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Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric

why is the title chnaged....isnt there a forum rule to reproduce articles with he same heading as in the article ? this is the intolerance that he was speaking about......

nope there isn't

it's only when people bring in their biases and put a twist to the title that the forum admins have an issue

the thread has been merged with another relevant thread

continue discussion as before
Wow Indians are dirty bastards.Sucking dick of this criminal/terrorist just because he said something against Pakistan.Too bad for Indians though these clowns can't tell the difference between Pakistani and Indians don't worry you might as well end up getting killed if nuts like him goes on killing spree of Muslims in Europe.
why are the pakistanis blaming indians here....its an article written by a pakistani...that too a muslim ..in their own paper...but they criticize indians....

let me make you more intelligent, the author only mentions what the terrorist said, but the third __ guy said, the below quotes are reasonable according to him but still it doesnt justify terrorist actions..

now carry on
why are the pakistanis blaming indians here....its an article written by a pakistani...that too a muslim ..in their own paper...but they criticize indians....

this is how it allways has been and this is how it will allways be, they won't accept that they are sticking to age old principles that are obselete for the modern world, well the rest of the communities are changing the rules, but PEOPLE who follow Islam are reluctant to change and they blame others for the change in time.
There is a incident that happened in the sothern India,
A father-in-law raped is daughter-in-law who has beared two child for her husband, when the case was in the local muslim council, the council sided with the cirminal father-in-law and said that now her husband has to call her as his mother as she has been declared the wife of the father-in-law. She boldly went to the High Court and got the cirminal father-in-law behind bars.
The above is an example how Islam is mis-interpreted in the people who follow it.
this is how it allways has been and this is how it will allways be, they won't accept that they are sticking to age old principles that are obselete for the modern world, well the rest of the communities are changing the rules, but PEOPLE who follow Islam are reluctant to change and they blame others for the change in time.
There is a incident that happened in the sothern India,
A father-in-law raped is daughter-in-law who has beared two child for her husband, when the case was in the local muslim council, the council sided with the cirminal father-in-law and said that now her husband has to call her as his mother as she has been declared the wife of the father-in-law. She boldly went to the High Court and got the cirminal father-in-law behind bars.
The above is an example how Islam is mis-interpreted in the people who follow it.

ok now give us the link OK
this is how it allways has been and this is how it will allways be, they won't accept that they are sticking to age old principles that are obselete for the modern world, well the rest of the communities are changing the rules, but PEOPLE who follow Islam are reluctant to change and they blame others for the change in time.
There is a incident that happened in the sothern India,
A father-in-law raped is daughter-in-law who has beared two child for her husband, when the case was in the local muslim council, the council sided with the cirminal father-in-law and said that now her husband has to call her as his mother as she has been declared the wife of the father-in-law. She boldly went to the High Court and got the cirminal father-in-law behind bars.
The above is an example how Islam is mis-interpreted in the people who follow it.

and how does an incident in South India justify what the Knight Templars carried out in Norway?
Wow Indians are dirty bastards.Sucking dick of this criminal/terrorist just because he said something against Pakistan.Too bad for Indians though these clowns can't tell the difference between Pakistani and Indians don't worry you might as well end up getting killed if nuts like him goes on killing spree of Muslims in Europe.

i may be a dirty b****d but my nationality on the passport does not evoke the suspicion your nationality evokes when you travel throughout the world......so dont cry.....
let me make you more intelligent, the author only mentions what the terrorist said, but the third __ guy said, the below quotes are reasonable according to him but still it doesnt justify terrorist actions..

now carry on

i also agree with what he said.......and i also condemn the way he used to articulate his ideas.......now what we are not allowed to have our opinions? again intolerance.....
Since when do Christian terrorists start speaking the language of hindutva terrorists. Looks like there is no difference between Christian terrorists and hindoo terrorists both are different side of the same coin.
:rofl: :rofl: and what next, so you suggest that every one other than Islam should be sent to Mars, as they are terrorist.

Surely this terrorist is a history illiterate

Does this terrorist even know Bharat and Pakistan, Burma, Aden, Trucial states, Somalia were part of the colony called British India? Then why Pakistani independence is called a “creation”, Why not call a Bharati independence a “creation” also or more precisely a ‘blunder”.
You don’t become a mother country just because you steal the ancient name of neighbouring country or just because you are 4 times the size of other independent countries. India means country of Indus, Is bharat a country of Indus, India should change its name to Ghanghia or Bhanghia. Ghanghia means country of ganges, Bhanghia means country of bhartis.

Does this terrorist even know the artificial entity of Bharat justifies its existence by stealing history and ancient names from neighbouring countries. Why do these bhartis don’t feel proud of saying their ancient name of Bharat, instead of india which originated from Pakistan and was exclusively used for the region surrounding river Indus for centuries.
what else your sugestion is, and can you elobarate on how the name Barat originated in Pakistan, don't you know its in honor of the name of the brother of Lord Rama, prince Barathan who ruled over the Nation.

Does this terrorist even know the illegitimate state of Bharat was ruled by Muslims for thousands of years, British replaced the Muslim elite with hindoos
Your forefather came in with a mighty army and killed the Hindus for capturing their land, and you claim that the land is yours. funkey monkeys.

Does this terrorist even know Bharat has always been divided into several independent states, which have seldom been long united either by federal co-operation or by conquest.
Vist India and feel men with different ethinic and languages stand together in the name of India, divided yet united. This is Incredible India.

Does this terrorist even know British saw themselves as the liberators of Hindus from Muslim rule. Hindoos who were always subordinate to the Muslims even though they outnumbered muslims, entered into the British service gained confidence and then all of a sudden the slaves of muslims for thousand years started dreaming about ruling whole of South Asia
So what you suggest? give the ruling ability to Muslims, don't you know that during your Emperor Aurangajib, that all of the nations art and culture and heritage was almost lost.
Hindus Slaves of Muslims, we belive in being equals, no one is above and no one is bellow before the Law on which my nations foundation is strongly laied.
and how does an incident in South India justify what the Knight Templars carried out in Norway?

did you read the last line of the post, MISINTERPRETAION OF ISLAM, leads to intolarance of the masses that practice Islam and hence the ire against the Muslims all over the planet.
why is the title chnaged....isnt there a forum rule to reproduce articles with he same heading as in the article ? this is the intolerance that he was speaking about......

Give me the man & I'll give you the rule... eh ?
did you read the last line of the post, MISINTERPRETAION OF ISLAM, leads to intolarance of the masses that practice Islam and hence the ire against the Muslims all over the planet.

i dont agree with this facade namely "misinterpretation of islam"....its just an convenient excuse given by the apologists to defend the practises....if everyone knows its a misinterpretation then why the hell they are not interpreting it the right way.....why they claim they are the victims of islamophobia when they themselves admit that islam is being misinterpreted by its followers..?

they commit the crime of "misinterpreting islam" and then blame others of islamophobia......self-contradictory....
i dont agree with this facade "misinterpretation of islam"....its just an convenient excuse given by the apologists to defend the practises....if everyone knows its a misinterpretation then why the hell they are not interpreting it the right way.....why they claim they are the victims of islamophobia when they themselves admit that islam is being misinterpreted by its followers..?

they commit the crime of "misinterpreting islam" and then blame others of islamophobia......self-contradictory....

i too agree on that, but when you directly accuse them of their actions they won't accpet its their fault, to first make them accpet that they have a fault they have to find and excuse then only they can be brought to the right side on the modern times. else its dificult and the fight of words in internet and fight of fist and bullets will happen in the real world.

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