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Shame on these corrupt mullah

Everyone is equal, it's just that some people are more equal than others.

How's eating grass turning out for you all?
I wonder how many of those certifying the sighting of the moon through that telescope have cataracts? What do they see, I do wonder. But then I see the nation that chooses to follow them, and think to myself, how appropriate. :D
Wrong question - the one to ask is how many will still blindly follow them off a cliff and right now a majority of Pakistan’s population will because either they think these men are equal to the prophet or they are afraid of the millions of rabid animals who do think they are
Wrong question - the one to ask is how many will still blindly follow them off a cliff and right now a majority of Pakistan’s population will because either they think these men are equal to the prophet or they are afraid of the millions of rabid animals who do think they are

But then I see the nation that chooses to follow them off a cliff, and think to myself, how appropriate. :D
But then I see the nation that chooses to follow them off a cliff, and think to myself, how appropriate. :D
I mean if one really wants to be purely scientific about it - not exactly a bad output to balance the overall socioeconomic and natural ecosystem. Purely from a scientific standpoint and nothing more - not suggesting it.. but purely as a scientific never to happen hypothesis.
I mean if one really wants to be purely scientific about it - not exactly a bad output to balance the overall socioeconomic and natural ecosystem. Purely from a scientific standpoint and nothing more - not suggesting it.. but purely as a scientific never to happen hypothesis.

Neither am I suggesting it. I merely observe. :D
If only it was that easy. People love following these clowns instead of practising proper Islam. Just at us, we refuse to give our women their share of the inheritance and yet have the audacity to proudly call ourselves Muslims.
One other dumb thing about the moonsighting drama in Indo-Pak is that it happened after the 30 days of Sha'ban. So, as a result, these losers got the entire region to start fasting a day later than everybody else.
One other dumb thing about the moonsighting drama in Indo-Pak is that it happened after the 30 days of Sha'ban. So, as a result, these losers got the entire region to start fasting a day later than everybody else.

The real dumb thing is yet to come. How many Eids will there be despite a same date start to Ramadan? :D
One other dumb thing about the moonsighting drama in Indo-Pak is that it happened after the 30 days of Sha'ban. So, as a result, these losers got the entire region to start fasting a day later than everybody else.
It is not unique to South Asia:
It is not unique to South Asia:
Moonsighting isn't the issue. The problem is that in Indo-Pak, they literally did it after the month preceding Ramadan (Sha'ban) ended.

Rasul'Allah (SAW) said that if you can't see the moon at the end of the month of Sha'ban, then you let Sha'ban run to 30 days.

That's why most other regions started Ramadan from Wednesday night/Thursday morning, i.e., after Sha'ban ended. If they had seen the moon, then Ramadan would've started Tuesday night/Wednesday morning (i.e., cutting Sha'ban to 29 days).

However, the Indo-Pak maulvis decided for some inexplicable reason to insist on moonsighting after Sha'ban ended. So, they literally decided to look for the moon on the first actual day of Ramadan and, as a result, started the fast on the second day of the month. The maulvis botched the start of Ramadan.

Like, lol, how do you start a day after the Middle East, Europe, and North America when your day starts and ends before them? Sha'ban ended for South Asia before it did for the Middle East and the West. So, it's rationally impossible for South Asia to start Ramadan after the westward regions when the day literally starts in South Asia before those regions. Either this is sheer stupidity or a clever tactic to reduce their fasts to 29 days @SQ8
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It is not unique to South Asia:
Moon watching is endorsed by traditionalist Islam (NU), while Modernist (Muhammadiyah) uses calculation. Both are biggest and second biggest Islamic organization in Indonesia. I follow modernist interpretation on Quran. Quran is the base of calculation since Quran is made by God so perfect, while hadiths for this matter is tied to the ancient period where during that time Muslim doesnt know about astronomy yet

Of course because of that prophet Muhammad ask people to see the moon. Logic.
Moon watching is endorsed by traditionalist Islam (NU), while Modernist (Muhammadiyah) uses calculation. Both are biggest and second biggest Islamic organization in Indonesia. I follow modernist interpretation on Quran. Quran is the base of calculation since Quran is made by God so perfect, while hadiths for this matter is tied to the ancient period where during that time Muslim doesnt know about astronomy yet

Of course because of that prophet Muhammad ask people to see the moon. Logic.
Just watching the moon is a perfectly innocent act. This thread is regarding the hullabaloo that goes around making it a big deal. Even the Indonesian news shows the observers using high tech electronic instruments to aid in keeping the sensitive telescopes targeted at moon. One person seems to be even entering an ephemeris from paper so that the turret will swivel and focus on moon. That is probably way beyond anything that was conceived centuries back.
Moon watching is endorsed by traditionalist Islam (NU), while Modernist (Muhammadiyah) uses calculation. Both are biggest and second biggest Islamic organization in Indonesia. I follow modernist interpretation on Quran. Quran is the base of calculation since Quran is made by God so perfect, while hadiths for this matter is tied to the ancient period where during that time Muslim doesnt know about astronomy yet

Of course because of that prophet Muhammad ask people to see the moon. Logic.
Rasul'Allah (SAW) said if you can't see the moon due to overcast, then you complete the month.

So, let's say calculations tell you that the moon is present, but due to overcast you can't see it, what opinion would you follow?
Rasul'Allah (SAW) said if you can't see the moon due to overcast, then you complete the month.

So, let's say calculations tell you that the moon is present, but due to overcast you can't see it, what opinion would you follow?

RasuluLLAH lived in ancient world, we should understand the context.

Calculation (Hisab) is mentioned in Quran

Quran is higher than Hadith.

In Hisab, no need to even watch the moon. Modern Science is also backing Hisab
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