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Iran, India oil rumpus has wider implications: Clyde Russell

i dont see china not paying iran because the of the usa lol. so what your saying is that both china and india are equally usa's puppy?

China is a rival of the US, but it can collaborate with the west for self-interest. See, for example -

China deepens engagement with Libyan rebels | Reuters

India's position is different, we will try to avoid overt conflicts with all major powers on issues which are not critical for us.
Ahem, have you heard of a country called Pakistan?

Yes, but what does this have to do with Iran-India-US? Do you think that US is the only factor in the deteriorating relationship between India-Iran?
who the **** should i blame ....congress....???:hitwall:

ANALYSIS - India to fill Iran supply gap with Saudi, Iraqi oil

y Nidhi Verma NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India's immediate strategy to deal with the loss of crude from Iran in August is to buy more from Saudi Arabia and Iraq, while inventories and plant maintenance give refiners breathing space as they seek to establish new supply lines. Iran has cut supply as it tries to put pressure on Indian refiners to settle $5 billion in debt for oil supplied, and to find a way to pay for future shipments. The halt has given regional rival and U.S. ally Saudi Arabia an opportunity to grab a bigger share of the market in Asia's third-largest oil consumer. If Saudi Arabia fills the gap, tension on oil policy between Riyadh and Tehran could worsen. "For meeting immediate needs and even longer term, Saudi Arabia would be the main source," said Paul Tossetti, senior advisor for oil markets at PFC Energy. "They have offered to supply extra crude to Asian refiners... Looking beyond 2011, Iraq production should see a major increase in late 2012 and that would be another opportunity." Iran-led opposition defeated a Saudi proposal for a coordinated supply rise at an OPEC meeting in June. Saudi Arabia said it would boost supply anyway, a move Iran has criticised. Iran has cut sales of 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude to India, near 12 percent of the nation's demand of 3.46 million bpd, because New Delhi has failed to find a way around U.S. sanctions that make paying Tehran for oil difficult. Indian refiners Bharat Petroleum, Hindustan Petroleum and Essar have contacted state oil firm Saudi Aramco to secure supplies to plug the gap in supply from Iran, an Aramco source said on Wednesday. Additional cargoes from Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and possibly further afield, as well as inventories held by refiners in India should prevent any supply squeeze, analysts said. "I don't think that the availability of crude is an issue." said Sushant Gupta, an analyst with Wood Mackenzie. "There will be alternatives from the Middle East and West Africa. They have the flexibility to reschedule crude cargoes and have some inventories as well." Most Indian refiners can process regional Middle East and West African grades, said Gupta. MRPL, HPCL, IOC, BPCL and Essar between them buy already about two-thirds of their oil from the Middle East. Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd., Iran's biggest Indian buyer with around 150,000 bpd, was already in talks to boost supply from Saudi Arabia and Gulf ally the UAE. The company had started looking for alternative suppliers even before Iran halted shipments to India this week as the dispute that rose in December over payment between New Delhi and Iran dragged on. MPRL struck its first ever supply deal with Kuwait earlier this year to buy 20,000 bpd. HPCL plans to open talks to boost supply from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE and Iraq, K. Murali, the company's head of refining, said on Wednesday. Essar, too, has been busy bringing in supplies from other sources. It raised oil imports from Iraq five fold in the first six months of the year and from the UAE by about 70 percent, according to refining data obtained by Reuters. India and Iran have struggled since December to find ways for New Delhi to pay for imports, after India's Reserve Bank of India stopped payments through the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) mechanism. There is no ban against buying Iranian crude, but sanctions have made financing the deals difficult. The RBI's move won praise from Washington :angry::angry:and came close on the heels of a visit to India by U.S. President Barack Obama last year:hitwall::hitwall:. Obama has endorsed India's bid for a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council. REFINERY MAINTENANCE Indian refiners have some breathing space to seek more oil supply as they undertake planned maintenance at plants. Essar, Iran's second-largest buyer in India, plans to shut its 280,000 bpd Vadinar refinery in September. Indian Oil Corp plans to take down its 160,000 bpd Mathura plant in August, when MPRL will also shut a crude unit at its sole refinery. That should limit any need for Indian refiners to seek prompt cargoes. "I don't think there will be an immediate need to tap spot markets," an Asian oil trader said. Indian refineries on average keep crude stocks equivalent to about 10 days' throughput, an oil ministry source said. Ships en route to India at any time hold about another 8-10 days of refinery needs, the source added. Refineries also have around 30 days of stocks of oil products such as diesel and gasoline stocks to cushion any supply disruption, he said. Refiners could pool import needs together to hire the largest crude carriers to bring oil shipments, he said. LATIN AMERICA In the longer term, India's smaller refiners could follow the trail blazed by Reliance Industries in Latin America. Reliance, which runs the world's biggest refining complex, raised imports from mainly Venezuela and Colombia after it stopped buying from Iran in 2010, under U.S. pressure :hitwall::hitwall::. Brazil, too, is a potential source of future supplies as it ramps up output from its massive deep sea reserves. Indian Oil is considering importing oil from Africa and South America for its 300,000 bpd Paradip refinery in eastern India, due to start up next year. MRPL plans to lift 110,000 bpd from Venezuela by 2017. Selling to India fits into Venezuela's strategy to divert cargoes from the United States. "There is growing production from Latin America and in some cases like Venezuela they want to divert supply away from the U.S. - that's a political decision," said Victor Shum, an analyst at Purvin and Gertz. Reaching out to Latin America even though freight costs could add to expenses for refiners that already incur billion of dollars of losses selling fuel at government controlled prices highlights the desire of India's refiners to diversify supply. There are other challenges aside from distance for India in switching to Latin American grades. Only the country's newer and more complex refineries have the units needed to refine the oil. "Much of the Latin American oil is lower quality - heavy and with high sulphur. But as Indian refiners become more sophisticated with installation of crackers and cokers, more of this oil can be refined," said Tossetti. (Reporting by Nidhi Verma; Editing by Simon Webb and Manash Goswami)

ANALYSIS - India to fill Iran supply gap with Saudi, Iraqi oil, IBN Live News
Yes, but what does this have to do with Iran-India-US? Do you think that US is the only factor in the deteriorating relationship between India-Iran?

That was a response to your question about US support of Islamic extremism in South Asia.

Now, as regards India-Iran relations - yes, the US is the major factor, to be frank. We would be willing to defy the US over Kashmir, or over our nuclear deterrent. Iran is not such a critical issue, even though we would like to have cordial relations with them. Basically India would like to help the US and Iran reach an understanding, if that is at all possible.
First of all mate, iran shah was gone 30 years ago, while india is sitting on usa lap right now.
and wtf are you talking about..i dont see china not paying iran because the of the usa lol. so what your saying is that both china and india are equally usa's puppy? sighs..
and the comment of FM is nothing..iran will not resum ties with the west any time soon.

Your juvenile tone is not going to help the discussion. China is a USA puppy has nothing to do with if she is paying you for oil or not. There is no way that India will halt its relationship with Iran and i have given examples in my previous posts where Indians has maintained trade relationship with rouge states like China as well. (PS: I am not saying Iran is rogue, because she is not).

If you think i am defencive here for sake of tackling some 'Shakuni' (a mythology character who enjoy making people fight each other out and then capitalize on their animosity and misfortunes) like Chinese posters and going to defend India or pamper Iran then it would be a wrong perception. I have already said in my previous post that if India do think Iran is not worth a partner (which is highly highly unlikely) then India should come upfront and say so.

Let the more details be out. But as we say In diplomacy there are no permanent friends or foes. Previous and present Iran is testimony to that proverb. You may predict the future that no way Iran is going to tone down its hostility with west vise a verse since you are a Iranian God whatever, but for anyone like me who seriously wish good for Iran, such news is more than welcome.
Your juvenile tone is not going to help the discussion. China is a USA puppy has nothing to do with if she is paying you for oil or not. There is no way that India will halt its relationship with Iran and i have given examples in my previous posts where Indians has maintained trade relationship with rouge states like China as well. (PS: I am not saying Iran is rogue, because she is not).

If you think i am defencive here for sake of tackling some 'Shakuni' (a mythology character who enjoy making people fight each other out and then capitalize on their animosity and misfortunes) like Chinese posters and going to defend India or pamper Iran then it would be a wrong perception. I have already said in my previous post that if India do think Iran is worth a partner (which is highly highly unlikely) then India should come upfront and say so.

Let the more details be out. But as we say In diplomacy there are no permanent friends or foes. Previous and present Iran is testimony to that proverb. You may predict the future that no way Iran is going to tone down its hostility with west vise a verse since you are a Iranian God whatever, but for anyone like me who seriously wish good for Iran, such news is more than welcome.

Dont get me wrong buddy, i am not a fan of this iranian regime myself, we created the great persia then these mullas come and destroy it.
People think that if your against the mullas then your an american puppy, but that not true at all, since i would like a non-islamic iran who dont give a toss about the west.
The west makes the persian/indian/chinese history look like crap, they steal our mathematic invension and say it is their own. they creat BS films like 300 which make us look like monsters.
they should be tossed aside from the east. they are bunch of scavengers.

Anyway, india should not in any way halt its relationship with iran, but you must admitt that this recent problem would make certain people think india is a usa puppy.
who the **** should i blame ....congress....???:hitwall:

ANALYSIS - India to fill Iran supply gap with Saudi, Iraqi oil

ANALYSIS - India to fill Iran supply gap with Saudi, Iraqi oil, IBN Live News

As per this source US pressure is visible here on Private importers like Reliance co. GoIndia, i think is playing a very difficult game here. I wonder loosing oil Importers has anything to do with Iran coming under pressure and rethinking on its terms with USA/west. If this theory has something to do with reality then India will restore its trade with Iran as usual following sanctions lifted. Till then the crack is pretty visible and Iranian frustration is justifiable.

Is Iran accepting only Euros or other currencies as well, if not INR?
Dont get me wrong bussy, i am not a fan of this iranian regime myself, we created the great persia then these mullas come and destroy it.
People think that if your against the mullas then your an american puppy, but that not true at all, since i would like a non-islamic iran who dont give a toss about the west.
The west makes the persian/indian/chinese history look like crap, they steal our mathematic invension and say it is their own. they creat BS films like 300 which make us look like monsters.
they should be tossed aside from the east. they are bunch of scavengers.

Anyway, india should not in any way halt its relationship with iran, but you must admitt that this recent problem would make certain people think india is a usa puppy.

India-Iran relations have always been friendly and will always remain so..I am sure other options will be looked at to pay the bills..
Please leave China out if this. Iran accepts RMB, but doesn't want your INR. Time for China to start the printing press to buy that extra Iranian oil. China can always increase its strategic reserves. Good news for China.

Your juvenile tone is not going to help the discussion. China is a USA puppy has nothing to do with if she is paying you for oil or not. There is no way that India will halt its relationship with Iran and i have given examples in my previous posts where Indians has maintained trade relationship with rouge states like China as well. (PS: I am not saying Iran is rogue, because she is not).

If you think i am defencive here for sake of tackling some 'Shakuni' (a mythology character who enjoy making people fight each other out and then capitalize on their animosity and misfortunes) like Chinese posters and going to defend India or pamper Iran then it would be a wrong perception. I have already said in my previous post that if India do think Iran is not worth a partner (which is highly highly unlikely) then India should come upfront and say so.

Let the more details be out. But as we say In diplomacy there are no permanent friends or foes. Previous and present Iran is testimony to that proverb. You may predict the future that no way Iran is going to tone down its hostility with west vise a verse since you are a Iranian God whatever, but for anyone like me who seriously wish good for Iran, such news is more than welcome.
Please leave China out if this. Iran accepts RMB, but doesn't want your INR. Time for China to start the printing press to buy that extra Iranian oil. China can always increase its strategic reserves. Good news for China.

Iran wants someone who pays them lol.
because their rigs cannot stop, money is running.
Please leave China out if this. Iran accepts RMB, but doesn't want your INR. Time for China to start the printing press to buy that extra Iranian oil. China can always increase its strategic reserves. Good news for China.

Sorry i can't. Chinese are racists and its well visible in this forum.

If Iran is accepting RMB but not INR then the case closed for me, if there is no channel for India to pay in any other currency then sorry we can not help.

China should increase its strategic reserve for Indians jets to do target practice. Tell CCP to be alarm its rust buckets while crossing straights of malacca, you never know when Indians will start crushing them into pieces.
Iran has no plans yet to cut oil exports to India over a payment dispute, the semi-official Mehr news agency on Friday quoted an oil official as saying.

Iran warned India on Monday that it would stop exporting oil to India from August 1 if the seven-month-long dispute over payments of Iranian oil exports was not resolved.

"No decision has been made yet... the caretaker oil minister Mohammad Aliabadi will make the final decision on it if the dispute is not resolved in the next few days," said Mohsen Ghamsari, head of the international affairs office at the National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC).

NIOC, which supplies around 12 percent of India's oil imports, set the deadline in a letter dated June 27 to Indian refiners, sources told Reuters in early July.

Iran, facing increased isolation internationally, and energy-hungry India have been looking to resolve an impasse triggered in December when the Reserve Bank of India ended a regional clearing mechanism under U.S. pressure.

Since December 2010, India and Iran have been trying to find ways for New Delhi to pay for 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) it buys from the Islamic state.

Analysts say Iran is putting pressure on India to accelerate the resolution of the payments mechanism dispute.

Iran says India owes it $5 billion for oil imports in recent months. Earlier this year, Germany allowed India to pay for the oil via Hamburg-based EIH bank, which handles international trade for Iranian companies.

But India halted that conduit in early April after discussions with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and EIH has since come under EU sanctions.

India has said it has a back-up plan to cope with any potential shortfall in oil imports.

After the warning by Iran, Indian refiners are seeking extra barrels from elsewhere, including top supplier Saudi Aramco and the United Arab Emirates.

But the Iranian official said Saudi Arabia was unlikely to be able to replace Iran as an oil supplier to India.

"The Saudi oil can only find its way to Indian energy market if there is considerable discount given," Ghamsari said.

"A change in the oil supply source (Iran) is not on India's agenda because any change ... will create technical and economic problems for India."

India's newer refineries are configured to process heavy sour crude of the type Iran and other Middle East producers pump.

But Saudi Arabia's heavier crude grades are already committed to term clients and the kingdom is also burning growing amounts of them domestically for power generation.

Iran says no decision yet to stop oil to India | Reuters
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