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OBL was in Ghazni, Afghanistan in 2009

^^^ I usually don't respond to Indians but since this has been blabbered over and over again here, I'm going to say it once and for all and I dare every Indian to tell the truth.

Who told you that she's OBL's wife? The western media, who always twist the truth to suite their agendas? That same western media who is hiding the real truth about Osama from us all, is feeding us with these notorious lies and as a result many many sheeple falls for it. Why on earth would they threw his body away in the sea? Why they didn't show it to the world, just like they did with Saddam - capture, harassed, tortured and then hanged in front of the whole world. I wonder why they didn't do it with Osama? Why don't you ask the media goons these questions before jumping to any conclusion? Simple, you hate Pakistanis and Muslims from the core of your hearts and that's not you but the hate which speaks, nothing else, and that's hypocrisy at it's best.

Moreover, did this media tell you about how many people have died in that raid and were they really Osama's family members? Where are proofs to all of it? Let me tell you and I'm sure you and many of the likes wouldn't believe this, but those 4 innocent family members killed in this raid including two children were a family from Charsaddah (a town in KPK province) and they were Pakistanis not some Arabs, whose funeral has been offered on last Friday. Now where is the media telling you all this, and where are the champions of Human Rights Activist? After all, we Pakistanis are human beings too, just like any other human on the face of this earth. Where is your humanity in this case?

The problem here is you've based your point of view whatever this media feeds you with - the articles but no proof as yet, and no sheeple has dared enough to ask them for these proofs. I can write thousand made up stories regarding Osama, I can even buy people to be his daughter, mother, brother, sister, sons - I can even link Manmohan Singh to be his elder brother etc but what I won't be able to do in the coming 1000 years is to show you the hardcore proof of Osama's death and the stories linked to his death, neither this billion trillion dollar media industry would be able to tell or show you proofs in the coming 10,000 years but yet you people fall for it, and that's what they wanted you to be - a big fat sheeple.
^^^ I usually don't respond to Indians but since this has been blabbered over and over again here, I'm going to say it once and for all and I dare every Indian to tell the truth.

Who told you that she's OBL's wife? The western media, who always twist the truth to suite their agendas? That same western media who is hiding the real truth about Osama from us all, is feeding us with these notorious lies and as a result many many sheeple falls for it. Why on earth would they threw his body away in the sea? Why they didn't show it to the world, just like they did with Saddam - capture, harassed, tortured and then hanged in front of the whole world. I wonder why they didn't do it with Osama? Why don't you ask the media goons these questions before jumping to any conclusion? Simple, you hate Pakistanis and Muslims from the core of your hearts and that's not you but the hate which speaks, nothing else, and that's hypocrisy at it's best.

Moreover, did this media tell you about how many people have died in that raid and were they really Osama's family members? Where are proofs to all of it? Let me tell you and I'm sure you and many of the likes wouldn't believe this, but those 4 innocent family members killed in this raid including two children were a family from Charsaddah (a town in KPK province) and they were Pakistanis not some Arabs, whose funeral has been offered on last Friday. Now where is the media telling you all this, and where are the champions of Human Rights Activist? After all, we Pakistanis are human beings too, just like any other human on the face of this earth. Where is your humanity in this case?

The problem here is you've based your point of view whatever this media feeds you with - the articles but no proof as yet, and no sheeple has dared enough to ask them for these proofs. I can write thousand made up stories regarding Osama, I can even buy people to be his daughter, mother, brother, sister, sons - I can even link Manmohan Singh to be his elder brother etc but what I won't be able to do in the coming 1000 years is to show you the hardcore proof of Osama's death and the stories linked to his death, neither this billion trillion dollar media industry would be able to tell or show you proofs in the coming 10,000 years but yet you people fall for it, and that's what they wanted you to be - a big fat sheeple.

heh heh.. Dude.. sometimes, it IS what it seems.. Learn to live with the fact that CIA trumped you guys bad this time and ISI/PA got caught napping. Better luck next time..
^^^ I usually don't respond to Indians but since this has been blabbered over and over again here, I'm going to say it once and for all and I dare every Indian to tell the truth.

Who told you that she's OBL's wife? The western media, who always twist the truth to suite their agendas? That same western media who is hiding the real truth about Osama from us all, is feeding us with these notorious lies and as a result many many sheeple falls for it. Why on earth would they threw his body away in the sea? Why they didn't show it to the world, just like they did with Saddam - capture, harassed, tortured and then hanged in front of the whole world. I wonder why they didn't do it with Osama? Why don't you ask the media goons these questions before jumping to any conclusion? Simple, you hate Pakistanis and Muslims from the core of your hearts and that's not you but the hate which speaks, nothing else, and that's hypocrisy at it's best.

Moreover, did this media tell you about how many people have died in that raid and were they really Osama's family members? Where are proofs to all of it? Let me tell you and I'm sure you and many of the likes wouldn't believe this, but those 4 innocent family members killed in this raid including two children were a family from Charsaddah (a town in KPK province) and they were Pakistanis not some Arabs, whose funeral has been offered on last Friday. Now where is the media telling you all this, and where are the champions of Human Rights Activist? After all, we Pakistanis are human beings too, just like any other human on the face of this earth. Where is your humanity in this case?

The problem here is you've based your point of view whatever this media feeds you with - the articles but no proof as yet, and no sheeple has dared enough to ask them for these proofs. I can write thousand made up stories regarding Osama, I can even buy people to be his daughter, mother, brother, sister, sons - I can even link Manmohan Singh to be his elder brother etc but what I won't be able to do in the coming 1000 years is to show you the hardcore proof of Osama's death and the stories linked to his death, neither this billion trillion dollar media industry would be able to tell or show you proofs in the coming 10,000 years but yet you people fall for it, and that's what they wanted you to be - a big fat sheeple.

This is strange.

On one hand media reports from the west are decried as being untrue.

Yet the premise of this thread at post 1 is a media article from the west !
Here is a pakistani source for you Osama lived in Haripur before moving to Abbottabad | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

"The startling claims, according to two officials interviewed for this report, were made by Osama bin Laden’s 29-year-old Yemeni widow, one of the three widows in Pakistani custody."

Who are these "Familiar Officials/Engaged Investigators"...???
"according to officials familiar with the investigations"...!!!

&.. "Investigators engaged in piecing together the life of Osama "...!!!

Sounds like news-reporter is refering to same team who wrote rest of narrative of this stage-play...
If isi is the source, they always clearly mention so,,, don't quote such vague ambiguous sources...

Paper is NOT specifying that it's ISI releasing this "MADE-UP" statements from Osama's wife/daughter...

Other statements by wife/daughter were also released by BBC & Reuters & Pakistani papers printed those statements quoting BBC etc...

Source of daughter/wife's ALLEGED statements is NOT Pakistani...
Here is a pakistani source for you Osama lived in Haripur before moving to Abbottabad | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

"The startling claims, according to two officials interviewed for this report, were made by Osama bin Laden’s 29-year-old Yemeni widow, one of the three widows in Pakistani custody."

There are many news channels who are Rockefeller funded in Pakistan and I can even provide you with proofs. If you track where DAWN.COM is hosted, you'll get an idea whose mouthpiece it is. For reference reason check the details below and the link is also provided.

IP Address:
ASN: AS51006 IP
Location: - United Kingdom
Zen Network Technologies Ltd
Status:Registered And Active Website


Could you tell me, why a Pakistani newspaper's website is being hosted in the UK? Also, if you re-read my post above, I've provided so many phrases with Question Marks at the end. Since, those are billion dollar questions and this same media is trying to cover the lies and are trying hard to divert people's attention into something which has got nothing to do with Osama - his mission and his death. Haven't you all being enough fooled already by this same media who has shown fake pictures of Osama's murder? and yet you are trying to quote articles from that same media?

Also, half of my family belongs to Pak Forces one way or the other, I too have a few very close friends in the higher ups of Army. I was too paranoid on the initial reports shown by the electronic media which they are best at to make you paranoid. Now, Abottabad is my second hometown just because of the military family I belong to, I know what the ground realities are and who has gain what out of this whole fiasco. Only time will tell Mr. Thomas, just watch the show... you all are being fooled once again just like Bush did.

George Bush speech of Mission accomplished was on May 1, 2003.
Obama's Mission accomplished speech was on May 1, 2011.

Is it a mere coincidence?
^^^ I usually don't respond to Indians but since this has been blabbered over and over again here, I'm going to say it once and for all and I dare every Indian to tell the truth.

Who told you that she's OBL's wife? The western media, who always twist the truth to suite their agendas? That same western media who is hiding the real truth about Osama from us all, is feeding us with these notorious lies and as a result many many sheeple falls for it. Why on earth would they threw his body away in the sea? Why they didn't show it to the world, just like they did with Saddam - capture, harassed, tortured and then hanged in front of the whole world. I wonder why they didn't do it with Osama? Why don't you ask the media goons these questions before jumping to any conclusion? Simple, you hate Pakistanis and Muslims from the core of your hearts and that's not you but the hate which speaks, nothing else, and that's hypocrisy at it's best.

Moreover, did this media tell you about how many people have died in that raid and were they really Osama's family members? Where are proofs to all of it? Let me tell you and I'm sure you and many of the likes wouldn't believe this, but those 4 innocent family members killed in this raid including two children were a family from Charsaddah (a town in KPK province) and they were Pakistanis not some Arabs, whose funeral has been offered on last Friday. Now where is the media telling you all this, and where are the champions of Human Rights Activist? After all, we Pakistanis are human beings too, just like any other human on the face of this earth. Where is your humanity in this case?

The problem here is you've based your point of view whatever this media feeds you with - the articles but no proof as yet, and no sheeple has dared enough to ask them for these proofs. I can write thousand made up stories regarding Osama, I can even buy people to be his daughter, mother, brother, sister, sons - I can even link Manmohan Singh to be his elder brother etc but what I won't be able to do in the coming 1000 years is to show you the hardcore proof of Osama's death and the stories linked to his death, neither this billion trillion dollar media industry would be able to tell or show you proofs in the coming 10,000 years but yet you people fall for it, and that's what they wanted you to be - a big fat sheeple.

Bull$hit...It wasn't western media at all but Pakistani media which gave us this info...afterall all of OBL's wives and children are in Pakistani army custody.
Pakistani army is interrogating them and couple days ago they made official press release stating that

That 3 women found are his wives and some of the children were also his.
OBL's youngest wife(who was shot in the leg) stated that OBL had been hiding Atb.bad house for last 5 yrs.
It his daughter claimed in her interrogation ..that her father was shot in front of him.
Yesterday the news leaked out..that they have in another house near Atb.bad...and they have been in Pakistan since 2003.

These are official press releases from you army and your govt ..you claim that your armed forces, your media and above all your your govt are liars??
^^^ you are allowed to believe what suits your intellect, no one is forcing his/her opinion onto you. You again cannot prove it with some article published in electronic media, we have yet to see a video of his wives and daughter stating these claims etc and I'd only believe once they've been verified by DNA tests, if they really are his family.

Before getting into any further discussion and not waste each others time, if you can answer one really simple question then we may proceed. i.e Why was Osama captured and then killed as per the media reports, why he hadn't been shown to the world be it his dead body just like Saddam Hussain?
Why was Osama captured and then killed as per the media reports, why he hadn't been shown to the world be it his dead body just like Saddam Hussain?

Think about it,

You are the American president.

You have two options,

1. Kill Osama and end it all.

2. Capture him alive and proceed with the legal hassles, give him another chance and an open platform to spread his hate from all the while risking more attacks on your citizens and your country with a highly elevated probability of there being hijacking to secure Osama's release and getting more innocent people killed.

Which would you choose?

I would choose option 1. Simple.

As for your desire to see the pics of his dead body and all, again imagine that you're the US president and you know that showing the photographs of the blood-riddled corpse of a man who was regarded by many loonies around the world as a hero and that those loonies could be motivated to attack your citizens and your country.

Now what would you choose to do?

I would choose to not show the pics and risk the lives of my innocent citizens.

Besides, the US system works in a way to divulge secrets. There's already a lot of pressure on Obama to release the pics.

I'm pretty sure that the pics will be released once things cool down a bit. It might take months, may be years, but the pics will be released. I have no doubt about that.
OBLs wife said that he was in Pakistan from last five years

Who is more correct ????

Osama's wife might have lived in Pakistan for the last 5-10 years but Osama himself probably moved around a lot in the region for various reasons.

His permanent residence might be in Abbotabad for the last 5 years but he probably did travel to FATA and Afghanistan to meet others.

After all the videos released of him have not been recorded in Abbotabad according to sources.

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