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Why our enemies targeted P3C Orion Aircrafts in attack on Mehran Naval Base


Sep 12, 2008
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The real reason why the enemies of Pakistan targeted the navy's maritime surveillance aircraft and why they want to weaken the Pakistan Navy.

This Program is about PNS Mehran attack but they also tell some facts about oil reserves in Pakistan's Coastal Areas.
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P3 Orion was certainly done by CIA - as they had already scanned the region when they went in to check the harpoons so they were well aware of the security setup

When the Harpoons were checked 1-2 years back US personnel came into the facilities and stayed there and detailed as much information as they could !! Pretending to be doing it for sake of harpoon (which was a complete lie as we know these harpoons were not touched)

Probbly Pakistan must have given them completed plans on how the assets are saved , and this information was passed on to "Rouge" elements - Same area was target of investigation of US elements for Harpoon manipulation - they came in under the disguise of checking the Harpoons and they analysed all the security setup - WELL IN ADVANCE where P3 Orion were to be stored
Their elements must have recorded how the security cameras are kept in facilities , and where are the weak points

How the CIA must have convinced the rouge elements simple

a) They must have offered "Moral support" to the aim of rouge elements in future
against Russia
b) Financial help of unknown monetary value
c) Help to safe guard the families of rouge elements

Who were enemies of rouge elements? Probably Russians - if these rouges were from anti Russian movements

I am guess that CIA was sponsoring Terrorist that were anti Russian in nature , and in return they gave them money and Green cards (not to them but to their allies or families ), this deal must have been done by CIA operatives that were in Pakistan as contractors doing every thing illegal

The action was taken obviously - after Bin Ladin raid , as USA has been trying to look for ways to get into Pakistan perhaps even it was retaliation in anger

If it was not done by CIA they would have offered us replacement long time ago and that tells alot who did it

These fanatics must have had

a) Night vision
b) Weapons
c) Stealth means to be dropped off so close to the facilities with out being detected
d) 100% they must have been drooped off close by in a stealth helicopter by passing all
road based security

Infact I recall that watching news the reports were that they seem to have night vision which allowed them precise firing vs Pakistani Navy soldiers who had problems in pitch darkness of the night and which is why they waited until morning to move into the base to flush out the elements

And another tell tale of the connection CIA has in this is that right after this incident

Russia got alot closer vs Washington , and Russians must have detected what CIA was up to sponsoring these rouge elements

To me this makes sense , otherwise , Obama would have come out and stated we will send 3 new P3 Orions at once to slap the Terrorist but he did not !! .. it points to you who did it
^ Whoever was behind those attacks did not want Pakistan to have an anti-submarine and maritime surveillance aircraft. It couldn't be Taliban because Taliban are in the mountains no where near the Sea or Ocean.

As for U.S.:

In June 2011, The United States agreed to replace the destroyed aircraft with two new ones, with delivery to follow later.
US to replace two P3C Orion aircraft | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

They haven't delivered the aircrafcts yet.

This aircraft is needed to protect Pakistan's coastal areas.
I am mixing up the time frame-

Did the Mehran attacks happened first or the abottabad raid?-

any relation to each other?-
I am mixing up the time frame-

Did the Mehran attacks happened first or the abottabad raid?-

any relation to each other?-

Mehran Attacks happened 3 weeks after the Abbottabad Raid.

By the way, report the indian trolls.
What the hell? This is the reason why our media has no credibility in the international stage. So people like you would read the next "Tom Clancy" novel.
The real reason for the attack was GHQ clamping down on infiltration of Pak navy by AQ sympathizers and supporters who they wanted to be freed. This was a retaliation, they already arrested those who were informants for AQ.
I am mixing up the time frame-

Did the Mehran attacks happened first or the abottabad raid?-

any relation to each other?-

The P3 Orion Operation happened after the Abbottabad incident , illegal operation on Pakistani territory Well in the aftermath , obviously Obama must have been thinking of invading Pakistan

a) Pakistan could have retaliated against the attack
b) Pakistan could have moved its troops
c) The Orion technology was perhaps something US did not wanted Pakistan to have for protecting its aircraft carriers in case of war

My huntch is that ,

That CIA operatives, found rouge (Anti Russian) elements in Afghanistan , and assigned them missions in Pakistan to knock out the P3 Orions for CIA , they provided all the necessary inside information on the basis to them or even perhaps provided them Stealth helicopters to fly into the areas or land in zones from where they used Night vision and other high tech equipment to get into the base.

CIA is the only agency that has the resources to give Millions or even 200-400 millions to Anti Russian rouges , and promise to help them against anti Russian movement in their home countries.

Why the P3 Orions - simple US submarines would be used for attack on Pakistan , in case of war to sink the frigate fleets so it was necessary to take out P3 Orions

How can USA do that ?

a)Simple people like CIA contractors , coming into Pakistan, and driving in unmarked cars, US planes dropping cargo
unchecked (weapons , money , bombs , communication networks)

b) US had is definitely in this P3 Orion

And their guilt is obvious because they have not given us the replacement - I mean think about it if Terrorist had done at USA would say , we are against terrorism and right away give us replacement , but they did not ? WHY ?

Does the current troop gathering on Waziristan border ? indicates something ?

The people who conducted the operation were clearly - supported by "Transportation + Highly sensitive vision equipment and weapons"

And they had knowledge of their targets -

Only US was given access to this facility to come and check the Harpoons 1-2 years ago ? Was it not strange - that USA played that whole drama of Harpoons ? Just to check the facility where the P3 Orion will be based?

The only other suspect is India but I feel some how India may not have done it it really points towards USA, India were stung by USA , and then offered nuclear deal to put pressure on Pakistan

Its a plot so thick that only CIA can execute it

Similar to the Mumbai - attacks at time when India / Pakistan were historically close to something major , USA was warned by then leader that drones will be shot
and with in weeks the Indian incident happened , upon which USA used the strategy to pressurize Pakistan to send troops , A similar approach could have been used by CIA contractors, to provide finances to Local (Rouge Groups and in return $$$ and support by USA at a later time)

Infact it was a big warning by then leader that Drones will be shot , it was in news and media and with in weeks - you guess it Mumbai attacks happened

The timing - and execution of both attacks to me looks just so similar its almost as if CIA trained both groups

Who benefited from Mumbai attack ? USA
They used that to pressure Pakistan to send army into Waziristan
And a nuclear deal came for India stunningly from USA , which also raises eye brows almost as if to become a humble friend - all US wanted was India to say few things and rattle up Pakistan and US can get Pakistan Army to do its bidding , CIA has no morals and they could pull something like this off , all they need to do is transfer some cash , and some green cards

Who benefited from P3 Orion ? USA
After Abbotabad they completed their objective to destroy assets of concern

The beneficiary has always been USA

But P3Orion , its just this gut feeling its CIA

India would not do it because the risk to its own people would have been too much - Only US CIA is able to execute something of this nature , with stealth helicopters which India does not have

Remember - after abbotabad probably all the ground routes were heavily guarded

Also its so far fetched that a ... "None Native , Semi Russian like Language speaking person would be able to navigate streets of Pakistan (Urdu signage) , and get night vision goggles and by pass all security"

I mean that does not adds up , but stealth helicopters dropping off agents that makes complete sense ... yes it does, and also CIA agents passing out detailed plans for the route to take , and cameras to avoid -- possible and certainly only CIA can provide Night vision goggles used by the agents

And isn't it strange even the Mumbai attackers mysteriously showed up out of thin air ? Stealth choppers .. who knows, who would know , stealth chopper would not appear on radar , it comes drops the payload in safe zone , they have the plans in hand ...

Obviously once the JF17 thunder 50 planes package got announced American jets cooled down considerably , and this was also followed by some high profile visits of Pakistani leaders to Russia
^ Whoever was behind those attacks did not want Pakistan to have an anti-submarine and maritime surveillance aircraft. It couldn't be Taliban because Taliban are in the mountains no where near the Sea or Ocean.

As for U.S.:

In June 2011, The United States agreed to replace the destroyed aircraft with two new ones, with delivery to follow later.
US to replace two P3C Orion aircraft | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

They haven't delivered the aircrafcts yet.

This aircraft is needed to protect Pakistan's coastal areas.

Dude, they will have to make it - will take time it is not a small piece of a boat or something.
Dude, they will have to make it - will take time it is not a small piece of a boat or something.

I'm sure The US has many PC 3s that are dispensable but it won't give t to Pakistan or at least delay the delivery in order to achieve some objectives. 3 Orions are a joke for the US! ye koi Maruti ki factory nai hey...:disagree:
Blaming it on USA and asking the same planes from them to delivered ASAP and for free? What an epic hypocrisy!

Just because we purchased the aircraft from the US does not give them the right to sabotage them! Its a deceitful world, nothing is as it seems.

The whole incident has US-Indian finger prints all over it, so what do you think we should do? let it go? Obviously the Pakistan Government cannot confront the US and tell them that CIA is involved, it has to work around the problem.

US supplying the aircraft and then destroying it ,has many implications, plausible deny-ability being one of them.

Some times I ponder whether Indians are really that dumb or they pose to be so innocent:rolleyes:

BTW, I don't rule out Indian hand in the incident either.
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