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Australia wants India to play greater role in Asia

Modi or Advani or vajipayee(1998 pokhran tests).....We want BJP in center n cuuningress(congress) down the drain!!!
Sell us Uranium, stop killing our people in your country who add to your economic prosperity, and we will think about it...time t play hardball :devil:.
its better to ask someone who has been administered by Modi. ask any Gujrati, you will understand what magic spell he has casted on them.. Modi is a next name of progress there..modi has done a lot for the area under his administration and its time to let him administer entire country. you expect 84% of India population to be represented by so called spineless secular leader just because of a condemnable masaccre happend long back in Gujrat ?? its easy to criticize but only local knows who is worthy of criticizm and who is not..and by local i mean Gujrati, many of them consider modi their God..and if he can do so much for Gujrat then why not for India..we all deserve a leader like Modi and its time to not let 'politically correct' statements hamper our potential...

Are you a Gujrati?? Anyways see how you are making him a god...I have repeatedly said economics is not the only motto of nation building...Understand that point first before we move on with the debate...I am afraid good progress in Gujrat is not enough to cover up the tainted figure...If yous PM is tainted it puts in lot of doubts both internally and externally...

This is not point of being "politically correct"...He is tainted and there it is a fact...How about if another Godhra happens?? Will we see the whole of India burning instead of just gujrat??? Can we trust him that once he is PM he will suddenly become secular or are you saying that god of Gujrat was always secular and establishment did their best to control riots???
Are you a Gujrati?? Anyways see how you are making him a god...I have repeatedly said economics is not the only motto of nation building...Understand that point first before we move on with the debate...I am afraid good progress in Gujrat is not enough to cover up the tainted figure...If yous PM is tainted it puts in lot of doubts both internally and externally...

This is not point of being "politically correct"...He is tainted and there it is a fact...How about if another Godhra happens?? Will we see the whole of India burning instead of just gujrat??? Can we trust him that once he is PM he will suddenly become secular or are you saying that god of Gujrat was always secular and establishment did their best to control riots???

Here goes the secular brigade crying over spilt milk but conveniently forgetting their role against pandits and buddhists in Kashmir and their role against sikhs in punjab and delhi.... slave mentality never goes from secularists eh..?
Are you a Gujrati?? Anyways see how you are making him a god...I have repeatedly said economics is not the only motto of nation building...Understand that point first before we move on with the debate...I am afraid good progress in Gujrat is not enough to cover up the tainted figure...If yous PM is tainted it puts in lot of doubts both internally and externally...

This is not point of being "politically correct"...He is tainted and there it is a fact...How about if another Godhra happens?? Will we see the whole of India burning instead of just gujrat??? Can we trust him that once he is PM he will suddenly become secular or are you saying that god of Gujrat was always secular and establishment did their best to control riots???

are you gonna vote in next elections?? if yes then whom will you vote?? congress??

Its a democracy and everyone has a right to speech and I don't agree with single word of your post..I am again saying that we can't afford to supress the voice of 87% Hindus, Sikhs , Christians (mostly want to see modi as PM) for the condemnable riots happened long back to few Muslims. there are possibilities of another Riot but same can be happen even under Congress but overall future looks bright with Modi as PM...

nothing can change my opinion :)
are you gonna vote in next elections?? if yes then whom will you vote?? congress??

Its a democracy and everyone has a right to speech and I don't agree with single word of your post..I am again saying that we can't afford to supress the voice of 87% Hindus, Sikhs , Christians (mostly want to see modi as PM) for the condemnable riots happened long back to few Muslims. there are possibilities of another Riot but same can be happen even under Congress but overall future looks bright with Modi as PM...

nothing can change my opinion :)

exactly Modi is a good choice indeed despite the butchering of thousands of Sikhs in 1984 people still vote for congress why not then vote for BJP?
Here goes the secular brigade crying over spilt milk but conveniently forgetting their role against pandits and buddhists in Kashmir and their role against sikhs in punjab and delhi.... slave mentality never goes from secularists eh..?

Congress can thank their lucky stars that there was no 24 x 7 channels during 1984. Otherwise many congress leaders would have been ******* in jails now and Congress would have become an outcast.
A tainted PM will not be good for future of our country...Nation building is not just economics...Had that been the case we are being ruled by most probably best economists that India have seen....However there are many aspects of leadership that MMS lacked...Modi as a PM can be a serious blow to our national integrity...

if india can have highways named after a man who ordered the massacare of sikhs, the same man goes on to become the PM twice, he also siphons off huge amounts into his swish accounts and still be the best PM so far for a country's leading party then what wrong in making a man The PM who has proved himself bringing back a state from irreparaible damage by the earth quakes, the godhra train burning incident, the riots, followed by floods 3 yers later in surat ah'bad to such glory and in 9 years Y bcoz he is accused of negligence during riots an accuse which is never proven, " instead Teesta seetalvad has been found guilty of tampering with proof and false confessions"..infact congress wants to keep off modi from centre is baby baba gandhi will feel soooooo puny before him and cant contenst to sit on the bloody throne ...

remember how the Gr8 rajiv gandhi justified for killing sikhs???jab bada ped girta hai to dharti hilta hi hai
Are they PM of India??? Did i even say Congress is good??? Is MMS corrupt by himself??? Atleast read to what i am saying...b/w are you saying ministers in BJP would be clean...They will/do not indulge in corruption??? Let's cut this crap of BJP/Congress...Vajpayee was a good PM even though there were scams right under his nose...Even though he wanted to but failed to take actions against Modi because of party politics...MMS have/has same/similar compulsions...However you and I can vouch for honesty of both these men...

Let me repeat i don't see any such leader in our political domain...Modi simply fails by a big margin...However if majority wants him no one can stop him...

well we r moving faaaaaaar off topic but i cant resist. u compare this old joker chimp with AB vajpayee??vajpayee was PM for 3 times 3 days ,11 months and then 5 years ..do u know the reasons for these 3 days and 11 months periods??cause he rejected coalition compulsions.in his qwest to save his kursi u say mahmohan is honest??NO a bloody NO he bought his seat for PM by bribing his seniors in political strature with the entire 2G & CWG money, he is a power hungry man who loves his pakistani wet dreams more than us Indians..
are we really supposed to believe Congress party who created the license raj which is mainly responsible for the corruption and poverty in India today is the right political party for India? the initials are INC party which really stands for Indian Nepotistic corrupt party

examples of nepotism Nehru>Indira>Rajiv>Sonia>Rahul

examples of corruption 2G scam, CWG, Mumbai housing scam, Barak missile scandal, cash for votes, the state of emergency under Indira Gandhi, the worst corruption scandal in indian history the Bofors Scandal, countless other scams and scandals under license raj

examples of human rights abuses, Operation Blue star, Anti Sikh riots, Punjab atrocities, congress cover up for Anti Sikh riots protecting and shielding Kamal Nath Sajjan Kumar Jagdish Tytler

not only this they have no spines they are too easy on terrorism and refuse to execute hardline islamist criminals like afzal guru they refuse to fully use military force against naxalites, they have not developed India's poorest parts e.g the red corridor UP Bihar, CONgress party motto is "Garibi Hatao" or remove poverty they've been in power most of the time since our independence yet 40% of our population lives below the poverty line people go hungry and die especially young kids FOR GODS SAKES THERE ARE MORE CELL PHONES THAN TOILETS IN OUR COUNTRY

is this what you want in India? this diluted piss you call a political party???
forget about BJP...i don't find any other leader in India who is strong enough to take any strong stand on any thing ....all of them except him are either currupt or spineless...

Make Jayalaitha as PM & see
Sell us Uranium, stop killing our people in your country who add to your economic prosperity, and we will think about it...time t play hardball :devil:.

you know only ONE indian has been killed here

the india media is telling you that there is a massacre going on here.......and you fools are buying it!
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