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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

How is the video racist? The people are merely protecting their community from rioters just as Sikh and Pakistanis protected their mosques, gurdwaras, and communities from violent rioters, or is it that when a white person protects his kind it is wrong and "racist"? I'm sure you haven't lived in a black neighborhood before, especially after 9/11 you would forget about any racist thing a white person did to you.

Do you know who these people are? They're seizing the chance to 'market' themselves and "beat up some blacks"; chanting "EDL, EDL, EDL" is usually heard at mini race riots these guys cause by going over to ethnic communities and spouting their right wing bullshit. If they were protecting the community, would they be pacing down the road chanting their group's short-form that is associated with the right wing and racism?
I hear what you are saying but i dont think this was the cause. I think society was looking for an excuse. There is a shortage og ££ and these thugs were looking for an excuse to do this. I think its bored unemployed uneducated youngsters taking advantage. Some under peer pressure, some just doing it for the fun of it. Its sad to say but when i was young and i did something wrong id get a good slapping. Never did it again. Some of these kids getting arrested are 11 and 12! Where the hell were the parents? Something wrong with the up bringing. One thing kids are automatically taught in asian culture is respect the elders.

The problem with western culture is that they are too liberal and open minded to an extent that even criminals are fed, catered for in prisons. They don't punish the perpetrators for the crime, and even if they do they only go as far as giving them their own jail cell with food, tv, and clean clothing only for them to come out from prison and commit more crimes. The way China punishes criminals might be harsh but it is effective.
The problem is that since majority of the police is White and majority of the rioters (not all of them but majority of them) are ethnic minorities the police will be labeled "racist" and their will be a media hype about it if the police were to attacks these savages! And lets not forget that the root cause of these riots is the shooting of a non-white male.

Nope thats not going to happen. Thats so silly ........

Just because the media portray and shown were blacks,doesn't mean that most of them were ethnic minorities. actually most of them were white kids from run-down families whos families that don't give a monkeys. What you have said was completly sterotypical. Just recently two asians guys were stabbed by thugs who were defending thier shops -

there heck of a lot just calling the seige as race riots. its a lot more.
1) police corruption
2) politiains don't give damn and just want more money
3) societ has broken down period.
Do you know who these people are? They're seizing the chance to 'market' themselves and "beat up some blacks"; chanting "EDL, EDL, EDL" is usually heard at mini race riots these guys cause by going over to ethnic communities and spouting their right wing bullshit. If they were protecting the community, would they be pacing down the road chanting their group's short-form that is associated with the right wing and racism?

Well every group has their fare share of right wing parties, a good example is of those Muslims who are setting up "shariah" areas in parts of the UK, so if the whites have a "racist" party so let it be.
Slough is a high tension area even though sikh population is very high,they have been harrassed by pakistani youth,especially we heard of the "**** pantherz" back in the 90's making life miserable for the indians,even recently there were incidents of gurdawaras being looted and a lot of harrasement for the sikh community.Sher e punjab was a group formed by the local khalsa to counter the growing infleunce of the "**** pantherz" street voilence resulted in humilating defeat for the sher e punjab.Indians live in constant fear in areas such as slough even though they are in majority!!!!
Just fine their parents; simple.

The problem is, their parents are on benefits too.. they don't have money.. so that'll be increased burden on civil services.. who knows the parents turn to crime to pay for it?.. you know the drill mate.. most of these people are on benefits and don't work at all..
Slaying of 3 Muslims lays bare divisions
By SHAWN POGATCHNIK - Associated Press | AP – 2 hrs 14 mins ago
BIRMINGHAM, England (AP) — With police nowhere to be seen, the Muslims of Dudley Road armed themselves with bricks and stones, clubs and cricket bats to fend off carloads of marauding gangs.
Their vigilante stand in Birmingham's west end saved a humble row of family-run shops and a red-brick mosque from the looters' grasp — but at a terrible cost.
A carload of rioters sped into a fleeing crowd of shop defenders, witnesses said, hurling three young men into the air and killing amateur boxer Haroon Jahan, 21, and brothers Shazzad Ali, 30, and Abdul Musavir, 31.
"We all had stones in our hands. But we had no defense to stop a car. They revved their engines and drove right at us as fast as they could," Mohammed Ibrahim, 23, told The Associated Press. "These black men deliberately tried to kill us all."
Wednesday's 1 a.m. slaughter has laid bare racial tensions underlying this week's riots in Birmingham, Britain's second-largest city and its most ethnically diverse. A fifth of the city's 1 million "Brummies" are Muslims, most commonly of Pakistani origin. About 7 percent are black, mostly Caribbean, in background.
While the riots that have swept England this week have involved looters of every creed and hue, the street anarchy also sometimes has exposed the racial fault lines that run beneath the poorest urban quarters.
Resident after resident of Dudley Road and its surrounding Winson Green district commented pointedly to The AP that the attackers were black and accused them of targeting Muslim shops.
The passions echo streetfights from previous years, such as in 2005, when a neighboring Birmingham district suffered two nights of violence between Caribbean and Asian gangs over unsubstantiated rumors that a gang of Pakistani men had raped a 14-year-old Jamaican girl. Two men were stabbed to death, firefighters faced machete-wielding mobs, and Muslim graves were desecrated during those clashes. The west side also suffered riots in 1981, 1985 and 1991 fueled by minority hatred of white police and black resentment of the Asians' dominant position as shopkeepers.
"We'll hunt down these black men, cut off their heads and feed them to our dogs," said Amir Hawid, 20, who lives just a hundred yards (meters) from the killing scene and heard the screams of the crowd at the moment of impact.
As forensics specialists combed the bloodied, rock-strewn pavement for clues, hundreds of local Muslims and Sikhs — some wearing ceremonial daggers at their waists — packed into a community hall Wednesday to confront three white police commanders who had come seeking to calm tensions. Twice as many Muslims, many in robes and kufi caps, stood outside.
Speaker after speaker complained that they had pleaded by phone for police protection the previous night, when black gangs raided local markets and chased bar staff onto the roof of one pub, yet police failed to respond. Some argued that the police had warned them not to attempt to defend their own streets, yet had offered no alternative.
The three dead men "did nothing wrong! They died because they were doing the job of protecting our community. The job that you lot should have been doing!" one speaker shouted, jabbing an accusatory finger at the police panel.

Detective Superintendent Richard Baker, commander of the 60-strong police team hunting the killers, said they already had arrested the suspected driver and 11 others potentially linked to the shop attacks on Dudley Road. He pleaded for locals to overcome their antipathy to the police, give eyewitness statements and hand over amateur camera footage.
"I will deploy whatever it takes to get justice for this community," Baker said above a din of muttered heckles and shouted accusations, dozens of men trying to speak at once.
Baker and the local commander, Superintendent Sean Russell, defended their force's response to the killings — which Russell admitted he could see from the police control center on a closed-circuit surveillance camera — because gangs were attacking shops in the city center. That triggered angry cries that police cared more for protecting downtown shopping centers than Muslim communities.
Russell said it took officers 10 minutes to arrive; locals insisted it was a half-hour and the officers arrived in riot gear thinking the Muslim crowd might pose a threat. The officers said they had to be cautious.
Afterward, a chastened Baker said it had been the toughest community meeting of his life. In quiet one-to-one conversations, he offered his cell phone number to local residents and pleaded for them to find eyewitnesses.
"We really want to help you, but you need to help us too," he told one man, who said he'd been afraid to speak up and express moderate views during the meeting.
And a local black resident, who didn't want to be identified by name because of fears for his safety, pleaded outside with the departing Muslim crowd not to start targeting blacks in retaliation.
"Don't take your anger out on everyone. Don't keep saying it's black, black, black, black. Don't take this too far," he declared, street preacher-style, after abusive comments were directed at him. "I've lived and worked here seven years alongside you. I don't want to be afraid to walk down that street now. Don't make me afraid, because I didn't do it, man."

The AP found several witnesses outside the hall, who like the dead men had taken up crude arms and manned the sidewalks in hopes of keeping the invaders at bay. None expressed confidence that the police would bring justice.
"We will avenge our brothers. This is a tight community, and someone in their group will brag about how they attacked the Muslims," said Waseem Hussain, 24, who joined the defense of the shops.
Hussain said several carloads of would-be shop raiders began casing Dudley Road, driving cars up and down the road before midnight, as scores of locals were still in the mosque observing the night's final Ramadan prayers.
He said one carload stopped at the local gas station and convenience store — which had been ransacked the night before and was now closed with metal shutters — and asked a few youths whether there was "anything new to rob."
He said locals threw stones and bricks at the cars, whose occupants had their windows rolled down. The two sides traded verbal abuse as the cars repeatedly passed, Hussain estimating at least a dozen times. The Muslim crowd grew as prayers concluded around 12:30 a.m.
After the cars canvassed the crowd once again under a hail of rocks, Hussain said, one of the occupants shouted a threat at them: "Are you asking for it?"
Two of the cars did a U-turn at the top of the road, he said, and gunned their engines, shifting their gears rapidly as they reached a speed he estimated at 70 mph (110 kph).
"The first car cut extremely close to the crowd but didn't hit anyone. We all were running for cover, but there were too many people and nowhere to go," he said.
"Some people didn't see the second car coming. It went deeper into the footpath (sidewalk) and struck these three men, all standing in the same spot," he said. "They must have flown 20, 30 feet. One, Shazzad, was dead when he hit the ground. All of them were bloody and unconscious. They never had a chance."
Nope thats not going to happen. Thats so silly ........

Elaborate how its silly when the whole riot started due to the shooting of a non-white male by Police?

Just because the media portray and shown were blacks,doesn't mean that most of them were ethnic minorities. actually most of them were white kids from run-down families whos families that don't give a monkeys.
I never denied that involvement of whites, but what makes you so sure that "most" of them are white?

What you have said was completly sterotypical.

So if its about minorities then its "stereotypical" but if its against a white person then its justice and completely alright? ok. BTW, how is it stereotypical when the whole riots began after the shooting of a non-white male by the police? Doesn't that prove my "stereotypical" point that the violence will only increase if the police start taking strong measure against these rioters?

Just recently two asians guys were stabbed by thugs who were defending thier shops -
People were attacked by violent rioters regardless of their race or ethnicity, but when a white person defends his property he is labeled "racist".

there heck of a lot just calling the seige as race riots. its a lot more.
1) police corruption
2) politiains don't give damn and just want more money
3) societ has broken down period.

Only here i will agree with you, politicians don't give a damn and only want more money.
People defending their own areas, because the police have failed in doing so.

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hope this does not come to the bradford riots pakistani boys came out on toller lane with swords it was a horrific sight for most indians we had to flee for our lives.
hope this does not come to the bradford riots pakistani boys came out on toller lane with swords it was a horrific sight for most indians we had to flee for our lives.
Beta The same Pakistanis who will save your butt if the UK Racists decide to attack minority Asian Population (Which they already have).They can't tell the difference between Indian or Pakistani.It is in your best interest to stay united and protect your communities.
The problem with western culture is that they are too liberal and open minded to an extent that even criminals are fed, catered for in prisons. They don't punish the perpetrators for the crime, and even if they do they only go as far as giving them their own jail cell with food, tv, and clean clothing only for them to come out from prison and commit more crimes. The way China punishes criminals might be harsh but it is effective.

So true! i have seen a detention centre from inside when i was working with Refugee council.. It had a games room, a gym, TV in every room, 4 times nice and plenty of food, juices, milk etc etc.. i was like, if you are hungry outside, do a crime and stay in jail.. and the funny thing is, even in jail you have to be 'politically correct'.. You can't tell them that they did bad..
Beta it is the same Pakistanis who will save your butt if the UK Racists decide to attack minority Asian Population (Which they already have).They can't tell the difference between Indian or Pakistani.It is in your best interest to stay united and protect your communities.

So true! i still remember the days of 1999/2000 riots where it were Pakistanis who went against BNP in north and ended their looting spree of Asian minorities..

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