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Iranian B Queen weds Canadian defense minister


Mar 28, 2011
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32 years old Iranian beauty queen, Miss Canada, Nazanin Afshar-Jam has married 46 year old Canadian defense minister after dating him for some years. She met him in a human rights conference in Canada for the first time in 2004.

Nazanin Afshar-Jam had won Miss Canada in 2003 and has a degree in political science. She is also a member of Canadian forces as a pilot and has been very vocal against Iranian government, organizing anti-Iranian government events and supports green movement.

Persian women are very pretty I must say :)
Beauty exists everywhere, though what really matters is character. Beauty without character is nothing.

My own caste come from Iran many years ago so I have a soft spot for persian culture and some of my friends are Iranian also, it is one country I would like to visit one day if i get the chance God willing.

BTW one Iranian girl I speak to on Yahoo told me similar things about how the elections were rigged in Iran and that she is not a fan of ahmadinejad.
My own caste come from Iran many years ago so I have a soft spot for persian culture and some of my friends are Iranian also, it is one country I would like to visit one day if i get the chance God willing.

BTW one Iranian girl I speak to on Yahoo told me similar things about how the elections were rigged in Iran and that she is not a fan of ahmadinejad.

Then, you must be Iranian genetically speaking. Anyways, the whole central Asia, Caucasus, Iran and South Asia are related since there was alot of travelling between them in older times.

As for election, I do not believe it was rigged, since all scientific data points to the fact that it was fair and not even a single scientific study exists which proves otherwise, on the other, there are multiple studies which prove the election was fair as all statistical data both before and after election proves it. In scientific jargon it is called peer reviewing and it proves there was no rigging. The west instigated a color revolution to take hold of Iran but it failed. Those people who were burning buses or even so called "protesting" were actually after bringing down a democratically elected government which is the highest crime against democracy much like operation Ajax:


Analysis of Multiple Polls Finds Little Evidence Iranian Public Sees Government as Illegitimate - World Public Opinion

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

a woman who service the air force of NATO for attacking her country.is she an IRANIAN?.shame on her

Well, there are traitors in every country, nation and tribe. Atleast Iranian traitors happen to be beautiful. That is the only positive point. Though it is a shame, she has chosen to marry a conservative Christian 14 years her senior. Were there no Iranian men good enough for her? Or was it money and power she wanted so badly?
a woman who service the air force of NATO for attacking her country.is she an IRANIAN?.shame on her

She is liberal Iranian. I am sure she belongs to a family which appreciated Shah rule. She is Human right activist, being human right activist she will definitely don't like Iranian govt policy..

The Bottom line is : Ppl don't hate country, they hate regime... So yes she is Iranian who hated fundamental Islam.

her work: Afshin-Jam was opposed to the death penalty being applied to 18-year-old namesake Nazanin Mahabad Fatehi, who was sentenced to hang for stabbing one of three men who tried to rape her and her niece in Karaj in March 2005

Afshin-Jam initiated Stop Child Executions Campaign and petition to help other children on death row. The campaign was registered as a non-profit organization with 501-C 3 status in 2008. She is co-founder and President of Stop Child Executions Organization whose aim is to try to put a permanent end to executions of minors in Iran and abroad [2] [3]. To date, SCE has managed to help save many lives.

She has Zoroastrian look

Then, you must be Iranian genetically speaking. Anyways, the whole central Asia, Caucasus, Iran and South Asia are related since there was alot of travelling between them in older times.

As for election, I do not believe it was rigged, since all scientific data points to the fact that it was fair and not even a single scientific study exists which proves otherwise, on the other, there are multiple studies which prove the election was fair as all statistical data both before and after election proves it. In scientific jargon it is called peer reviewing and it proves there was no rigging. The west instigated a color revolution to take hold of Iran but it failed. Those people who were burning buses or even so called "protesting" were actually after bringing down a democratically elected government which is the highest crime against democracy much like operation Ajax:


Analysis of Multiple Polls Finds Little Evidence Iranian Public Sees Government as Illegitimate - World Public Opinion

I said to my Iranian friend who lives in Tehran what her views were on Ahmadinejad she used the words he is a puppet. I told her I also watch Press TV channel but she told me that is just a state propaganda tool. I later than asked her what she wanted for her country another revolution perhaps? she said No we already had the revolution but we need to tweak it only.

What are your views on Ahmadinejad? if you don't mind me asking
Well, there are traitors in every country, nation and tribe. Atleast Iranian traitors happen to be beautiful. That is the only positive point. Though it is a shame, she has chosen to marry a conservative Christian 14 years her senior. Were there no Iranian men good enough for her? Or was it money and power she wanted so badly?
her Marriage is completely none of my business.
SHE is a NATO piltot.an air force which is always a danger for IRANIANs.she is a traitor.
She is liberal Iranian. I am sure she belongs to a family which appreciated Shah rule. She is Human right activist, being human right activist she will definitely don't like Iranian govt policy..

The Bottom line is : Ppl don't hate country, they hate regime... So yes she is Iranian who hated fundamental Islam.

her work: Afshin-Jam was opposed to the death penalty being applied to 18-year-old namesake Nazanin Mahabad Fatehi, who was sentenced to hang for stabbing one of three men who tried to rape her and her niece in Karaj in March 2005

Afshin-Jam initiated Stop Child Executions Campaign and petition to help other children on death row. The campaign was registered as a non-profit organization with 501-C 3 status in 2008. She is co-founder and President of Stop Child Executions Organization whose aim is to try to put a permanent end to executions of minors in Iran and abroad [2] [3]. To date, SCE has managed to help save many lives.

She has Zoroastrian look

if you had a problem with INDIA gov.whould you be ready for servicing an air force wich is a enemy of your country(for example pakistan air force)??????
I said to my Iranian friend who lives in Tehran what her views were on Ahmadinejad she used the words he is a puppet. I told her I also watch Press TV channel but she told me that is just a state propaganda tool. I later than asked her what she wanted for her country another revolution perhaps? she said No we already had the revolution but we need to tweak it only.

What are your views on Ahmadinejad? if you don't mind me asking

Well, it is good and healthy to know and see that there are some real political opposition in Iran. Surely it shows there is diversity in there and it is not a nation of puppet public. But we have to remember that, there is a way to do things. One should not become a traitor in order to achieve his or her political aims. I am sure if some people in India try to bring down the government in order to make it more pro-western or pro-Russia, it will not be appreciated one bit. One has to be able to admit defeat in an election, otherwise there will be no democracy. In Iran, there are good many people living in rich quarters of the major cities who want to spend their wealth without social restrictions. Understandable. But there are many more who live in poorer areas and villages who outnumber these liberals and rich city boys, both in number and the strength of their conviction so democratically, the liberals can not have their ways always. This is called democracy.

As for me, I believe Ahmadinejad has his won faults. But then there are not perfect things in life. He is much better than the kind of Obama and Bush. Discounting western propaganda, he is an intelligent and hard working man who is not after making personal money. He has done well for Iran generally. Iran is more powerful than in 2004, the year before he came to office. Though it is beyond the scope of this discussion, I think, to know him better, it is good for anyone to watch his full length interviews on youtube, which are very informative as well as educational. It is the other world view. And he has got supporters too, but they are mostly conservatives whose daughters would never chat with you on internet (that is why you do not see them as often):

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if you had a problem with INDIA gov.whould you be ready for servicing an air force wich is a enemy of your country(for example pakistan air force)??????

That is the thing, they do not understand one bit. India has one of the most nationalistic laws on planet earth. Forget about serving with NATO airforce, or marrying another country's defense minister. According to Indian law, if you acquire another citizenship, you automatically lose your Indian citizenship. That is their law. Sonia Gahndi was not allowed to become their prime minister despite her being the chairperson of the winning party, because she was viewed as not being Indian enough. So there you go. These kind of twisted human rights is only applied to Iran. Otherwise, If Indian army keeps killing and raping 13 year old Kashmiri girls for another century, no one would bother. It is only Iran that has to be minced in propaganda machine.
She is gorgeous, she has a degree, she is a beauty queen, she is a soldier, she is a fighter for human rights.

That canadian guy is one lucky dude.

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