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More of world's poor live in India : Guardian/UN

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May 20, 2011
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I have enough of Indians boosting and foolish and insane false sense of superiority, their silly thinking that they have become “world richest country”.

They are one of the poorest countries in the world, despite their claims. The accumulation of wealth in few hands and thus skewed per capita income figures are giving them false sense of superiority. The fact is their per capita still is not much different from Pakistan. Pakistanis even though suffering for last 3 years due to corrupt PPP, but still live better life than common Indians.

We Pakistanis always blame our corrupt leaders and this fake war on terror, Afghan upheaval of last 30 years, which has dragged us back in Economic term.

The real face of India is exposed in this 2010 article in Guardian. More Indians are poor than sub-Saharan Africa. The poverty level in the whole state of MP was same as DR Congo.

The report says, poverty in parts of India is equal of not worst than that in Africa.

I say to Indians stop boosting, your country is dirt poor.

More of world's poor live in India than in all sub-Saharan Africa, says study
New UN index replaces simpler method of calculation

Jason Burke in Delhi
Wednesday 14 July 2010

There are more poor people in eight states of India than in the 26 countries of sub-Saharan Africa, a study reveals today.
More than 410 million people live in poverty in the Indian states, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, researchers at Oxford University found. The "intensity" of the poverty in parts of India is equal to, if not worse than, that in Africa.

When the vast central Indian Madhya Pradesh state, which has a population of 70 million, was compared with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the war-racked African state of 62 million inhabitants, the two were found to have near-identical levels of poverty.

The study is based on an innovatory "multidimensional poverty index", or MPI, developed by specialists at Oxford. To be used for the first time in the authoritative and influential United Nations Human Development Report when it is published this autumn, it will replace a simpler method of calculating poverty introduced over a decade ago.

The index uses 10 major variables including access to good cooking fuel, schooling, electricity, nutrition and sanitation. "[It] is like a high-resolution lens which reveals a vivid spectrum of challenges facing the poorest households," said Dr Sabina Alkire, director of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative and a co-developer of the index. "Before, you might know a person was poor but did not know if their children went to school, if they had a floor or if they cooked on wood."

The survey found that in Madhya Pradesh poverty levels were higher because of malnutrition. In Congo, access to schooling was a problem.
The study's conclusions will reinforce claims that distribution of the wealth generated by India's rapid economic growth – recently around 10% year on year – is deeply unequal. The prime minister, Manmohan Singh, has repeatedly said he wants to see "inclusive" development.

Poverty has long proved difficult to define. The World Bank bases its definition on household income and estimates that a quarter of the developing world lives on $1.25 (85p) a day or less. However, relying simply on money "excludes everything that is outside the cash economy and doesn't look at issues such as housing [or] access to safe water" said William Orme, a spokesman for the United Nations Development Programme in New York. "The new index gives us a much fuller portrait."
To compile the index, researchers analysed data from 104 countries with a combined population of 5.2 billion, 78% of the world total. About 1.7 billion – a third - live in multidimensional poverty, they found. This is 400 million more than are estimated by the World Bank to be in "extreme" poverty. The new index is also designed to track variations within countries much better. So while the poverty rate is more than 80% in the rural state of Bihar, it is about 16% in the southern state of Kerala.

Some countries have dropped steeply down the poverty rankings in the new list. Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Morocco were found to have much more poverty under the new index than when using simple household income. Others, such as Tanzania, Nicaragua, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and China were found to have less. China was ranked 46 out of 104, three places behind Brazil. India came in 63rd, just after Togo but ahead of Haiti.

"In many cases, it is probably linked to previously high levels of social investment," Alkire said. "It shows that a low per capita GDP income doesn't necessarily mean high poverty."A second index to gauge poverty in developed nations is now planned.

More of world's poor live in India than in all sub-Saharan Africa, says study | World news | The Guardian
SO , you came up with this.....this has been posted 1000 times in here.... so ... come up with something new.....
I have enough of Indians boosting and foolish and insane false sense of superiority, their silly thinking that they have become “world richest country”.

They are one of the poorest countries in the world, despite their claims. The accumulation of wealth in few hands and thus skewed per capita income figures are giving them false sense of superiority. The fact is their per capita still is not much different from Pakistan. Pakistanis even though suffering for last 3 years due to corrupt PPP, but still live better life than common Indians.

We Pakistanis always blame our corrupt leaders and this fake war on terror, Afghan upheaval of last 30 years, which has dragged us back in Economic term.

The real face of India is exposed in this 2010 article in Guardian. More Indians are poor than sub-Saharan Africa. The poverty level in the whole state of MP was same as DR Congo.

The report says, poverty in parts of India is equal of not worst than that in Africa.

I say to Indians stop boosting, your country is dirt poor.

Grow Up Kid! Got to do something better with your life than posting India bashing threads.BTW When did we claim We r the “worlds richest country”,in Ur dreams?
SO , you came up with this.....this has been posted 1000 times in here.... so ... come up with something new.....

Since it is a UN study and report on it. When new report on Indian poverty comes out, i will present it, until then you have to do with it.:lol:

But why don't you tell me the stories of your wonderful super rich India now?

Like I said, becoming a billionaire in India is easy, if you have any successful product and earn as little as Rs1 net profit, you will become a billionaire due to the population and demand, not a big deal.

Skewed national wealth, does not mean India is rich. Most of the Indians live in abject poverty and in very bad conditions, even in your richest cities like Mumbai, Dehli etc. That is the message I wanted to reassert.

Give your poor a decent life, instead of boosting you can buy off Karachi. Get some sense instead of making yourself a complete Jack.

So Pakistan have no poors.
Nothing surprising.

Check the population and so obviously figures will be more than a postage stamps that are called countries!!

So Pakistan have no poors.

They do, but then they do not boost like Indians do. Plus there is level of Poverty, in Pakistan they didn't have level of Poverty like India. But I admit, first time in Pakistan since this PPP corrupt government took over, we are seeing symptoms like India, suicides etc. This was not the norm in Pakistan.

That's why you will see all neutral Pakistanis and overseas Pakistanis like me, criticise PPP thieves.
Maybe if Indians stopped trolling all the time, people would stop posting this stuff.

Cause and effect.

Ohh what will u do if people stop posting these, whom will you abuse then.

These sort of threads help you to increase your post count by just doing the supporting work job and claiming Indians blah blah blahs...
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