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WMD & Missiles Question Thread

So I would like to have a question to be answered.
As proclaimed by the video the radar homing missiles upon the naval ships can be easily misguided using the said soft-kill system. But what if the missile is active in nature like Kh-31AM/Kh-31PM. Can still this soft-kill system will work??
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So I would like to have a question to be answered.
As proclaimed by the video the radar homing missiles upon the naval ships can be easily misguided using the said soft-kill system. But what if the missile is active in nature like Kh-31AM/Kh-31PM. Can still this soft-kill system will work??
Conditionally: Yes...And here is why...

There are two ways a target can be an 'emitter', meaning there are EM radiation coming off its body and intense enough to be detected:

1- The target itself is producing and transmitting EM radiation in some ways.
2- The target is reflecting EM radiation in some ways.

In the first case, there could be a communication radio antenna, or a rotating radar antenna, or even a simple beacon for safety purposes. In the second case, there is an external EM source that is impinging upon the target and the target is doing what is expecting of any body that is in the propagation path of an EM wave travel: reflect some of that EM wave.

A missile can exploit either behaviors to find this target.

In the first case, if the missile does not have its own radar transmitter, then the the missile is classified as a 'beamrider' type, meaning the missile contains only 1/2 of a radar processing system: the receiver portion, and that the missile must be launched in the general direction where the parent suspect that there might be an EM radiating source. The missile then home in on that source. The weakness here is that if the target stop transmitting for any reason, then the missile has no further guidance. The missile is generally designed to proceed on a straight course in hope that it will hit something valuable.

In the second case, if the target is not a producer but is reflecting EM radiation, then where is the source for that radiation that is bouncing off the target? The answer is either the missile is carrying its own radar transmitter or that the parent must be illuminating the target so the missile can home in in the reflected radiation, like this...


If the parent stop transmitting, the missile has nothing to work on.

If the missile is an active type, meaning it carries BOTH sections of a radar system: Transmitter and Receiver, then the parent can launch and depart. Hopefully then the missile is successful. If the missile is sufficiently sophisticated, then the parent can continue to illuminate the target with a more powerful radar and missile will process TWO reflected signals: the reflected signals from the parent radar and the reflected signals from its own radar. This make the entire system much more difficult to counter or deceived.

Now for the 'soft kill' concept...

A 'hard kill' is direct confrontation to physically destroy the attacker.

A 'soft kill' is the attempt to exhaust the attacker: Deception. The deception is accomplished via distraction. But in order for the deception to work, the method of distraction must be sufficiently convincing.

Say we have ship A with an RCS of 100 m2 filled with valuable 'stuff'. The best distraction is to build ship B with the same RCS or larger but filled with nothing. But then the entire scheme would be prohibitively expensive. So we move to electronics to create an EM impression of 100 m2 or larger.

An impression or facsimile or simulation are never as good as the real thing. In radar detection, a 1 meter square plate will reflect enough radiation that befit a 1 meter square plate. A 1/2 meter square plate will not produce the same effect so it must compensate somehow. The moment we use our own EM radiation to generate the equivalent of that other or 'missing' 1/2 meter square area, we increase the risk of having that simulation be rejected by the missile and therefore the distraction method fail.

If the missile is the 'beamrider' type, then the decoy must produce the greater RCS in order to distract the missile.

If the missile is the more sophisticated full active self contained radar guided type, then it becomes more problematic for the defender. He can try to produce a decoy with the greater RCS to distract the missile, but if the missile has the real ship's initial spatial location and is programmed to home in on that initial spatial location, then no distraction will work. The missile will ignore any larger RCS produced by anyone. If the missile is not that sophisticated, then the distraction method will work because usually such missiles are designed to home in on any larger RCS in its view at any time.

The best execution method for any 'soft kill' defense is early warning of incoming radar guided attackers. The defenders will create so much RCS and in so many clusters or even a total EM blanket of the area that any such sophisticated attacker will be sufficiently confused and distracted.
What are the under development or newly launched nuclear missiles of Pakistan?
ghori 3 is cancelled
while shaheen 3 is under development
Is there any reason for switching from liquid base to solid base,
or we do not have advancement in liquid system.
Is there any reason for switching from liquid base to solid base,
or we do not have advancement in liquid system.

solid fuel= more shelf life and quicker reaction time

liquid fuel fuel= less shelf life and higher reaction time
does any one know or have an educated guess at the number of Babur cruise missiles we have and there unit cost?
its still in R & D phase and while in that phase.. the unit cost can't be estimated because everytime u test it with some changes, the cost increase!
rough idea is like 200 million pkr

---------- Post added at 08:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 AM ----------


The quantity is un know but what most of reports tells us that it is round about 12,000

aww it that's so. india is gonna weep :D

---------- Post added at 09:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 AM ----------


All other agencies work under NESCOM as far i know.

CESAT--Center of Excellence in Science & Applied Technologies

NESCOM doesn't have the technology to develop turbo fan or turbojet engines for cruise missiles!
i guess they're chinese!

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