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Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric


Sep 8, 2008
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1,500 page manifesto credited to Anders Behring Breivik, accused of killing spree, lays out worldview including extreme screed of Islamophobia, far-right Zionism, and venomous attacks on Marxism and multiculturalism.
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Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian who killed nearly 100 people in a combined terror attack Friday that included car bombings in Oslo and a shooting rampage at an island summer camp, held fiercely anti-Islamic and pro-Israel views, according to a 1,500 page manifesto he uploaded before his killing spree Friday.

In the 1,500 page tome, which mentions Israel 359 times and “Jews” 324 times, Breivik lays out his worldview, which includes an extreme, bizarre, and rambling screed of Islamophobia, far-right Zionism, and venomous attacks on Marxism and multiculturalism.

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In one passage, he lashes out at the western media which he accuses of unfairly focusing on the wrongdoing of Jews, saying “western journalists again and again systematically ignore serious Muslim attacks and rather focus on the Jews.”

In a jab at left-wing Jews, Breivik writes that pre-war German Jews were disloyal to their country, “at least the so-called liberal Jews, similar to the liberal Jews today that oppose nationalism/Zionism and support multiculturalism. Jews that support multiculturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists.”

He also says that Israel is the homeland for Jews largely due to the persecution suffered by Jews at the hands of Muslims, saying “if one acknowledges that Islam has always oppressed the Jews, one accepts that Israel was a necessary refuge for the Jews fleeing not only the European but also the Islamic variety of anti-Judaism.”

The manifesto also serves as a call to arms of sorts, in which Breivik lays out his reasons for launching the attack, focusing on what he describes as the importance of nationalism and the growing scourge of Islam in Europe.

Entitled "2083 - A European Declaration of Independence", the document says "as we all know, the root of Europe's problems is the lack of cultural self-confidence (nationalism)…this irrational fear of nationalistic doctrines is preventing us from stopping our own national/cultural suicide as the Islamic colonization is increasing annually ...You cannot defeat Islamisation or halt/reverse the Islamic colonisation of Western Europe without first removing the political doctrines manifested through multiculturalism/cultural Marxism."

Breivik did however note that he doesn’t hate Muslims in any fashion and that “I have had several Muslim friends over the years, some of which I still respect.”

He also expressed his sympathy for the people of Serbia, and blasted Norway’s support of the 1999 NATO bombing campaign on Serbia that stopped the expulsion of Kosovar Albanians by Serbian forces.

In addition, he expressed his disgust at his government’s awarding of “the Nobel peace prize to an Islamic terrorist (Arafat) and appeasers of Islam.”

Breivik sneers at those who would spare the lives of women, and in an especially chilling instruction writes “once you decide to strike, it is better to kill too many than not enough, or you risk reducing the desired ideological impact of the strike. Explain what you have done (in an announcement distributed prior to operation) and make certain that everyone understands that we, the free peoples of Europe, are going to strike again and again."

Norway massacre suspect aired anti-Musli... JPost - International
When this tragic incident happens, everyone was really shocked.

As everyone was trying to guess who was this ruthless and brutal, CNN has declared it as work of 'Pakistani Islamist Militants' with Al Qaeda having strong suspection. But for us, it makes no difference. Its tragic, and inhuman. All we can do is mourn over it and show our sympathies. Any help with co-operation with Norway by any Muslim nation wouldn't be given a green signal though. Anyways its disturbing, how the people love to associate any terror incident with 'Islamic terrorists' blindly.
Too bad he never knew that there were a lot of Zionist Muslims.
May be this attack is against the ruling party which he sees as colluding with Islamists and promote muticulturalism, which was against his beliefs.
I don't want it be so interesting that our a**es are on fire.

There is always a nut or two around. With today's technology - who knows.

This world has so much evil :yahoo:

All hail evil.
You mean on the face of some indians & americans? Do i need to exemplify.......? :azn:

Yes. You need to. Please enlighten us why only India & US. I thought Britain, Russia, Indonesia, China, Spain and even Pakistan have suffered terrorism associated with Islamic fundamentalism !
Yes. You need to. Please enlighten us why only India & US. I thought Britain, Russia, Indonesia, China, Spain and even Pakistan have suffered terrorism associated with Islamic fundamentalism !

Some of you were initially saying that Muslim extremists were behind the terrorist attacks in Norway. You guys just love to jump into conclusions as usual.

There are differences between a fundamentalism and an extremism. The latter is the problem.
Some of you were initially saying that Muslim extremists were behind the terrorist attacks in Norway. You guys just love to jump into conclusions as usual.

There are differences between a fundamentalism and an extremism. The latter is the problem.

Some of us?? Even some Pakistanis were associating this attack on some deported Imam and their involvement in afghanistan. Open your mind !

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