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Australia wants India to play greater role in Asia


Nov 29, 2010
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Melbourne, Jul 28 (PTI) Australia wants India to play a greater role in Asia to ensure stability, the country's Defence Minister has said, labelling New Delhi as a positive force in the region, where China's military build-up is causing concern."It is in all our interests that India plays the role it could and should as an emerging great power in the security and stability of the region," Defence Minister Stephen Smith said, echoing similar appeal made by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently.Pointing out that Perth is closer to Chennai than Sydney is to Shanghai, Smith in a speech to the Brookings Institution think-tank in Washington yesterday, said, "Our region needs to look west, as well as east." The minister who spoke on security in the Asia-Pacific region, said Canberra sought co-operation with Beijing, but devoted much of his speech to dwell on rising India, AAP reported.Calling India as the largest democracy in the world, he said, New Delhi's role and significance could not be under-appreciated."India is the largest democracy in the world. As India assumes the mantle of global influence accorded to it by its democratic status, economic size and strength, its strategic weight in the world is naturally increasing," Smith said.He urged a greater role for India in ensuring security and stability in the Indian Ocean region.His remarks assume significance in the context of rising tensions in the Asia-Pacific region over the tussle for rights in the south China's sea, where Vietnam and Philippines have accused Beijing of provocations in recent months.

Australia wants India to play greater role in Asia, IBN Live News
Here you go again....Divide and Rule policy of whites....they want us to counter china so that they can remain at the top....yaar channe ke jhaad pr chadana band karo...we know what should we do...don't forget that its we who belong to the land of Chanakya not you....no doubt that we will have to strech our muscles in future but it will be we who will decide the time not you......at present we should focus on our economy only and i don't think australia is interested in co-operating with us in that front...
now next time somebody says we ar provocative, someone should shove this this in his A**, what is their problem with china getting some military.???
All western countries and frustrated which and who are against China want India to play a greater role. US wanna India play a greater role, just like H.Clinton, Japan and now Australia. Playing greater role for what, being a muppet and weapons buyer and to follow the Western countries in their neo colonialism crusade and to contain the growing influence of China. Australia should not forget that its economic growth is powered by China. Also see how the white Australians are treating Indians natives. :tdown::tdown::tdown:
We Indians know very well the current situation of asia and sudden change in behaviour of US and co. And yeah let me remind everyone that India is not that naive to fall in someone's camp cause we remember the history,it was not too long ago;) But this is for sure that India will/should take advantage of this opportunity for its own self interest(economically/militarily) but on the same time not to get anti-xyz country cause its our neighborhood and you can change your friends but not your neighbour.

All western countries and frustrated which and who are against China want India to play a greater role. US wanna India play a greater role, just like H.Clinton, Japan and now Australia. Playing greater role for what, being a muppet and weapons buyer and to follow the Western countries in their neo colonialism crusade and to contain the growing influence of China. Australia should not forget that its economic growth is powered by China. Also see how the white Australians are treating Indians natives. :tdown::tdown::tdown:

You forgot to add "Bollywood day dreamers" before starting your post this time.

And please do explain the bolded part.


On lighter note....

Start selling us Uranium and we will thinking about it...:D:D:D
Uranium for China and greater role for us in Asia.

China and India need Australian mineral resource ,it time whites packed their bags and went back from where there came. Europe's population is decreasing and they are in dire need of some pure blue blooded white folks.
Let India and China divide Australia amongst themselves.
Here you again....Divide and Rule policy of whites....they want us to counter china so that they can remain at the top....yaar channe ke jhaad pr chadana band karo...we know what should we do...don't forget that its we who belong to the land of Chanakya not you....no doubt that we will have to strech muscle in future but it will be we who will decide the time not you...

Whats wrong in countering?
  • Is it the "whites" or China who is arming Pak?
  • Is it "whites" who helped Pak acquire Nukes?
  • Is it "whites" who are vetoing resolutions against terrorist organizations?
  • Is it "whites" who are testing us with border incursions?
  • Is it "whites" who are surrounding us with "string of pearls"?
  • Is it "whites" who are issuing stapled visas to kashmiris and AP residents?
I can go on and on...but this must make you realize who our real rival is as of NOW!
India will surely play a greater role not only in asia but in the whole world but for it we need to get rid of manmohan singh.

After that what? Are you ready to send troops to Afghanisthan or Africa or any place in the world where we feel that our interests are threatened. Are we ready to sacrifice Indian lives and take foreign lives in far away places so that our MNCs can exploit natural resources for India.Are we ready to take hard ,cold ,calculated and sometimes deceiving decisions for the greater good of the nation as well as the humanity.............If No, its better we stick to our current role being the big fish in South Asian pond.
You become Godfather/assertive or not, India will act as buffer for all South east Asian/ Australasian nations who are uneasy with China's abrupt military rise. They know it, they know it because any conflict in south east Asia is going to affect India significantly. This is where they are betting and there is nothing wrong in their approach. He might be pretending casual with what he is saying but technically he right.

It will be interesting to see how China is going to make India preoccupied with some low intensity conflicts or bluffs of cordial diplomacy or the timing when she will push south east Asian countries towards the wall, when India will be bogged down because of her own critical engagements; which may or may not be beacause of China's direct or indirect involvement .

Australia should teeth its self to face challenges of future without relying on the sheer luck of India or USA will be readily available at the times of acute necessity.
good thank you Australia but first can you please do a better job of protecting our citizens brothers and sisters over there in Australia? k thanks
Whats wrong in countering?
  • Is it the "whites" or China who is arming Pak?
  • Is it "whites" who helped Pak acquire Nukes?
  • Is it "whites" who are vetoing resolutions against terrorist organizations?
  • Is it "whites" who are testing us with border incursions?
  • Is it "whites" who are surrounding us with "string of pearls"?
  • Is it "whites" who are issuing stapled visas to kashmiris and AP residents?
I can go on and on...but this must make you realize who our real rival is as of NOW!
Their is nothing wrong in countring China ONLY if we Indians want to counter them NOT because other want us to counter them.....we are an independent nation so we don't want others to influence our foriegn policy......
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