revolution. Thats absolutelly unique thing in whole human history.

Oh yeah? Try to research about the medical and astronomical progression during Islamic times, in the Ottoman and before the Ottoman. And also infrastructural.

Try The series on History of Ottoman Scientific Literature.

"It contributed in increasing knowledge on the scientific heritage of the Ottoman period which is one of the weighty and important parts of history of science in Islam. Hundreds of scientists and thousands of works have been recorded in this series for each field of science. From among the volumes published earlier, those on astronomy deal with 582 authors and 2438 works. In the field of mathematics, 963 works written by 491 scientists and 153 other works, i.e. 1116 works in total, are introduced. The book on geography, cosmography and cartography, third in the series, covers 1628 works; the authors of 727 of them are introduced, while those of the remaining 901 are not known. As to the book on the history of musical literature, it introduces 223 authors and 440 works belonging to them, together with 273 works the authors of which are unknown. The volumes covering publications such as books, articles, laws and regulations about military arts and subjects cite 3273 publications in total; the authors of 1546 of them are not known. The volumes on natural and applied sciences relating to physics, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, botanical science, zoology, and the sciences of their applications, i.e. engineering, manufacturing, agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry cover 3354 works; the authors/translators of 2407 of them are introduced, while those of 926 are not known. The volumes on medical sciences, dentistry, pharmacology and veterinary sciences cover 5607 books and articles authored by 1430 scientists."

Maybe you will have a little understanding after reading books like this, instead of commenting around with 0 knowledge, making yourself a laughing matter.

PS. Israel is in the middle east, remember? No need to asslick the west 24/7, you have always been in the east. But yeah, why not asslick the US who provides you everything?

Muslims never had decissive advantage over rest of the world. China and Byzantine Empires surelly were not lagging behind.

Real face palm.
Seems like you're one of my fellow citizens here in Germany that are damaging our reputation, since if you payed attention in school you would know that you're talking rubbish.

Secularism stands for the separation of religion and the government. It's as simple as that and democracy allows people to do what ever they want whether they want to waste their time in a mosque/church or be a atheist or marry a Christian, that's up to you. Democracy assumes that you mature enough to decide what you want to do.

Who is my Lord, who is my and your Creator ? It's Allah S.W.T ! Since the early Days of Humanity Allah S.W.T sendet his Prophets to us Humans, to tell what bring us in Paradise and what bring us to Hell ! Allah did send Manuals for the Life to make a Difference between them what is evil and what is good and the Prophet showed to us how we have to serve Allah S.W.T. Our Leader have to decide according to them what Allah S.W.T has revealed and not according to their mood !

Secularism also mean to forbid practising Religion, for example under the kemalist it was impossible for Girls which wearing islamic Hijab to enter Universities !
Who is my Lord, who is my and your Creator ? It's Allah S.W.T ! Since the early Days of Humanity Allah S.W.T sendet his Prophets to us Humans, to tell what bring us in Paradise and what bring us to Hell ! Allah did send Manuals for the Life to make a Difference between them what is evil and what is good and the Prophet showed to us how we have to serve Allah S.W.T. Our Leader have to decide according to them what Allah S.W.T has revealed and not according to their mood !

Secularism also mean to forbid practising Religion, for example under the kemalist it was impossible for Girls which wearing islamic Hijab to enter Universities !

Yes, our leader have to decide according to what Allah swt wants, but just because politicians view themselves religious doesnt mean they truly will lead the nation in a way how Allah swt wants it!

They are misusing religion only to get the votes wake up! once sitting on the throne they will start to fill their pockets, sell everything that have strategic importance to countries independance!

I always asked myself why are those political parties viewing themselves religious, using the religion card, more pro-west then the other ones! They call themself muslim but are always willing to do what the west orders them to do! Example E.U orders akp to pass some law and akp follows the order, never heard them saying " f... Off dont meddle our domestic affairs" they come to power by bashing the west 24/7 when they win the elections they start to obey their western masters and follow their orders!

This shows how hypocritthey are they dont even respect the people who voted for them!
But on the other hand I'm pretty sure that girls have less freedom in Islam, but you probably already knew that. You tell me, do girls have more rights in secularism or in sharia? Since you're talking about woman-rights, you should know about that.

Isn't it funny how you can practice your religion in a freer in evil-zionist-atheist-infidel Germany then in Turkey? and guess what they archived this with democracy and not with Islam or any other religion (although Germany is not secular per se)

muslim women during Ottoman time had much more freedom than European Christian women had.

the other sentence i agree. here in Norway my sister can walk freely where she wants with a hijab. Norway who is a Christian country allows my sister to go into school with a hijab. why cant we do the same in Turkey? whats wrong with it?

it is a lose situation for Turkey, maybe those women will give us something in the future and we are neglecting them that right because they wear something that some political people find "offensive" and "to much against secularism".

Norway ain't secular but muslims here have more freedom when it comes to choose what to wear in school than in Turkey.
Back to topic: Sultan Erdogan ordered to build long range missiles because Iran can, we would also be able to build them, according to the Sultan.
Funny that biggest haters of secularism live in most secular countries like Germany and Denmark. Why doint u go and live in blessed Sharia states like Sudan, Iran or north Nigeria? :angel:

Very well said!
Back to topic: Sultan Erdogan ordered to build long range missiles because Iran can, we would also be able to build them, according to the Sultan.

it will be beneficial for our space program. he only put Iran into the sentence because they, while being under sanctions can build Ballistic missiles while we who have the entire world to co operate with havent made one Ballistic missile entirely indigenious yet.

north Nigeria? :angel:

north Nigeria is a state?
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