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'Very difficult' to oust Russia from Ukraine in 2023 - top U.S. general Milley

Bullshit. China's government(KMT) had fairky food relations with Western powers and Russia back then. In fact Western powers and Russia even had settlements Quasi colonial terrirtories/bases in China itself. So that could also been seen as provocation who wantedAsia to be its imperial backyard and viewed western and Russian presence in Asia as a threat to its influence and leadership in Asia. As I said If your government had just surrendered to Japan and give up all the territories Japan needed or capitulate and let Japan take over then millions of Chinese(over 20millions) wouldn't have have perrished and millions more injured, and your country totally destroyed and set back by decades. It would have been better for your government and people to just let Japan have it way, appoint a new Japznese friendly government(handpicked and greenlighted by Japan, Which is what Russia also wants in Ukraine. Lol), and avoid all those deaths and destruction. Dont you think? 😁😂 same way Ukraine could have saved itself of all the deaths and destruction if they just capitulated to Russia and gave in territory, concessions and control of their government to Russia (which is what Russia wants i.e a quasi puppet government favorable and answerable to the Kremlin) like it has always been. Lol
It's like @jhungary said , its similar to a sexy enticing woman wearing a short skirt and encountering a thug/rapist then the thug raping her and then when caught blaming it on her being too sexy, wearing a short tight skirt and enticing him/being a tease.
Your logic, we can't blame the thug for his actions, we can only blame the woman for dressing sexy and being enticing to the thug. Blame the victim as they say 🤣
Every country should know their position in this world, their strengths and weaknesses, I never supported Russia invasion of Ukraine, what I say is Ukraine should know their place in the geopolitics and not be foolhardy and allows itself to become a tool by the world powers, this war was indeed can be avoided. their anti Russia nationalism and clearly pro west stance made Russians very uncomfortable and feel threatened.

uhh.. who do you think allied with KMT? Which control China back in 1938??

There is a reason why Japan attack Pearl Harbor in 1941. What you are essentially saying is, China asked for it when Japan invaded BECAUSE China was US allies and choose US camp instead of Japan.
China was very weak back then and didn't provoke Japan, but Japanese empire's unequivocal design was to conquer Asia to get more "生存空间”, there's nothing China can do to stop them from doing that, it's very different situation from today's Ukraine's.
Every country should know their position in this world, their strengths and weaknesses, I never supported Russia invasion of Ukraine, what I say is Ukraine should know their place in the geopolitics and not be foolhardy and allows itself to become a tool by the world powers, this war was indeed can be avoided. their anti Russia nationalism and clearly pro west stance made Russians very uncomfortable and feel threatened.
You do know the fact you said the highlight portion of your post is "Supporting Russian invasion of Ukraine", right??
You do know the fact you said the highlight portion of your post is "Supporting Russian invasion of Ukraine", right??
That's not support, this is an analysis why it happened and why actually it can be avoided.
That's not support, this is an analysis why it happened and why actually it was can be avoided.
Well, you literally saying "Russia is threatened by Ukraine wanting to join the West" and that Ukraine should know its place. Tell me, how is that not Supporting Russian perspective on the invasion??

Sure Ukraine should be Russian bitches instead of fighting, that's essentially what you said, how that is not supporting Russia point of view? Which is a war with Ukraine?
Well, you literally saying "Russia is threatened by Ukraine wanting to join the West" and that Ukraine should know its place. Tell me, how is that not Supporting Russian perspective on the invasion??
I said what Ukraine did made Russia feel threatened, it's this feeling that contributes to this war disaster, it has nothing to do right or wrong. it's wrong for Russia to invade Ukraine, I have had this stance from day one.
I said what Ukraine did made Russia feel threatened, it's this feeling that contributes to this war disaster, it has nothing to do right or wrong. it's wrong for Russia to invade Ukraine, I have had this stance from day one.
So let me get this straight, you felt "Wrong" for Russia to invade Ukraine, and then you felt Russia is being threaten and Ukraine should ditch its own independence to avoid war.

I want to ask you this, what if Ukraine don't want to ditch its independence?? What would you choose to do if you think war is wrong?
So let me get this straight, you felt "Wrong" for Russia to invade Ukraine, and then you felt Russia is being threaten and Ukraine should ditch its own independence to avoid war.

I want to ask you this, what if Ukraine don't want to ditch its independence?? What would you choose to do if you think war is wrong?
Ukraine's independence was not at stake, it's their pro west policy caused this war. check out Kazakhstan, it keeps a balanced foreign policy, so even in many places Russians actually outnumber Kazakhs in Kazakhstan, but Russia never challenged Kazakhstan's sovereinty over those regions.
Ukraine's independence was not at stake, it's their pro west policy caused this war. check out Kazakhstan, it keeps a balanced foreign policy, so even in many places Russians actually outnumber Kazakhs in Kazakhstan, but Russia never challenged Kazakhstan's sovereinty over those regions.
That's not answering my question,

whether or not Ukrainian independence is at stake is not up to Russia or you to decide, it is up to the Ukrainian , just because Russia didn't do that to someone else (Which they actually do t Kazakhs, in case you are wondering) that does not mean Ukraine cannot felt their independence is at stake.

So I ask you again, what if Ukraine does not want to ditch their independence and walk away from Russia camp, what do you think Russia should do if you think Invasion is wrong??
That's not answering my question,

whether or not Ukrainian independence is at stake is not up to Russia or you to decide, it is up to the Ukrainian , just because Russia didn't do that to someone else (Which they actually do t Kazakhs, in case you are wondering) that does not mean Ukraine cannot felt their independence is at stake.

So I ask you again, what if Ukraine does not want to ditch their independence and walk away from Russia camp, what do you think Russia should do if you think Invasion is wrong??
I have no beef in it, what they do doesn't affect me, what I say is to point out that Ukraine doesn't have a very smart government, countries should know their strengths and weaknesses and be aware of the geopolitics around them, sometime you need to lie low and wait for your time, unscrupulously pursuing a goal, even it is a very good goal, can be counter productive.
I have no beef in it, what they do doesn't affect me, what I say is to point out that Ukraine doesn't have a very smart government, countries should know their strengths and weaknesses and be aware of the geopolitics around them, sometime you need to lie low and wait for your time, unscrupulously pursuing a goal, even it is a very good goal, can be counter productive.
That's not an answer if you claim to have no beef in it, because if so, then you should have no beef with whatever EITHER Russia or Ukraine does, but then you say Ukraine does not have a very smart government. So which is it? You don't have beef or Ukraine is stupid??

But one thing you are right, countries should know their strength and their weakness, Russia very much should heed to that advice.
That's not an answer if you claim to have no beef in it, because if so, then you should have no beef with whatever EITHER Russia or Ukraine does, but then you say Ukraine does not have a very smart government. So which is it? You don't have beef or Ukraine is stupid??

But one thing you are right, countries should know their strength and their weakness, Russia very much should heed to that advice.
True, Russia is also stupid in this case, fell for this obvious trap, I used to believe Putin was an experienced leader and should see it through with just one glance.
It's an unnecessory stupid war costing so many human lives for nothing.

Belarus is preparing for a direct war with Ukraine​

If Belarus joins - it will be the beginning of the end of the rule of the tinpot dictator in Belarus - he knows it - which is why he is trying to not get involved. Russia is desperately pressuing him to commit to the war - but the little dictator is stalling for time to see if Russia gives up first..
The lady was/is a Conservative/Republican and a blind Trump supporter. And yet, mysteriously to me, she supports the NeoCons' war against Russia. Her position is at odds against what a typical Trumpian/Tucker Carlson supporter would do. I try to avoid discussing politics with her. She was in our home just two days ago where she watched some geopolitcal movie with me wife--I stayed away. She was trying to convince my wife that supporting Ukraine against Russia is the best thing to do. I disagree with her.

You should question her with regards to Tucker Carlson and Trump's opinions on the War, see if she is even aware of the split, some of these republican voters aren't really even aware of the split, b/c for them they don't look too deep in policy, its just a matter of "supporting the team". It really depends on who she listens to on the republican party politics, Fox News for example is very much following the Neocon position, and yet Tucker Carlson on fox news and he seems to despise zelensky and supports Putin. Its actually a very big problem for Rupert Murdoch, b/c he can't exactly fire him, but that show and his editorial line on the Ukraine was is upsetting a lot of neocons. You can see in these videos here, he HATES zelensky. lol

You should question her with regards to Tucker Carlson and Trump's opinions on the War, see if she is even aware of the split, some of these republican voters aren't really even aware of the split, b/c for them they don't look too deep in policy, its just a matter of "supporting the team". It really depends on who she listens to on the republican party politics, Fox News for example is very much following the Neocon position, and yet Tucker Carlson on fox news and he seems to despise zelensky and supports Putin. Its actually a very big problem for Rupert Murdoch, b/c he can't exactly fire him, but that show and his editorial line on the Ukraine was is upsetting a lot of neocons. You can see in these videos here, he HATES zelensky. lol

Your post is spot on and I can't thank you enough.
My lady friend's opinion about Ukraine remain a mystery to me but I have no stomach to alienate a friend over geopolitical views. You know, in America, religion and politics are best avoided during social gatherings. My guess is that she is an uncritical conservative/neocon herself; actually, now in her 50s, she is becoming a weird 'Born Again' Christian. 'No so Chuhey Khake Billi Haj Karne Chaley'!

Most Americans are well shielded from the actions of the Necons' destroying the world for profit and so they automatically follow their govt's foreign policy. It is pure intellectual laziness!! Heck, she even said a few months ago that the 'Wuhan Virus' was an intentional Chinese destruction of the world. I pointed out to her that China, which was growing rapidly, is itself suffering from the consequences of the Pandemic so how could they have done the Pandemic intentionally?? Even my Democrat neighbor, who doesn't like China much, agreed with me. But she had no answer to that. And events since then--with the upheavel in China about the Zero Covid policy--have only buttressed my assertion that China did not intentionally introduce the Virus to the world! I don't think she's convinced even now. But then... some people have no intellectual integrity to admit they were wrong. Pity such souls.

As for Tucker Carlson--he is, like most prominent news anchors--not to be totally trusted. But his opposition to the NeoCons' war in Ukraine washes away a lot of his sins. His voice was one of the lone major voices, giving the alternate viewpoint. And only through people like him there will be an awakening in America against the NeoCons who are the biggest curse to the world and humanity. Listen to what Col. McGregor says: He repeatedly says that there is a strong connection between the Congressmen and the War Party and that connection is the key to understanding the Ukraine war. 'Follow the Money!'

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