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Multiculturalism has failed, says French president

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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PARIS (AFP) – French President Nicolas Sarkozy declared Thursday that multiculturalism had failed, joining a growing number of world leaders or ex-leaders who have condemned it.
"My answer is clearly yes, it is a failure," he said in a television interview when asked about the policy which advocates that host societies welcome and foster distinct cultural and religious immigrant groups.
"Of course we must all respect differences, but we do not want... a society where communities coexist side by side.
"If you come to France, you accept to melt into a single community, which is the national community, and if you do not want to accept that, you cannot be welcome in France," the right-wing president said.
"The French national community cannot accept a change in its lifestyle, equality between men and women... freedom for little girls to go to school," he said.
"We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him," Sarkozy said in the TFI channel show.
British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Australia's ex-prime minister John Howard and Spanish ex-premier Jose Maria Aznar have also recently said multicultural policies have not successfully integrated immigrants.
Merkel in October said efforts towards multiculturalism in Germany had "failed, totally."
The comment followed weeks of anguished debate sparked by the huge popularity of a book by a central banker saying that immigrants, in particular Muslims, were making Germany "more stupid."
Britain's Cameron last week pronounced his country's long-standing policy of multiculturalism a failure, calling for better integration of young Muslims to combat home-grown extremism.
He urged a "more active, muscular liberalism" where equal rights, the rule of law, freedom of speech and democracy are actively promoted to create a stronger national identity.
The prime minister, who took power in May 2010, argued that "under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream".
He said this had resulted in a lack of national identity in Britain which had made some young Muslims turn to extremist ideology.
Sarkozy said in his television interview Thursday that "our Muslim compatriots must be able to practise their religion, as any citizen can," but he noted "we in France do not want people to pray in an ostentatious way in the street."
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen late last year came under fire for comparing Muslims praying in the streets outside overcrowded mosques in France to the Nazi occupation.
Marine Le Pen said there were "ten to fifteen" places in France where Muslims worshipped in the streets outside mosques when these were full.
Multiculturalism has failed, says French president - Yahoo! News
.........Sarkozy said in his television interview Thursday that "our Muslim compatriots must be able to practise their religion, as any citizen can," but he noted "we in France do not want people to pray in an ostentatious way in the street."

what's the problum Sarkozy ?
does it couse traffic jams on streets ?
first Germany said this.
now France. god knows what will happen now! or something is going that we dont know .
first Germany said this.
now France. god knows what will happen now! or something is going that we dont know .

Europe and India are going through similar identity crises. Due to multiculturalism, there is no ONE definite identity that unites the population. There no single religion, no single race, no single culture that unites them all. That is causing these nations to lose their identities.

When different identities tend to fight amongst themselves to prove that they are better than the other, at that point of time, multiculturalism fails. Unfortunately for the EU, that situation is fast approaching with hardening of stands by multiple ethnic groups.
when the whites had full spectrum dominance in demographics, economics and military, they promoted free competition knowing they'll win and talked about the white man's burden.

now that the whites are showing full spectrum decline, their formerly "offensive" racism in the form of white man's burden has been turned into a "defensive" racism of cultural protectionalism.

but it's still the same sh*t in a differnet toilet.

what a joke that they promote "equality and freedom of speech" in a movement designed specifically to limit freedom of speech and create inequality!
the whole idea is funny,

most Muzlim dominated country are Islamic , they don't believe in multi-culture ,multi relegion.

but when it comes to Europe or us. these few islamist change their approach.

isn't it being two faced ?

the whole idea of diversity failure is propagated by most muzlim countries first, now Europe is only following it.
the whole idea is funny,

most Muzlim dominated country are Islamic , they don't believe in multi-culture ,multi relegion.

but when it comes to Europe or us. these few islamist change their approach.

isn't it being two faced ?

the whole idea of diversity failure is propagated by most muzlim countries first, now Europe is only following it.

You're a liar. Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Paksitan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and all the African countries have full freedom of religion, just as good as Europe(maybe its a little complicated in Pakistan).
The only countries which have any restriction is Saudi Arabia, which is also a Western puppet. However, you are determined to hate Muslims, and I don't think that the truth will stand in your way.
You're a liar. Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Paksitan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and all the African countries have full freedom of religion, just as good as Europe(maybe its a little complicated in Pakistan).
The only countries which have any restriction is Saudi Arabia, which is also a Western puppet. However, you are determined to hate Muslims, and I don't think that the truth will stand in your way.

Rubbish human rights and minorities in those countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan even Turkey is way below the western world look at any survey and compare.
when the whites had full spectrum dominance in demographics, economics and military, they promoted free competition knowing they'll win and talked about the white man's burden.

now that the whites are showing full spectrum decline, their formerly "offensive" racism in the form of white man's burden has been turned into a "defensive" racism of cultural protectionalism.

but it's still the same sh*t in a differnet toilet.

what a joke that they promote "equality and freedom of speech" in a movement designed specifically to limit freedom of speech and create inequality!

Thought I agree with your view that "white man's burden" created many problems. However, they arent he only group to blame. What you fail to understand is that the blame lies not with the white men, but with the immigrants. When a person decides to immigrate to another country, that person should embrace the ideas and foundations of the new nation, instead of peddling his/her own culture as superior than his hosts'. If one really believes he's superior why immigrate, right?

Many immigrants do not want to assimilate to new countries, though they want to suck up every thing that country has to offer (freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to exploit good business opportunities etc) and yet they dont want to contribute positively by assimilating with the host nation. And therein lies the problem. Just like how we dont like other people coming to our countries and peddling their culture as superior, even they dont like us going to their countries and peddling our culture as superior.

If one doesnt want to embrace the new country's culture, assimilate with the new nation, its better to go back from where one came from.
Some minorities have fared better than others and integrated into society well like Indians hehe
After Germany, Britain now France saying all this just because of petro dollar funded radical ideology and its followers.
are we seing a pattern here? it was david cameron.. now sarkozy. who next??

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