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BANGLADESH and PAKISTAN - The destruction of Buddhism and Hinduism


Mar 31, 2008
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BANGLADESH and PAKISTAN - The destruction of Buddhism and Hinduism

The partition of India led to chaos and hundreds of thousands of people were murdered. After this chaos divisions would emerge between East Pakistan and West Pakistan and further bloodshed would occur,
(My add-on:someone should ask him...who actaully murdered whom..???) with the outcome being the sovereign nations of Bangladesh and Pakistan. However, while India remained to be multi-religious, the opposite happened in Bangladesh and Pakistan and religious minorities faced enormous problems and persecution. (My add-on:someone should tell him whats happening inside india-Khalstan, Gujrat masscare, kashmir etc etc)
To make matters worse both Bangladesh and Pakistan would witness the gradual Islamization of their societies,(My add-on:WOW...!!!) notably Pakistan, and massive corruption and persecution of women would continue (My add-on: what about burning of wives alive with their husbands). The Islamization of both nations was especially traumatic for Hindus in Pakistan and Buddhists in Bangladesh; and not surprisingly Islamic persecution of minorities in both nations re-awakened anti-Islamic feelings in India. For unlike the destruction of Buddhism in Afghanistan, which happened centuries earlier because of Islamic conquests, persecution and controlling all leverages of power; the Islamization of Bangladesh and Pakistan took place in the twentieth century and continues today. (My add-on:survival of the fittest dude...)

Yet why were Buddhism and Hinduism being allowed to be destroyed in both nations? (My add-on:did he say DESTROYED....he is weak in general knowledge i believe)After all, Buddhists in Bangladesh were a small minority and they could never threaten Islam; the same applies to Hindus in Pakistan (My add-on:Agreed...but what did both of us say to them...???). Therefore, why did other nations remain quiet when massive religious persecution was taking place? (My add-on:when did this happen..???) For nations like France, the United Kingdom and United States were espousing 'democracy' and liberals were glorifying multi-faith societies and stating that Islam was a religion of peace. At the same time major institutions like the Commonwealth, which espoused global human rights, remained quiet when religious genocide was taking place in Bangladesh and Pakistan. (My add-on: Ahan..!!!)

In Pakistan the destruction of Hinduism and persecution of Hindus took many forms. The first path was the massacre of Hindus during partition and forcing Hindus to leave via coercion (My add-on:ulta chor kotwal ko dantay..). However, over the last 50 years the destruction of Hinduism in modern day Pakistan was based on past Islamic global conquests and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed who sanctioned the persecution of non-Muslims.For the Prophet Mohammed had told his followers to 'Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day . . . Nor acknowledge the religion of truth (Islam) . . .’ (My add-on:Waah Wah..!!! im speechless)

Therefore, the followers of Hinduism were to be subdued in accordance with the teachings of Islamic Sharia Law, the Koran and Hadiths. Given this, Hindus were now a subdued minority, like Christians in Pakistan, and they were unequal in law and status in accordance with the teachings of Islam. At the same time Hindu temples were often converted into Muslim mosques or destroyed, and ancient Hindu architectures were destroyed. (My add-on:hmmm....tik tik tik.....)
The choice for many Hindus was either to convert to Islam in order to escape persecution, flee to India or to accept that they were second-class citizens in Pakistan and resign themselves to being persecuted. (My add-on: comee to Karachi dude..and see how prosper hindus are.....)Not surprisingly Hinduism in Pakistan continued to decline and this civilization was being eradicated by Islam. The situation for Buddhists in Bangladesh was different, for Buddhism had survived countless Islamic conquests in one region because of terrain and other factors; therefore, Buddhists and other faiths had survived in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

However, the increasing population of Bangladesh led to problems and the government of Bangladesh hoped 'to kill two birds with one stone.' This applies to moving millions of people to remote parts of Bangladesh, notably the Chittagong Hill Tracts, while at the same time this new Islamic migration would crush the mainly Buddhist tribal opposition in this region. Therefore, millions of Muslim migrants were moved into the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the mainly tribal Buddhists (some tribals are Christian, Hindu or follow traditional beliefs) became embroiled in a civil war. Islamic radicals also moved into this region and many Buddhist priests were killed, including some being beheaded.

At the same time hundreds of Buddhist temples were destroyed and the Bangladesh army took part in many massacres, and some Buddhist women were gang-raped by both Islamic zealots and the Bangladesh army. In time the mainly Buddhist tribals were overwhelmed by the armed forces of Bangladesh and Muslim migration. Their situation, however, went unnoticed in the West and Islamic nations obviously remained silent. To make matters worse, the mainly Buddhist tribes had no nation supporting them and no major world leader to draw attention to their plight.

Given this, the government of Bangladesh continued with their policy of persecuting Buddhists while Muslim migration Islamized the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Therefore, the destruction of thousands of years of Hindu/Buddhist civilization in these nations destroyed. It is clear that mainly Buddhist nations like Japan (and Shinto), Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and others, should form an organization to help their co-religionists; with Japan being the main financial power to raise awareness of Buddhist persecution. If global silence continues then Buddhism will one day be eradicated in Bangladesh.

However, the global community did condemn the Taliban in Afghanistan for destroying Buddhist statues and art, yet the same global community remains quiet when Buddhist tribes are being systematically persecuted. Does this mean that Buddhist art in Afghanistan is more important than the persecution of Buddhist communities and the gang rape of Buddhist women in Bangladesh?

Surely the Hindus of Pakistan and Buddhists in the Chittagong Hill Tracts deserve better? If the international community remains silent about this crime, then soon these lands will be Islamized and ethnically 'cleansed.' This is a shame for regional nations and the global community, for they are leaving the most vulnerable and 'voiceless' without any hope. Are you alarmed, if not, why? (My add-on: enuff i cant go anymore...i am tired...)

i cant do anything else except laughing on this article....
Well i will be objective and give credit where it is due every country has had it's tensions between different groups but india is a million times better in minority rights than us they have had muslim,sikh and christian leaders no other country has had so many leaders from minority groups you have to respect that .I could never imagine a non-muslim PM or president in pak.I don't think we would be completely honest if we say hindus have it well in pak we could do so much more.The government seems to have renovated a few temples in the past few years so atleast they're doing something i'm sure things will improve even more for them in the future.
Well i will be objective and give credit where it is due every country has had it's tensions between different groups but india is a million times better in minority rights than us they have had muslim,sikh and christian leaders no other country has had so many leaders from minority groups you have to respect that .I could never imagine a non-muslim PM or president in pak.I don't think we would be completely honest if we say hindus have it well in pak we could do so much more.The government seems to have renovated a few temples in the past few years so atleast they're doing something i'm sure things will improve even more for them in the future.

hmmm, please read our constitution and try to recall our country's formal name(Islamic Republic of Pakistan). Dude we are an Islamic country, not a secular country nor we are like "People's Republic....", etc etc. Our constitution says a non-muslim cannot be our president or PM.period.

Try to tell Isreal to have a Muslim leader...

Why in USA everybody was pissed off when they came to know that barak obama was a Muslim..(although he is not) and USA claims to be a champion of "freedom"....

Dear minority rights doent mean that you start making non-muslims leaders of muslim countries....as far as temples and churches are concerned.. I yet have to see a church or temple in "bad" shape...i m in USA now but in Karachi at my housing scheme we do have a beatiful church, temples and imam bargha...rest evey non-muslim friends that I have in Pakistna have yet to complain me about mis-treatment by Pakistanis......

chill and watch this...:cheers:

KMYFEKyz-IE[/media] - Tribute To Minorities In Pakistan
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The author has only blamed and not provided any solid proof i.e dates or events when this happened. In India too things have not been easy for minortities. There have been massacres people burned alive, crushed by stones and their religious places destroyed.
As far as constitution of Pakistan is concerned yes a non muslim can not be president but he can be elected to any other post including prime minister. I don't think constitution bars that. A recent example is that Rana Bagwandas was heading the supreme court of Pakistan when chief justice case was being heard in the court.
Thx. Enigma for the nice and truthful article.

If only you had not inserted the useless "My adds", which are only rhetorical and denial of historical and current facts which everyone can see except people like you.
I am of the opinion that Bangladesh joins Pakistan again!

That is the sentiment of the Razzakaar here.

What is causing the delay?

Go man, do it!!
I am of the opinion that Bangladesh joins Pakistan again!

That is the sentiment of the Razzakaar here.

What is causing the delay?

Go man, do it!!

Lemme know when you are be back from your dream trip dude.....

Thx. Enigma for the nice and truthful article.

If only you had not inserted the useless "My adds", which are only rhetorical and denial of historical and current facts which everyone can see except people like you.

Nice and truthful .....hmmmm i like that...ya i can smell somethin burning ova here...
Well please come up with a proof about everything that is mentioned in this article...i'll be happy to accept your "nice and truthful" compliment.

I think you forgot about Kashmir and Gujrat....
go back and read the history again...dude.
I know india is a champion of Humman Rights....
Lastly, neverthless, try to see videos ragarding Khalistan Movement on youtube, it might be able to refresh your memory as regards to your claim.:tdown:
Too much difference in culture, hard to integrate. let them remain independent
BANGLADESH and PAKISTAN - The destruction of Buddhism and Hinduism

The partition of India led to chaos and hundreds of thousands of people were murdered. After this chaos divisions would emerge between East Pakistan and West Pakistan and further bloodshed would occur,
(My add-on:someone should ask him...who actaully murdered whom..???) with the outcome being the sovereign nations of Bangladesh and Pakistan. However, while India remained to be multi-religious, the opposite happened in Bangladesh and Pakistan and religious minorities faced enormous problems and persecution. (My add-on:someone should tell him whats happening inside india-Khalstan, Gujrat masscare, kashmir etc etc)
To make matters worse both Bangladesh and Pakistan would witness the gradual Islamization of their societies,(My add-on:WOW...!!!) notably Pakistan, and massive corruption and persecution of women would continue (My add-on: what about burning of wives alive with their husbands). The Islamization of both nations was especially traumatic for Hindus in Pakistan and Buddhists in Bangladesh; and not surprisingly Islamic persecution of minorities in both nations re-awakened anti-Islamic feelings in India. For unlike the destruction of Buddhism in Afghanistan, which happened centuries earlier because of Islamic conquests, persecution and controlling all leverages of power; the Islamization of Bangladesh and Pakistan took place in the twentieth century and continues today. (My add-on:survival of the fittest dude...)

Yet why were Buddhism and Hinduism being allowed to be destroyed in both nations? (My add-on:did he say DESTROYED....he is weak in general knowledge i believe)After all, Buddhists in Bangladesh were a small minority and they could never threaten Islam; the same applies to Hindus in Pakistan (My add-on:Agreed...but what did both of us say to them...???). Therefore, why did other nations remain quiet when massive religious persecution was taking place? (My add-on:when did this happen..???) For nations like France, the United Kingdom and United States were espousing 'democracy' and liberals were glorifying multi-faith societies and stating that Islam was a religion of peace. At the same time major institutions like the Commonwealth, which espoused global human rights, remained quiet when religious genocide was taking place in Bangladesh and Pakistan. (My add-on: Ahan..!!!)

In Pakistan the destruction of Hinduism and persecution of Hindus took many forms. The first path was the massacre of Hindus during partition and forcing Hindus to leave via coercion (My add-on:ulta chor kotwal ko dantay..). However, over the last 50 years the destruction of Hinduism in modern day Pakistan was based on past Islamic global conquests and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed who sanctioned the persecution of non-Muslims.For the Prophet Mohammed had told his followers to 'Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day . . . Nor acknowledge the religion of truth (Islam) . . .’ (My add-on:Waah Wah..!!! im speechless)

Therefore, the followers of Hinduism were to be subdued in accordance with the teachings of Islamic Sharia Law, the Koran and Hadiths. Given this, Hindus were now a subdued minority, like Christians in Pakistan, and they were unequal in law and status in accordance with the teachings of Islam. At the same time Hindu temples were often converted into Muslim mosques or destroyed, and ancient Hindu architectures were destroyed. (My add-on:hmmm....tik tik tik.....)
The choice for many Hindus was either to convert to Islam in order to escape persecution, flee to India or to accept that they were second-class citizens in Pakistan and resign themselves to being persecuted. (My add-on: comee to Karachi dude..and see how prosper hindus are.....)Not surprisingly Hinduism in Pakistan continued to decline and this civilization was being eradicated by Islam. The situation for Buddhists in Bangladesh was different, for Buddhism had survived countless Islamic conquests in one region because of terrain and other factors; therefore, Buddhists and other faiths had survived in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

However, the increasing population of Bangladesh led to problems and the government of Bangladesh hoped 'to kill two birds with one stone.' This applies to moving millions of people to remote parts of Bangladesh, notably the Chittagong Hill Tracts, while at the same time this new Islamic migration would crush the mainly Buddhist tribal opposition in this region. Therefore, millions of Muslim migrants were moved into the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the mainly tribal Buddhists (some tribals are Christian, Hindu or follow traditional beliefs) became embroiled in a civil war. Islamic radicals also moved into this region and many Buddhist priests were killed, including some being beheaded.

At the same time hundreds of Buddhist temples were destroyed and the Bangladesh army took part in many massacres, and some Buddhist women were gang-raped by both Islamic zealots and the Bangladesh army. In time the mainly Buddhist tribals were overwhelmed by the armed forces of Bangladesh and Muslim migration. Their situation, however, went unnoticed in the West and Islamic nations obviously remained silent. To make matters worse, the mainly Buddhist tribes had no nation supporting them and no major world leader to draw attention to their plight.

Given this, the government of Bangladesh continued with their policy of persecuting Buddhists while Muslim migration Islamized the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Therefore, the destruction of thousands of years of Hindu/Buddhist civilization in these nations destroyed. It is clear that mainly Buddhist nations like Japan (and Shinto), Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and others, should form an organization to help their co-religionists; with Japan being the main financial power to raise awareness of Buddhist persecution. If global silence continues then Buddhism will one day be eradicated in Bangladesh.

However, the global community did condemn the Taliban in Afghanistan for destroying Buddhist statues and art, yet the same global community remains quiet when Buddhist tribes are being systematically persecuted. Does this mean that Buddhist art in Afghanistan is more important than the persecution of Buddhist communities and the gang rape of Buddhist women in Bangladesh?

Surely the Hindus of Pakistan and Buddhists in the Chittagong Hill Tracts deserve better? If the international community remains silent about this crime, then soon these lands will be Islamized and ethnically 'cleansed.' This is a shame for regional nations and the global community, for they are leaving the most vulnerable and 'voiceless' without any hope. Are you alarmed, if not, why? (My add-on: enuff i cant go anymore...i am tired...)

i cant do anything else except laughing on this article....


Interesting “add ons”.

In the riots during Partition, you add on “someone should ask him...who actaully murdered whom..???)” is enigmatic. Actually, who killed whom? Are you suggesting that it was a one way massacre?

What about Khalistan, Gujerat and Kashmir? True that there have been riots and dissensions, but in a multi racial, multi ethnic country, where there is a secular constitution with equal rights, there will be dissensions and problems. More so, unlike developed nations, where affluence is the by word, those who are in developing countries and where daily existence is a challenge, causing dissensions by vested interests is no big deal!

Compare it with Pakistan, if you will. Pakistan has officially Islam as its religion and Islamic Law is applicable too for all!! That in itself is discriminatory and is a ‘’living death’’. Since you allude to Israel also, would it be fine with you if the Palestinians were subject to Jewish laws, all other things being equal? In India, with all its warts, there is no religious law that impinges on other citizens of different religious beliefs. Think that over.

Also check your census, even though it has been done in starts and fits, since these things are not of concern in Pakistan or so it appears. Where have all the minority gone? I could comment, but there is no need to have a conflagration here!

I would not have gone into all this, but since you raise the issue, I am constrained to comment. If Islam is the sole official religion, then isn’t it surprising that there are Sunni Shia riots in Pakistan, when Allah and Islam is the same? If the religion is same and even then there are the killings, then why grandstand and talk of a multi religious and multi ethnic country being satanic? Of course, if it were that you were making a fashion statement, being in the US (and hence assuming you are better than the natives), then it is a different matter!

As far as Islamisation of Pakistan and Bangladesh, is that not a truth? You comment with a Wow. May I remind you of Jinnah’s address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan? What did he say and what is it today? What is the Red Mosque all about that held Pakistan to ransom?

In so far as Suttee or burning wives with the husband as you so quaintly said, it indicates how weak is your argument. It shows that you know no history nor do you know the law! If it were true, I am sure the Human Rights movement of the world would be jumping up and down, tearing their hair. Are you from Lord William Bentinck and Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s time and still going strong?

On the issue of persecution of minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh, you comment ‘survival of the fittest’. Should it not be applicable to India also? While you are smug in your observation in condoning religious discrimination through force, I would like to say that insecurity is the mother of discrimination. Be it anywhere in the world, including India, I feel that it is shameful and born out of sheer insecurity that what one wants to achieve is false and disgraceful!

Your indirect contention that the minorities, who are now reduced to a handful and their places of worship, are impregnably safe is fallacious. It is time you check and find out.

If the minorities in Karachi are prosperous as you claim though you give no proof and leave it as a bland statement, I am afraid, the credit is entirely theirs and not of Pakistan. In India, Mos.lems have reservation and they are a special class! Mollycoddled if you wish, while the other minorities don’t have the same privilege and they don’t care or clamour for the same. They stand on their own feet and demand to be recognized on their own merits!!

I am not surprised you are dying out of laughter. It is good for you since Laughter is the best medicine for all ailments including hallucinations!! Or so I am told!
What were the numbers of Hindus in West pakistan at the time of indeopendence?

How many people migrated from India to West Pakistan?

How many from West Pakistan to India?
Actually some of the comments like "survival of the fittest" were so pathetic, they did not deserve an answer.

Why don't you apply the same to the Israel issue which is surrounded by Arabs who enjoy 50:1 to 100:1 superiority in numbers and still come laggards?

By that measure Kashmir should not even be an issue? Nor the 1971 events, nor Gujarat. Everything is fair!

Is survival of the fittest the reason the Islamic world is in the condition it is in?
What were the numbers of Hindus in West pakistan at the time of indeopendence?

How many people migrated from India to West Pakistan?

How many from West Pakistan to India?

Absolutely correct.

Though one should not relate everything of India to Hindus as Pakistan is not all about Mos.lems!

And how many coverted to save their property!
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