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Saudi Royals

Is 27 Million people really that gullible and stupid??
Not a strong argument, as millions of Muslims are taught to believe that existence of Israel is "illegitimate" - despite its roots in history, its conformity to secular international law re-establishing Palestine as a Jewish homeland, and yes, even the endorsement of Israel in the Koran.

Millions of Muslims were fooled into believing in Qaddafis, Nassers, Mubaraks, Saddams, and yes even the Sauds who seized Arabia by stabbing their Hashemite allies in the back and secured their rule using British-supplied armored cars to machine-gun their own religion-intoxicated army.

Maybe it's all changing now. Maybe the Arabs are tired of resigning themselves to dictatorship with an insha'Allah and are starting to wake up, taking their destiny into their own hands.
why color it sectarian ?

i would be critical of saudi royal family whichever sect they belonged to. But saudis always do this they make out that people dislike them because they are sunni etc. btw i am sunni and i dislike their actions
Normally you come across as a racist hate for Pakistanis poster. Today young man you add th that as either very dumb or dumber. Your last post speaks volumes of how daft you are.
Then can you at least point to a specific Zionist - a real one like me - who does exercise the control you believe we wield?

And if you can't, why should not just your readers but you yourself believe all these memes about "Zionist" plots?
Not a strong argument, as millions of Muslims are taught to believe that existence of Israel is "illegitimate" - despite its roots in history, its conformity to secular international law re-establishing Palestine as a Jewish homeland, and yes, even the endorsement of Israel in the Koran.

Millions of Muslims were fooled into believing in Qaddafis, Nassers, Mubaraks, Saddams, and yes even the Sauds who seized Arabia by stabbing their Hashemite allies in the back and secured their rule using British-supplied armored cars to machine-gun their own religion-intoxicated army.

Maybe it's all changing now. Maybe the Arabs are tired of resigning themselves to dictatorship with an insha'Allah and are starting to wake up, taking their destiny into their own hands.

If your Idea of stupid is "Considering Israel illegitimate" Then sir I am the dumbest person alive. One day INSHALLAH I will be ont he front lines marching to liberate Al-Quds from the ***** that is occupying it. Do not worry Shlomo our dumbness will soon overwhelm you.
The embarrassing origin of the House of Al-Saud is not just questionable, but well known. The standard LIE from all such puppets and donkeys installed by the Americans and Brits as super dictators over their people is that their ancestral lineage goes back to the Hashmite clan. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In reality, the ancestral lineage of the Al-Sauds goes back to the Jewish tribe of Banu Qunaiqa of 7th century Arabia.

And that's not the end of the story. The 18th century founder of the Wahabi sect, Muhammed ibn Abd Al Wahhab, had his origin from the Jewish community of Turkey. His grandfather was a Turkish Jew belonging to the Doenmeh community, as the "secret Jews" of Turkey were known who collaborated with secular dictator, Mostafa Kemal Ataturk (himself a Doenmeh) to secularize Turkey. The Doenmeh Jews are a very manipulative and dangerous community. To know more about the Doenmeh, check facts about Mostafa Kemal "Ataturk," a Doenmeh or crypto Jew.

A report from 2002 Intelligence reports of the Iraqi government has given much information on the Wahabis and their origin going back to the Doenmeh or crypto Jews of Turkey. Read this very informative piece on Wahabis and their Turkish Jewish origin.

It's officially known that present day 'Saudi Arabia' is the outcome of an alliance between Muhammed ibn Abd Al Wahhab and Muhammed Ibn Saud started in the 18th century. The deal was for Ibn Saud to protect Al Wahhab and allow him to spread his fanatical anti-Quranic values in the name of "Islam," and in return, Al-Wahab would offer recognition to Saud’s rule as the head of the "Islamic Ummah."

In reality, the Arabian peninsula has been occupied since the last 200 plus years by a grand orthodox Jewish alliance in the garb of Islam. But their secret loyalty and affections are still firmly grounded within their roots. What a pretty story behind the Saud / Wahab treachery, duping 1.3 billion Muslims around the world and their sincere pact of 'brotherhood' with the White House, Pentagon and 10 Downing Street.

Check the information on the genealogy of the Sauds

---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------

Like what you see tariqbhai. I thought you were against all dictators. But you are so quite now why? why?

Assalam alaikum

lol i didnot know i offended u that much, sorry never in my dreams

As i said it i m with muslims and not with the rulers they have their own spokepersons and they get good amount of money and much much more intelligent then me

i would be critical of saudi royal family whichever sect they belonged to. But saudis always do this they make out that people dislike them because they are sunni etc. btw i am sunni and i dislike their actions

It is an Insult by the way to call Saudis Wahhabis etc. like we came up with some new religion. I dare you, No I double dare you to find anything in Saudi Arabia's religion that goes against Islam.
If your Idea of stupid is "Considering Israel illegitimate" Then sir I am the dumbest person alive. One day INSHALLAH I will be ont he front lines marching to liberate Al-Quds from the ***** that is occupying it. Do not worry Shlomo our dumbness will soon overwhelm you.

You will never be allowed to by freinds of israel aka as saudi royal family. You are a subject not a citizen you dont even vote for your despot lol
It is an Insult by the way to call Saudis Wahhabis etc. like we came up with some new religion. I dare you, No I double dare you to find anything in Saudi Arabia's religion that goes against Islam.

your interpretation or that royal familys interpretation allows what i started this thread with. It was only exposed in west. Saudi royal familys interpretation is a very harsh form of islam. its used as an opiate to keep the masses under control

am pleased to insult that evil zionist family
You will never be allowed to by freinds of israel aka as saudi royal family. You are a subject not a citizen you dont even vote for your despot lol

And here you go again. I am more a citizen of this great nation than any countrymen. Everything is in perspective and the way you see it but I don't blame you, You do not live here to understand. I highly recommend that you speak to fellow Pakistanis who live in Saudi Arabia in this forum and have a detailed and a long sit with them. Ask all you want to ask and see why do they consider KSA to be their second home, and why do they also love it so much??

Have you not noticed that all are like you who do not live in it. There are some Pakistani brothers here who would gladly have a long discussion with you about of your misconceptions.
And here you go again. I am more a citizen of this great nation than any countrymen. Everything is in perspective and the way you see it but I don't blame you, You do not live here to understand. I highly recommend that you speak to fellow Pakistanis who live in Saudi Arabia in this forum and have a detailed and a long sit with them. Ask all you want to ask and see why do they consider KSA to be their second home, and why do they also love it so much??

Have you not noticed that all are like you who do not live in it. There are some Pakistani brothers here who would gladly have a long discussion with you about of your misconceptions.

simple mate how much are you bribing them with lol.
I'm not worried. The Soviets and Mubaraks told me the same thing.

Actually Mubaraks Helped you in your seige of Gaza. Mubarak helped you by denying a bridge between Egypt and Saudi Arabia because of Israeli concerns. And worst of all Mubaraks acknowledged your existence in our lands.
It is an Insult by the way to call Saudis Wahhabis etc. like we came up with some new religion. I dare you, No I double dare you to find anything in Saudi Arabia's religion that goes against Islam.

You need to know these labels are invented by evil.

I have lived in Saudi Arabia and i'm full of praise for it, and thank Allah for that.

I learned big lessons in Saudi Arabia about every thing.

No doubt Allah knows better.
your interpretation or that royal familys interpretation allows what i started this thread with. It was only exposed in west. Saudi royal familys interpretation is a very harsh form of islam. its used as an opiate to keep the masses under control

am pleased to insult that evil zionist family

Insult all you want but do not spread lies please. If you are talking about not allowing women to drive etc. then Yes I am one hundred percent with you on that. But no where do we say it is a religious thing we have said again and again that it is a cultural thing.

---------- Post added at 11:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------

simple mate how much are you bribing them with lol.

So now you consider it bribes?? As I said before a hate filled eyes will only see what they want to see.
Actually Mubaraks Helped you in your seige of Gaza...
I'm a Zionist, but I'm not one who endorsed Mubarak, but one who stood with Egyptians (in D.C.) to protest against his dictatorship. "Soon our dumbness will overwhelm you" is pretty much what Mubarak's diplomats told us back in 2007.

Those guys had four years left. How long do you think the Sauds have? After all, oil-rich Arabia is a much more attractive target than poverty-stricken Egypt.

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