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Indian Student Stabbed For "Looking Weird" Dies!

my take guys: if a Indian is gonna screw Pakistani it will be like
Rishi Sunak and that b it ch called Suella Braverman who will use their job power to screw pakistanis. They will behave like right wing appealing to them even though they be the first victim of racism. Indians will be bhai bhai until he/she gets the power then you will realize how kashmiris feel. You will be dancing like you are on hot coal or fired.

There's a photo of her as a teenager.
She was a very unfortunate looking kid.
It sounds petty but l'II bet she wasn't asked out on many dates. Maybe that had a lasting affect and turned her into a bitter adult. I could be wrong though.
There's a photo of her as a teenager.
She was a very unfortunate looking kid.
It sounds petty but l'II bet she wasn't asked out on many dates. Maybe that had a lasting affect and turned her into a bitter adult. I could be wrong though.
she should have gone to pakistani area they would have given her great time, all at once.
my take guys: if a Indian is gonna screw Pakistani it will be like
Rishi Sunak and that b it ch called Suella Braverman who will use their job power to screw pakistanis. They will behave like right wing appealing to them even though they be the first victim of racism. Indians will be bhai bhai until he/she gets the power then you will realize how kashmiris feel. You will be dancing like you are on hot coal or fired.
Judging by the noise coming from London she may be out of a job come Monday.
Judging by the noise coming from London she may be out of a job come Monday.

Should never have been appointed in the first place. Poisonous, inept and totally out of her depth. Obviously the clowns on the right thinks she's wonderful. She does not represent the majority of British people and should be sacked asap.

Unfortunately my brother , indian politicians in the U.K. are all toxic and dangerous you can not make up sHit they are coming out with

Is it sane in US where you are brother with this dangerous Indian community in politics?
Should never have been appointed in the first place. Poisonous, inept and totally out of her depth. Obviously the clowns on the right thinks she's wonderful. She does not represent the majority of British people and should be sacked asap.

Unfortunately my brother , indian politicians in the U.K. are all toxic and dangerous you can not make up sHit they are coming out with

Is it sane in US where you are brother with this dangerous Indian community in politics?
The entire world is f’d up yar. ☹️
Your mother should have swallowed you

Wow! 😂

I was throwing curses like this in school 😂

Was the murdered pajeet your mother's f##k buddy? Or has cow juice finally given you a pair of balls?

While our admins sleep, let the personal attacks degrade. Let's drive the discourse to even low levels.

Bring it.
Take it easy radical, you have only yourselves to blame by poisoning the well of relations between our communities. It's hard for us to now extend a hand to people who could have been raping and abusing minorities back home in BHARAT. If you want sympathy from someone, basically don't get it from us - the people you've decided are your existential enemies. Go gather up Om Shantis among yourselves instead of soliciting from us.
You just showed what kind of an animal you are.
This lady was attacked because of a barrage of propaganda after the Israel conflict was reignited and which pajeets are partially responsible for.

This pajeet was attacked because he was legitimately seen as creepy. You don't just randomly end up being considered creepy at a gym. Pajeets should introspect and refine their behavior instead of thinking this is about ewil Vites being racist.

And Pakistanis should stop adopting this victim mentality pajeets have fostered as a result of people reacting negatively to their anti-social habits and practices. They're not your allies. We don't share a struggle in the West. I've never had to deal with the perpetual racism pajeets have seemingly had to contend with. What I might have to worry about is anti-Islam hatred (never experienced anything yet), and if it does happen, it will be a direct consequence of the propaganda pajeets gleefully spread.
Look here another pakistani taxi driver killed by american teenage girls , there was no israeli invasion

There hasn’t been an issue and if someone wanted to try me, I wish a mothafucka would.

Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve lived a good part of my life in NYC, but there are certain things built into me that come off as instinctive.

Whenever I enter any building I take note of every exit. I never let anyone enter my personal space which is a 3 foot gap unless they are deemed a non-threat. I have a sixth sense for detecting when someone is trying to walk behind me or even looking at me.

My spatial awareness is next level unlike you bhartoids and a lot of these mummy daddy gated community Pakistanis that just drift through life bobbling their heads.

You see my bhartoid fraaand, in the laws of nature there is either fight or flight. What I’ve noticed from bhartoids and some meek Pakistanis is that they tend to freeze up. That gets you beat up or killed.

On a final note, my preference for shalwar kameez has nothing to do with non-assimilation to my community but rather my pride in my culture and to accommodate my huge penis and balls.
Brave self boasting pakistani superman hope next time you will be present at the spot like super man to save pakistanis when in danger , but these poor doctor , taxi driver got killed and you did not go to save them .



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Look here another pakistani taxi driver killed by american teenage girls , there was no israeli invasion

Brave pakistani hope you next time you will be present at the spot like spider man to save pakistanis when in danger , but these poor doctor , taxi driver got killed and you did not go to save them .

Stfu pajeet. Hope all of you get stabbed like the other pajeet. Subhuman all of you are

I’ll say, f*ck that pajeet. F*ck all of them. They will bhai bhai the moronic Pakistanis when they need your vote and then their Hindu rapey pajeet will come out. No sympathy for a dead coksucker Indian.

They consider us an existential enemy and will do whatever power they get to screw us. Already seeing that across the western world.


Gotta love UK pakeez for being tough and having balls but dey gotta work on da IQ fam.

The way I tie it, I just pull at one end and it’s good to go. Faster than zipper on jeans.
Them nibbas are pretty dumb, NGL. Though UK needed more brawn than brains in order to protect its communities. Brains are needed in the US and we have plenty of them.
Stfu pajeet. Hope all of you get stabbed like the other pajeet. Subhuman all of you are

I’ll say, f*ck that pajeet. F*ck all of them. They will bhai bhai the moronic Pakistanis when they need your vote and then their Hindu rapey pajeet will come out. No sympathy for a dead coksucker Indian.

They consider us an existential enemy and will do whatever power they get to screw us. Already seeing that across the western world.

Them nibbas are pretty dumb, NGL. Though UK needed more brawn than brains in order to protect its communities. Brains are needed in the US and we have plenty of them.
Ha ha ha , no Indian wants your vote ,
Behave yourself do not bring islamophobia in everything , do not blame others, change your habits, do not indulge in criminal activities , otherwise you will also serve in jails like these pakistani taxi drivers , they are in jails for grooming children .


Coconut syndrome is very common among desis sadly.

I have never seen such a zio bootlicker in my whole life. She is becoming such a liability for Rishi Sunak, he better think seriously how this ugly-minded race-baiting person can stay in office in ANY capacity.

All she can offer for the public good is HATE and MORE HATE. Which belies the reason for her being in public office.

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