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PAF 133 GDP - Passed the Initial and Medical!!!


Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
AOA, by the grace of Allah I have passed the initial academic and medical exams for 133th PAF GDP. Today was my interview and after the interview I was told to wait for the merit list which will be posted in March. The interview was quite brief 2-3 mins and the officer asked just a few questions and now I am so scared because of that!

What's up with that? How would this merit list be calculated? Does this interview have any weightage?
I think I know the weight and the logic behind the interview. I cannot give you the answer cause it might be misused by people that either should not be elected or our enemies. Don't make big deal out of it. It is done and just wait and see. It is in the hands of Allah now. You have done your part. I have been there and sometimes you just have to wait. I can give you one insight. No military pilot is getting extremely nervous under any circumstance. It is your job, trust and execute at your best. Expect to die if needed.
Okay I appreciate the reply but that did not help me much.
I'd like more replies ;)
congratulations. Insha-Allah, in coming years you will be posting in this forum as a real pilot.
I don't know the Pakistani process, but I'm sure it is like most better air forces in the world in that it is ultra, cut-throat competitive. For every 1,000 young men who want to fly, maybe 1 actually will, and through the process, the remainder will be rejected, fail, fall by the wayside, be cut, until they winnow out the chaff and keep the wheat.

The secret is raw, pure focus. Let nothing stand in your way, yet be a team player, don't mess with your companions in a bad way. Help them, and it helps yourself. Get perfect scores academically. Be like a laser beam.

A short interview doesn't mean much. No doubt there will be many other interiews in the future. And if you don't make it this attempt, don't give up. Perservere and re-apply every year if needed until you are too old. Good luck!

BEST OF LUCK ... :tup:
Congratz man.
Best of Luck for being a pilot too :)
Inshallah wou would be.

I think you must have been given an ISSB form up till now if not then you will be soon Inshallah. but let me tell you BE FOCUS and prepare for ISSB as much as you can about written papers and obstacle course by practicing as much as possible. Be their with clear mind as a normal person. They don't need a super hero and they polish you to be 1 ... that's their job ...
They did not give an ISSB form to anyone, they had already told us before the medical and the interview that we will be given the ISSB forms after the merit list is posted in March.

Thanks for the insight guys, let's hope for the best. I will update you guys once I do receive any notification.


Have you attended ISSB for PAF GDP?
in interview you need to know everything about Pakistan (i.e Politics, former presidents etc), and you need to be confident, and try to use good Urdu (avoid english), and try to be yourself, good luck!
I'm sorry but did you read the previous posts? I've already given the interview :D
congratz ,
but i failed in initials for aeronautical engnr :eek:
but ill try again in july !

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