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Turkey to Order F-35 Fighters from U.S.

The armed Forces of the arab States have no standardized common Training and Equipment, they use Equipment from Russia, US and Europe. There is also a big lack of a strong Defence Industry in the arab World, the Situation in Central Asia is also similar. Turkeys Armed Forces are Capable enough to Counter Threats in our direct Neighborhood, but not capable enough to counter the Threat in our Zones of Influence(North Africa, arabian Peninsula, eastern mediteran, Balkan Central and south Asia). Turkey need to strengthen it's indigenous Defence Industry and equip, train the armed Forces in their Sphere of Influence !

Yeah but thats just it. With our defence industry crowing and becoming more mature these Russia weapons can be switched to Turkish made ones. And BTW the Strongest Arab Countries uses Western made weapons simply look at Egypte, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait.
Yeah but thats just it. With our defence industry crowing and becoming more mature these Russia weapons can be switched to Turkish made ones. And BTW the Strongest Arab Countries uses Western made weapons simply look at Egypte, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait.

Yes some arab States have advanced Fighter like F-16, F-15, EF-2000, etc. in their Invertory, but Pilots who fly them are Mercenaries from Abroad. Even in Maintinance, Upgrades and Source Codes they strongly rely on Western Support. I doubt that Egypt F-16 can identify Israeli Fighters as enemys.
No one killed more Muslims than Muslims themselves.
No one helped Muslims more than US.

First batches of F-35s will have many childhood problems, so it maybe wise not to hurry.

All the murders and atrocities we see today is a result of America and Europe's invasion of ME, that is both physically and psychologically. There is no denial in that. Furthermore the USA installed the Zionist regime only to benefit themselves and install a satellite state in the heart of an energy hub. Don't come here and tell me about international politics. I don't just read international politics, international politics read me:D.

Jokes aside. The core problem in ME is the countless of fractions that has heavily deteriorated after the invasion of Iraq. There is complete distablization in that country in this very moment. Approximately a million people, most of them innocent civillians, have died as a direct result of the war, and millions have fled their homes.

Where do these fractions stem from? It is partly to blame on Muslims as well, i accept that. We were deceived by the material richness that oil brought us (Arabs). Once the idea of nationalism was incorporated into our minds, we slowly forgot our core humanistic values. That is, we forgot that people are inherently not profit maximizing creatures, who are solely egocentric<--- That idea comes directly from the European canon of politics and literature. It is the very mental status that today's people are indoctrinated in. The Western mentality (here Turkey is included) solely drives on "bettering" our conditions constantly, while ignoring the consequences of those actions. Consequences to both ourselves and to others (poor countries). We are living in a perpetual disillusioned state where we try to think that happiness can be gained egocentrically. But there is a paradox in the latter. Why is it that the highest suicide rates are in countries with highest HDI (life quality)? Humans want to help one another we want to live by each other happiness and not by each others misery, that is our origins.
Yes some arab States have advanced Fighter like F-16, F-15, EF-2000, etc. in their Invertory, but Pilots who fly them are Mercenaries from Abroad. Even in Maintinance, Upgrades and Source Codes they strongly rely on Western Support. I doubt that Egypt F-16 can identify Israeli Fighters as enemys.

I think there was an article a few months ago about the same issue with the Arabs not having enough pilots to man their fleet. However I think they're rectifying that issue. Like you pointed and Silko we're getting there with steady steps which is what we need. R&D is the key word here, and everyone who seems to be fond of bashing Turkey at the moment are forgetting that we're relatively new in many of the fields. Anka, Corvette, Light utility helicopter and cruise missiles etc. But we're getting there.
2 F-35 is a nice number for initial batch. UK ordered 3 and Dutch ordered just 1.
The 2 F-35 Turkey ordered is LRIP V standarts and Following years, With LRIP 7-8 with block-II and III softwares, The orders will follow with more numbers up to 116 F-35 to fullfll the requirements of TurAF...

Sad but There is a fact that No country in world (Including China and Russia) has neither technology nor budget to develop an equialent of F-35 (The issue isn't constructing an aircraft with stealth structure). F-35 under the hands of TurAF pilots would be a real game challanger in region and Turkey is planning to order the latest matured standarts of F-35. The aircrafts Turkey ordered will be manufactured with the parts coming from %50-55 Turkey %45-50 Foreign.
Yes some arab States have advanced Fighter like F-16, F-15, EF-2000, etc. in their Invertory, but Pilots who fly them are Mercenaries from Abroad. Even in Maintinance, Upgrades and Source Codes they strongly rely on Western Support. I doubt that Egypt F-16 can identify Israeli Fighters as enemys.

Yeah Arabs have sweet toys but lack the mental capability to fly Aircrafts (Bad genes) s they rely on outsiders because the hundreds of thousands in the army are useless and dumb and lack mental capacity to even read let alone fly an Aircraft in a dogfight. LoL stupid Arabs are like that I guess right??
Yeah Arabs have sweet toys but lack the mental capability to fly Aircrafts (Bad genes) s they rely on outsiders because the hundreds of thousands in the army are useless and dumb and lack mental capacity to even read let alone fly an Aircraft in a dogfight. LoL stupid Arabs are like that I guess right??

I don't think the Problem come from the Mind of the People, it is more lack of will by the ruling Elites. The armed Forces in the arabian Peninsula use Mercaneries as Personal than their own People, this is not the Case in north Africa.
I don't think the Problem come from the Mind of the People, it is more lack of will by the ruling Elites. The armed Forces in the arabian Peninsula use Mercaneries as Personal than their own People, this is not the Case in north Africa.

it was "sarcasm". The dream of every Saudi kid is to be a fighter pilot. Actually lately we have MORE pilots than planes because we have been graduating A LOT of pilots without introducing more aircrafts into the Air Force. And our Air force gets the cream of Saudi Society since as I said they look for the ones with the best grades and the best SATs and so on and they get 60 people applying for each one free available job. Trust me this whole mercenaries thing is what we did in the 60s when our people could barely even read the situation has changed since then.
it was "sarcasm". The dream of every Saudi kid is to be a fighter pilot. Actually lately we have MORE pilots than planes because we have been graduating A LOT of pilots without introducing more aircrafts into the Air Force. And our Air force gets the cream of Saudi Society since as I said they look for the ones with the best grades and the best SATs and so on and they get 60 people applying for each one free available job. Trust me this whole mercenaries thing is what we did in the 60s when our people could barely even read the situation has changed since then.

Turkey could help the States in arabian Peninsula to train Personal in Military Tactic and Maintinance, that armed Forces must not rely on Mercenaries. Turkish Companies can built Joint - Ventures with arab Companies and sharing Technologies, that arabs can establish an indigenous Defence Industry with Turkeys help. Sooner or later I hope Islamic Countries found similar Companies like Airbus or EADS.
Jokes aside. The core problem in ME is the countless of fractions that has heavily deteriorated after the invasion of Iraq. There is complete distablization in that country in this very moment. Approximately a million people, most of them innocent civillians, have died as a direct result of the war, and millions have fled their homes.
In fact number of casualties in 10 times lower and overwhelming majority of them did not die as direct result of war, but as result of sectarian violence.

If you check population growth in Iraq you will see that after 2003 it grew exactly the same way as before:

World Bank, World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer

As for violence among Muslims it existed long before the West, Tamerlane killed more Muslims than all Crusaders combined. west brought technologies with resulted in rapid growth of Muslim population. Average life expectancy in Ottoman empire before Western intervention was less than 25 years.
Turkey could help the States in arabian Peninsula to train Personal in Military Tactic and Maintinance, that armed Forces must not rely on Mercenaries. Turkish Companies can built Joint - Ventures with arab Companies and sharing Technologies, that arabs can establish an indigenous Defence Industry with Turkeys help. Sooner or later I hope Islamic Countries found similar Companies like Airbus or EADS.

Again we do NOT rely on mercenaries in our armies. Our army is all of our country's people. yes true we do have a number of foreign contractors working on our maintenance but that number is decreasing every year. We do realize our short coming and we ARE working on fixing them. For instance our military celebrated this year that our entire helicopter program from education to maintenance training even is done by nationals not foreign people. And I expect such news to be more common in all fields.
In fact number of casualties in 10 times lower and overwhelming majority of them did not die as direct result of war, but as result of sectarian violence.

If you check population growth in Iraq you will see that after 2003 it grew exactly the same way as before:

World Bank, World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer

As for violence among Muslims it existed long before the West, Tamerlane killed more Muslims than all Crusaders combined. west brought technologies with resulted in rapid growth of Muslim population. Average life expectancy in Ottoman empire before Western intervention was less than 25 years.

You seem to have a hard time comprehending my post. I clearly said people died in Iraq as a result of the Invasion. That is both suicide bombings and American soldiers killing innocent people.

Why don't we make the average life expectancy in Ottoman 12 years old, it sounds better to the ears.
Again we do NOT rely on mercenaries in our armies. Our army is all of our country's people. yes true we do have a number of foreign contractors working on our maintenance but that number is decreasing every year. We do realize our short coming and we ARE working on fixing them. For instance our military celebrated this year that our entire helicopter program from education to maintenance training even is done by nationals not foreign people. And I expect such news to be more common in all fields.

My father trained many Saudi pilots, that's why you will have the best pilots. After Pakistan of course.
You seem to have a hard time comprehending my post. I clearly said people died in Iraq as a result of the Invasion. That is both suicide bombings and American soldiers killing innocent people.
I clearly said that even if u include sectarian violence it is still 10 times less than u mented.

As for sectatrian violence it would explode sooner or later anyway.

Why don't we make the average life expectancy in Ottoman 12 years old, it sounds better to the ears.
Because 12 would be not true, while 25 is true.
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