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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Every time Israel suffers losses in battle the USA rushes to rescue it.

In 1973, Israel lost 500 tanks in the first 3 days of war, which shocked Henry Kissinger who immediately ordered Operation Nickel Grass - $5 billion of advanced military equipment to turn the tide of the war.

It's the U.S that has kept this conflict going
Guerilla warfare strategy calls for expanding the war zone when the enemy army though powerful is concentrating at one point by utilizing the time and space. Now the Zionists are concentrating on Gaza. The Palestinians and their supporters should expand the theaters of war so that the enemy becomes thin on the ground.
I’m impressed by how much ground they took in the first day.
And as I ask, what do you expect to get from fighting Israel?

History told us, it's 5 : 0 (or 5 1 if you count 2005 Gaza war is a success)

As I said, this change nothing at the end game, and if it does not change anything, you are doom to fail in this, whatever you are doing, I mean, unless you call it a "victory" when after another 20 years and generation of Gazan and Palestinian being killed and maul and Israeli leaves and go back to what it was yesterday.......

The answer is dialogue, not fighting, and certainly not this level of fighting, which make Palestinian loses status in the international circle, and they need that to gain independence.
Dud, stop waffling, they do not have other choice beside struggle, israael is the problem and while it exist in this form or shape there be always be violence, simple as that
Do Palestinians subject to an illegal occupation by a rabidly racist Zionist regime have the right to resist / self-defence too?
Yes, Palestinians who are under the illegal occupation by a rabidly racist Zionist regime have the right to resist / self-defence. Of course, it is one of their basic human rights.
Until a few months ago, Netenyahu was a power-mad, obsessed, troubled and questionable PM. So much so that people were protesting in the streets against his impositions. Now he has silenced the opposition, he has not backed down from the US, he has forced them to support him even more than past, and above all he has the opportunity to complete the unfinished Palestine invasion, and even if he fails to do so, he has the opportunity to become a hero in his country if he slaughters 4-5 thousand Palestinians, which the international press will not care about at all.
Islam prohibits destroying even crops let alone killing Unarmed people.
First Caliph of Islam Abu Bakar advising his army:
View attachment 959539
A noble example of ideal Muslim conduct of war is the capture of Jerusalem by Saladin in 1187. Although a number of holy Muslim places had been violated by Christians, Saladin prohibited acts of vengeance, and his army was so disciplined that there were no deaths or violence after the city surrendered. The residents were taken prisoner, but their ransom was set at a token amount.
As I have already said in one of my posts before in the regards of Mustafa Kemal. Your type who showed no ability to do anything, certainly can philosophie and give the opinion what someone should or shouldn't do.
You see my friend, when me and my mates in the Bosnian war found out that a guy killed and raped a girl, we took our time with him. Should I had given him a candy or to listen to Surah Al Baqara? " Kill them wherever you find them and return with the same measure " . You see , we always have the choices from Allah SWT, to forgive or not. In order to understand the mind process in a battle, you need to be in one. So I can take advice, primarily from my piers.
I know Israelis at the teachers in MOUT, They have a whole city in the Negev build by the US army core of engineers more than a decade ago, as well as the training faculty in Jordan.

What you describe is what the world expects Israel to do, no one thinks they operate with the same ROEs as the western militaries, but the blowback of massive casualties on the Arab regimes holding back their people is where the response may happen. And Iran would be more than glad to support these Malcontents. Look at what just happened today with an Egyptian policeman killing 2 Israeli tourists.
The thing is, if Hamas did not do that and Israeli did what I just said, then yes, Arab world would probably going to jump in and we probably have another 1947 war.

But if after what Hamas did now and Arab world jump in? Do you think that is a wise decision if Israeli go all out?

I don't see any Arab country would want to touch Palestinian issue now, you don't make progress by launching attack like this, and this is just giving the israeli excuses to do what they want to do now, and nobody will say a god damn word about it. Not after yesterday. So are you going to try risk losing them all, even more so now Russia can't do shit outside Russia and the world probably have no other counter balance to the West? That is too much of a risk to take for Arab world to have them associate with Hamas and the like.

This is going to be bloody from both side, and there are going to be asymmetrical casualty between Palestinian and Israel, and then they are going to ham on Hamas from the air, sea and on the ground. This is how this war is going to play out, unless Israel did a Russian on Gaza, chances are there, but it's not big
They are troll accounts

Taliban, Hezbollah could join current Palestinian war on Israel: top US foreign-affairs pol​

By Ryan King

Published Oct. 8, 2023, 12:08 p.m. ET

AFP via Getty Images
Other Mideast terror groups such as the Taliban and Hezbollah may join the current Palestinian attack on Israel, warned House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul on Sunday.

When asked about whether the war between the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas and Israel that broke out Saturday could devolve into a “full blown war,” McCaul (R-Texas) said he was worried.
I’ve seen indications that the Taliban wants to come to liberate Jerusalem, in their words, to fight the Zionists. That’s very concerning,” McCaul told CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Host Dana Bash name-dropped both the Taliban and Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah in her question.
US sending aircraft carriers near a tiny impoverished strip of land with people living off UN handouts is extremely dangerous. US aircraft carrier needs to start bombing Israel, if anything. Jews are modern day Nazi's.
And it would be stupid as hell if China help Palestine after this, it's just asking for trouble.

On the contrary, just the Russia-Ukraine war, it will be extremely good for China to support the Palestinians!!! OMG, occupy the Americans in one more front with no Chinese casualties and bare minimum investment??!!

The great Eurasian Chessboard has started to move majorly with the Russia-Ukraine war and I don't think fence-sitting is going to work anymore. American illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 had removed any pretenses of the global order established since WW II and since then the Russians have invaded Georgia and Ukraine and there are some minor optional wars like Azerbaijan just taken over N. Karabagh. More to come!!
American Jewish community is playing with fire and is doing something very dangerous. American Jews must push for a just two state solution or risk plunging humanity into WW3.

Jewish people, make peace with the people of the region. Since you're self proclaimed middle easterners, you're not going to get security from outsiders. You want to live in peace then commit to peace.
Dud, stop waffling, they do not have other choice beside struggle, israael is the problem and while it exist in this form or shape there be always be violence, simple as that
Well, that's why I said you want the 2 mil Gazan to cover the bill?

You don't win a war because you need to, and this war, unless you are really naive, there are a lot less chance that Palestinian can win over this. This is not about who is the villain and who is struggling, you don't do shit like that and enjoy support at the same time, now the best thing Palestinian can hope for is an "Independence" ala Crimea, which no one will treat it seriously, and that is if they can get it to begin with.

You are not in the right just because your enemy were wrong. You people has been saying this to us American since ages, it's probably time to practice what you preaches?

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