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Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric

Yep, Europe should play fair by utilizing attack drones in Britain like in the Middle East. ^^ Shooting missiles and dropping bombs onto buildings should be a standard anywhere in the Western world. XD

there is no need for it, the actions of the extremists of europe will send it back to tone age like it was in 1400s
lol, third eye, are you actually believing in this brainwashed crusader terrorist???

what, now will you believe what osama bin laden has to say???

i mean how pathetic indians can get, first they accused this anders guy of being a jehadi islamic terrorist, then they started calling him a kill and murderer but not a terrorist, and now they are proudly posting his sayings and quotations like their bhagwat gita???

why the hell do you bring in Gita, do you know what is writen in Gita, hell no, then shut the f**k up. and stick to the topic
I say add western right-wing fundamentalists to the terrorist watch list.
lol, third eye, are you actually believing in this brainwashed crusader terrorist???

what, now will you believe what osama bin laden has to say???

i mean how pathetic indians can get, first they accused this anders guy of being a jehadi islamic terrorist, then they started calling him a kill and murderer but not a terrorist, and now they are proudly posting his sayings and quotations like their bhagwat gita???

please mind your words
.....hindoo terrorists....Bharat....Bharati...steal the ancient name of neighbouring country...Bharat was ruled by Muslims for thousands of years.......:blah::blah::blah:

The news source is tribune.com.pk

The Author is Salman Siddiqui
lol.....thts a funny name "pakiastanisation".......is norway involved in isaf in afg ?
lol, third eye, are you actually believing in this brainwashed crusader terrorist???

what, now will you believe what osama bin laden has to say???

i mean how pathetic indians can get, first they accused this anders guy of being a jehadi islamic terrorist, then they started calling him a kill and murderer but not a terrorist, and now they are proudly posting his sayings and quotations like their bhagwat gita???

Why are so quick to get off the block without even bothering to read - and people even thank such posters !

All I posted was a write up in a Pakistani paper and what was written therein has nothing to do with The Gita , you need to direct your ire to the Pak paper if you can.

Look before you leap.
All extremists are the same. Insane and Deluded. People fighting over their statements are genuinely stupid. As this particular thread indicates, that stupidity is not restricted by country or religion (In case it is too subtle Chinese,Pakistani, Indian members taking potshots at each other on the basis of the post have an IQ level of a new born tapeworm)
although i dont agree with the methods he used.......they were terrorist actiivities....i have to somwaht agree with his overall opinion......
and yet you chose to post the thread with THAT title?

The convention here is not to change / replace anything while replicating and article.

Do we have a problem in reading what a Pak paper writes ?
why are the pakistanis blaming indians here....its an article written by a pakistani...that too a muslim ..in their own paper...but they criticize indians....
Does this terrorist even know the illegitimate state of Bharat was ruled by Muslims for thousands of years, British replaced the Muslim elite with hindoos

Does this terrorist even know British saw themselves as the liberators of Hindus from Muslim rule. Hindoos who were always subordinate to the Muslims even though they outnumbered muslims, entered into the British service gained confidence and then all of a sudden the slaves of muslims for thousand years started dreaming about ruling whole of South Asia

Here comes a tangent .

What has a shooting in Norway to do with the self perceived history of India ?
why is the title chnaged....isnt there a forum rule to reproduce articles with he same heading as in the article ? this is the intolerance that he was speaking about......
What ever he did by killing is wrong, but
But? He should be declared a terrorist and be given an examplary punishment.

How come he can justify his acts of terrorism by using Pakistan as a scapegoat? Guys like him should be stopped.

To my view, what the man believed was right, people who follow Islam have little or no tolerance to other religion, expect a few cases where the Muslim society has adoped to change the rules to the chaning times and accomodate themselves into the mordern world.
Was there not a incident that a prominent Pakistani Criket Player had to turn to Islam and change is name to secure his spot in the team. When a Hindu boy changes faith to Chirstianity there is a little displeasure in the family but ultimately the boy is alowed his will. why is this tolerance not there in Islam.
The problem that i see is that most of the people who believe in Islam see it alone can save humanity, but they do not ask the question at what cost? they have to accept that all faith teaches the same in diffent ways and with different examples, if any of you still argue that this is what God told you to follow and make others follow then you will be the untimate victim. This can be seen in reality with the case of Islam.
Dude! You should not judge Islam by its modern-age manipulators. You judge Islam on the basis of its true practitioners and teahings of the Holy Quran only.

Islam does not permits forcible conversion of any non-muslim. Dawah shall be conducted only in a peaceful manner.
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