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Islamic extremists set up ‘Sharia zones’ in UK

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well this was telecasted over in UK and the video went out of sync on youtube. you can very well google down this quite easily.

BBC have improved lately..mainly due to written protest by many Muslims including myself...
They used to call the worst among us on the tele and interview them.....Why give a well known hate monger a chance to propagate his malicious thoughts to the whole world? Does it make sense?
If Britain was so paranoid of him..why call him on BBC and interview him on such a high profile show? Unless BBC had ulterior motive....
Girl friend, Pleez! These seemingly self appointed and anointed are Agent provocateurs, police informers - to imagine that these are somehow roaming free without the attention of "guardians" - I mean, Pleez

Notice it's always "Implemented" - never "voluntarily accepted" - Boo, Boooo - be afraid, be very afraid

Earth to Muse....

what are you saying?:what:
.Why give a well known hate monger a chance to propagate his malicious thoughts to the whole world? Does it make sense?
If Britain was so paranoid of him..why call him on BBC and interview him on such a high profile show? Unless BBC had ulterior motive....

You think?

On the other hand, it makes good TV - Drama, violence, intolerance, racism, fear, self righteousness - All in all, it excites, it reaches not for our brains but our guts
Earth to Muse....

what are you saying?:what:

That you should be careful thinking that these crazies represent anything worthy of the terms Islam and Muslim -- and that those who do, and you can make them out, even on this board, the ones who are always about "implemented" and "punishment", "Shariah" yada yada -- Police informers - look up Agent provacteur
BBC have improved lately..mainly due to written protest by many Muslims including myself...
They used to call the worst among us on the tele and interview them.....Why give a well known hate monger a chance to propagate his malicious thoughts to the whole world? Does it make sense?
If Britain was so paranoid of him..why call him on BBC and interview him on such a high profile show? Unless BBC had ulterior motive....

Te guy in question is the same guy who is trying to make UK a islamic state. So this guy does not hold importance or the media should close their eyes and shut their mouth just because it was muslim involved. I guess that would have been done by Pakistani media if someone was trying to make Pakistan a hindu state....
Te guy in question is the same guy who is trying to make UK a islamic state. So this guy does not hold importance or the media should close their eyes and shut their mouth just because it was muslim involved. I guess that would have been done by Pakistani media if someone was trying to make Pakistan a hindu state....

By interviewing him live on TV they are equally to blame for helping him propagate his hateful thoughts...and dont drag Pakistan in this..stick to the topic.

I say i am "Trying to" call aliens from mars to attack earth.....Do i have the resources to do so? Is it even possible?

Same way imposing Shariah Law in a Non muslim country or even in a Muslim country (Under current state of muslims in terms of religious practices and beleifs) is impossible.
Even if he is "trying to impose shariah"..How exactly he is goingto do that? I am unable to see anyway he he will ever be able to do that...
By interviewing him live on TV they are equally to blame for helping him propagate his hateful thoughts...and dont drag Pakistan in this..stick to the topic.

I say i am "Trying to" call aliens from mars to attack earth.....Do i have the resources to do so? Is it even possible?

Same way imposing Shariah Law in a Non muslim country or even in a Muslim country (Under current state of muslims in terms of religious practices and beleifs) is impossible.
Even if he is "trying to impose shariah"..How exactly he is goingto do that? I am unable to see anyway he he will ever be able to do that...

So accordingly one should ban these kinda news.
Suffering of Palestenians because its also hateful
Breaking of masjid in India because it was hateful
97% people in pakistan are muslims and considered to be very extremist in case of religion in the west and they are failed to implement sharia law in pakistan but still some western idiots think that 5% muslims of britain will be able to implement sharia law in britain!!!

This is height of idiocy!!! :lol:
By interviewing him live on TV they are equally to blame for helping him propagate his hateful thoughts...and dont drag Pakistan in this..stick to the topic.

I say i am "Trying to" call aliens from mars to attack earth.....Do i have the resources to do so? Is it even possible?

Same way imposing Shariah Law in a Non muslim country or even in a Muslim country (Under current state of muslims in terms of religious practices and beleifs) is impossible.
Even if he is "trying to impose shariah"..How exactly he is goingto do that? I am unable to see anyway he he will ever be able to do that...

Would you say the same of the forum? After all we allow, under the rubric of freedom of expression, of course, people who sympathize with such ideas and we allow them to have their say, so to speak - does that make the forum equally guilty?
97% people in pakistan are muslims and considered to be very extremist in case of religion in the west and they are failed to implement sharia law in pakistan but still some western idiots think that 5% muslims of britain will be able to implement sharia law in britain!!!

This is height of idiocy!!! :lol:

They think a few foul mouth Muslims have superhuman powers and will take over Britain overnight...
Paranoia has no limits..:sick:
Would you say the same of the forum? After all we allow, under the rubric of freedom of expression, of course, people who sympathize with such ideas and we allow them to have their say, so to speak - does that make the forum equally guilty?

Terrorism = Killings and death...

Dont know this guy but Abu Hamza the hook were Flagged by British Intelligence as national threat...Even then called By BBC and Interviewed...
Why would they call people who have known intentions to kill British people,and interview them on high profile shows?
Isnt this equivalent to Playing with lives of British Public?
The Truth is that they wont miss any chance to make big deal of any negative thing about islam and muslims..Reason? It sells and makes good TV.

The most comented threads on PDF are the ones against Muslims and Islam....are always an instant hit ;)
The most comented threads on PDF are the ones against Muslims and Islam....are always an instant hit

A sad comment and commentary - Be assured the most commented threads are those in which separation between those who seek to "cloak" themselves in Islam, while defaming it by conflating it with brutality, irrational ideas, and debauchery, and those who will not tolerate such attempts.
97% people in pakistan are muslims and considered to be very extremist in case of religion in the west and they are failed to implement sharia law in pakistan but still some western idiots think that 5% muslims of britain will be able to implement sharia law in britain!!!

This is height of idiocy!!! :lol:
Sir Islam will be impelmented in Pakistan and World because its destiny because ALLAH has said it clearly Islam will be implemented in the whole world ALLAH know more than you sir
Sir Islam will be impelmented in Pakistan and World because its destiny because ALLAH has said it clearly Islam will be implemented in the whole world ALLAH know more than you sir

What you are saying is a belief......same as the belief that one day the world will end...or the beleif in afterlife and so on
But we are not trying to enforce shariah...when the time comes it will happen on its own
Sir Islam will be impelmented in Pakistan and World because its destiny because ALLAH has said it clearly Islam will be implemented in the whole world ALLAH know more than you sir

You have every right to say that Islam or Sharia will be implemented in Pakistan, but you cannot say that on behalf of the world. We have our own way of life and we value that
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