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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


Sabrina Maddeaux: I watched Hamas hack innocents to death. The worst part was their glee

Screened footage showed literal streams of blood, hacked off arms and legs, and an infant missing part of its skull, brain leaking out

Author of the article:
Sabrina Maddeaux

Published Nov 06, 2023 • Last updated 11 hours ago • 3 minute read


Over the span of 43 minutes, I watched 138 humans be murdered or witnessed their corpses, many brutalized beyond recognition and others clearly tortured, in the direct aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.

That’s 3.2 bodies per minute— and less than 10 per cent of the more than 1,400 people killed that day.

The Consulate of Israel in Toronto screened the footage, taken from a mix of body cameras, dashboard cams, CCTV tapes, and victims’ cell phones, some used by Hamas to record and livestream their sadism, for a small group of media on Monday. Not everyone made it through the full 43 minutes, with others moved to tears and outbursts of emotion.

There were babies. Toddlers. So many children of all ages. Young men and women dressed for a music festival, not the wanton slaughter that saw their bloodied bodies piled atop one another in scenes reminiscent of some of the Holocaust’s worst images.

Parents. The elderly. A dad who, attempting to hide from Hamas attackers with his sons, all three of them still in their underwear, was blown up by a grenade in front of his children. The two young boys, covered in blood, crying, throwing themselves on the ground in grief, as a Hamas gunman raids the family’s fridge and takes a swig of soda. One of the sons’ panicked voice as he realizes he can no longer see out of one eye.

The man’s wife as kibbutz security bring her to identify her husband’s remains. The moment she literally collapses and has to be dragged away from the scene, thrashing wildly, her legs folding under her like every bone had simply vanished from her body.

A family attempting to decipher whether the burned remains in front of them, skirt hiked up above bare genitals, is the loved one they’re looking for.

The literal streams of blood, the hacked off arms and legs, the infant missing part of its skull, brain leaking out. The dog shot over and over again as its limbs splay in every direction until they don’t anymore. Mickey mouse pyjamas on a young corpse, skull fragments on floors, victims shot point blank. So much blood.

But none of what I’ve detailed so far was the worst part of those 43 minutes. The worst part was the glee.

The pure jubilation of Hamas terrorists as they filmed themselves killing and torturing; their excited voices bragging about their atrocities. The videos of them playing with victims’ heads with their feet, and excitedly shooting out the tires of a kibbutz’s ambulance before massacring its residents.

I’ll never forget the gore, but it’s the look of euphoria and pride in the terrorists’ eyes, cheering for the cameras as if they were the ones partying at a music festival that day, that will haunt me.

In the videos, Hamas attackers did not behave as soldiers or freedom fighters. They hunted their victims in their homes like serial killers in a horror film, peering through blinds, slashing through screen doors with knives, following families wherever they tried to run or hide. If they couldn’t find them, they’d use lighters to make sure fire did. They toyed with their victims’ lifeless bodies. They kept trophies, both physical and digital.

It’s unimaginable that anyone could watch this and still equate what happened on Oct. 7 to resistance or war. I’ve seen war footage; this was not that. These were terrorist attacks targeted at civilians and mass shootings of innocents. Hamas was indiscriminate in their cruelty, killing not for cause, but for pleasure.

I don’t know if the full footage will ever be made public, but if it ever is, every single Canadian should watch it to understand how far beyond any conceivable rules of engagement Hamas went, why this time was different, and why it must never, ever happen again.

if Hamas is not defeated they win

If Israel doesn’t wipe out Hamas they lose

The Iranian attacks are increasing and also world pressure is increasing

Either this leads to a huge escalation or Israel loses

Because the mujahideen are hitting the Israelis at the rear

They just pop into their tunnels and out flank the Israeli heavy Armor

The Mujahideen infantry are fast and light

What can Israeli ground forces do what 40,000 tons of bombs from F35 couldn’t

This victory is for the Mujahideen inshallah
not sure if posted here before, apologies if this is a repeat.

The host reminds me of Mr. Ben :lol:

Makes sense... Here is more...

Hindus will still suck up to them... They are born Dalits.
Yes even the book of enoch mentions the Killing of Children. Disgusting.

Is that statement by Netanyahu just a political stunt or based on history?
Political claptrap



But hey, seems people have selective amnesia these days when it comes to facts!

In message to Iran, US deploys nuclear submarine in Persian Gulf​

Israel Hamas War Live Updates: The Pentagon deployed the nuclear-powered USS Florida attack submarine to the Persian Gulf region as the US makes a show of force to deter Iran, according to US defense officials.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would consider "tactical little pauses" in fighting to facilitate the entry of aid or the exit of hostages from the Gaza Strip, but again rejected calls for a ceasefire despite international pressure. Having encircled the densely populated Gaza City in the north of the enclave, where the Hamas Islamist group is based, Israel's military said it had taken a militant compound and was set to attack fighters hiding in a warren of underground tunnels. Since the Hamas raid on southern Israel on October 7, when its fighters killed 1,400 people and seized 240 hostages, Israel has bombarded the enclave in an assault that Gaza health officials say has killed more than 10,000 Palestinians, including some 4,100 children. Stay with TOI for all live updates-


In message to Iran, US deploys nuclear submarine in Persian Gulf​

Israel Hamas War Live Updates: The Pentagon deployed the nuclear-powered USS Florida attack submarine to the Persian Gulf region as the US makes a show of force to deter Iran, according to US defense officials.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would consider "tactical little pauses" in fighting to facilitate the entry of aid or the exit of hostages from the Gaza Strip, but again rejected calls for a ceasefire despite international pressure. Having encircled the densely populated Gaza City in the north of the enclave, where the Hamas Islamist group is based, Israel's military said it had taken a militant compound and was set to attack fighters hiding in a warren of underground tunnels. Since the Hamas raid on southern Israel on October 7, when its fighters killed 1,400 people and seized 240 hostages, Israel has bombarded the enclave in an assault that Gaza health officials say has killed more than 10,000 Palestinians, including some 4,100 children. Stay with TOI for all live updates-

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