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PAF 133 GDP - Passed the Initial and Medical!!!

A few more days till the Merit List, pray for me guys ;)

better luck next time
the intial test is always a joke. you will be called for the ISSB where your "so called science" (above) will not work. they keep you for 4 days , wake you up at 0530 and you cant pretend what you are not...

dont even pretend to be a LASER or some thing. just be calm and confident. dont show off. one more thing. its better to go with an empty mind....

fact : these days, more competition is for the PMA LC rather then for GDs... :)
I didn't fully understand your post, but thanks for the tips. Could you kindly clarify the rest of your post?

Have you taken the ISSB examination?
Good luck ... I was selected in 93rd GDP so I can connect with your situation ... these anxious days will be over soon and you will get an ISSB call insha-Allah.
Damn, my name was not on the list. I'm disappointed but I will not give up!

However, I'm not sure why my name was not on the list, was it mainly based on my academic record? I ask because I did pass the initial tests and the medical tests. So it's either because of the academic record or because of the interview. Any ideas?

I ask because I only have given first year of A Level (which is equivalent to first year of FSC) with Physics and Mathematics only. So maybe that's why other candidates scored higher than me? However I did have 80% equivalence certificate for Matric based upon my O Level result in which I scored 90% (they deduct 10% when they convert the marks during equivalence)

On the second hand CAE list was huge whereas GDP had only about 30 students at most.
Another thing I'd like to know is that can I verify that I was not selected by calling some department or no? Because I am still in shock and still can't believe that my name was not on the list.
What is more astonishing is that a friend of mine had applied for CAE and he got selected. Even though he is very skinny, has 70% marks in O Level / Matric and had 3 E grades in the first year of A Level as compared to my 80% in O Level / Matric and 1 A* and 1 D in first year of A Level and I'm pretty sure I did way better than him on the initial tests as I know his caliber.

Damn, I am utterly pissed now, wasn't CAE supposed to have a higher merit? Then how come he got selected and I didn't ... it's weird!
Very disappointed. =/ Don't give up bud, good luck for the next time!
And please read your wall, just posted something.
I really don't know what happened, but I guess luck plays a major role in these things. I just hope I get in the next time.
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