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Pak stares at 'Non-NATO Ally' status cessation; Bill against Pakistan in U.S Congress

I remember we got F-16s back in 2005 during the Musharraf era when we got the status of Non-Nato. Now this title is irrelevant as we very minimum diplomatic and economic relationship with the US.
We have a massive "economic" relationship worth at least $6B in Pakistani exports and $3B in US imports to our country. That is a decent size ~$10B relationship.
The Bill was introduced by Andy Biggs, a Congressman who is a member of the Republican Hindu Caucus. What exactly does the Bill say? How does a 'Major Non-NATO Ally' designation help a country? We explain
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Andy Biggs belongs to the conservative faction of the Republican Party, and was among the leaders subpoenaed by the House select committee investigating the Capitol Hill riots. (Twitter/@Andybiggs)

A US Congressman has recently moved a Bill in the House of Representatives to revoke Pakistan’s designation as a Major Non-NATO Ally. The Bill says that for the country to keep the status, the US President must submit a certification to the Congress that Islamabad has met certain conditions.

The Bill, HR 80, was introduced by Andy Biggs, a Republican who represents the fifth Congressional district of Arizona. Before it can turn into a law with a signature from the President, the Bill has to be passed by the House and the Senate. For now, it has been sent to the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

What exactly does the Bill say? How does having a ‘Major Non-NATO Ally’ of the US designation help a country? Who is Andy Biggs, member of the Republican Hindu Caucus? We explain

What the Bill says
The Bill says that Pakistan should be demoted from the major non-NATO ally status till the US President can submit a certification that it has met certain conditions

The conditions listed are: “Pakistan continues to conduct military operations that are contributing to significantly disrupting the safe haven and freedom of movement of the Haqqani Network in Pakistan; Pakistan has taken steps to demonstrate its commitment to prevent the Haqqani Network from using any Pakistani territory as a safe haven; the Government of Pakistan actively coordinates with the Government of Afghanistan to restrict the movement of militants, such as the Haqqani Network, along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border; and Pakistan has shown progress in arresting and prosecuting Haqqani Network senior leaders and mid-level operatives.

The Haqqani network is a terrorist group whose leadership is based in Pakistan, though it operates majorly in Afghanistan. The network came into being during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s and was armed and funded by the US and Pakistan to fight the Russians. After 9/11, Haqqani turned against the US. US officials have long considered the Haqqani leadership to be among the closest proxies for Pakistan’s ISI.

Major Non-NATO Ally status
Designation as MNNA entitles a country to some military and economic privileges. According to the US Department of State website, “Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) status is a designation under US law that provides foreign partners with certain benefits in the areas of defense trade and security cooperation… While MNNA status provides military and economic privileges, it does not entail any security commitments to the designated country

Who is Andy Biggs?
Biggs belongs to the conservative faction of the Republican Party, and was among the leaders subpoenaed by the House select committee investigating the Capitol Hill riots. Biggs was alleged to have been involved in plans to bring protestors to Washington, and for trying to persuade Arizona state officials that the 2020 election was “stolen.

Many Republicans have said that Joe Biden unseated Donald Trump in the last Presidential elections through unfair means, claims that have been debunked. Arizona was among the states the Democrats flipped in 2020.

A retired attorney, Biggs, before being elected to Congress, had served in the Arizona Legislature for 14 years. He is former chairman of the Freedom Caucus, considered to be the most conservative, far-right caucus of the Republican
Party in the US House of Representatives, and was among the lawmakers who recently disrupted fellow Republican Kevin McCarthy’s Speaker bid.

Biggs is also a member of the Republican Hindu Caucus, founded under the aegis of the Republican Hindu Coalition (RHC). The RHC, founded by industrialist Shalabh Kumar, seeks to “provide a single unified platform to build a strong, effective & respected Hindu-American voice in Washington and across the country”, according to its website, and supports Trump and the Republicans. In October 2022, Trump gave a Diwali speech organised by the RHC at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, where he said he would nominate Shalabh Kumar as the Ambassador to India if was elected as President again in 2024.

The bill will fail.

Congressman is just paying lip service to keep the dumb Indians exited and happy.
Why ? Why we need US AID ? AID is only for beggars ! We must learn not to beg ! Reforms and hard work is the true solution !
There is no aid from the US. They may fund some disaster relief or NGOs but they don't give us any aid, specially in the military domain.

But I do agree, we should not ask nor take any assistance.
Oh no.
Pakistan will be doomed.
Oh wait we already are doomed 😅
This must be the seventh such bill I’ve seen. Ain’t nothing happening Uncle Sam wants the Ukrainians supplied at all costs, a foot in the ‘Great Game’ region and so on.
This must be the seventh such bill I’ve seen. Ain’t nothing happening Uncle Sam wants the Ukrainians supplied at all costs, a foot in the ‘Great Game’ region and so on.

More than that they need pak to continue spanking india for next 200 years : D
My 7 year old passes these kind of bills every other day, after having a fight in playground. Telling me they ain't gona talk to such and such friend ever.
Then it's back to normal the next day and the same child becomes their BFF.
And the next week it's all over again.

USA has been having these playground fights and mkeup with Pakistan since creation of Pakistan.
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In my opinion, it makes no difference whether we have the status of a major non-nato ally or not. Our relationship with the US has always been complicated,it will carry on having angry relationship while cooperating with each other where it matters.
We have a massive "economic" relationship worth at least $6B in Pakistani exports and $3B in US imports to our country. That is a decent size ~$10B relationship.
Our export to USA in 2006 were $3.67 billion USD. Compare that export in 2020 when it still stood at $3.89 billion USD despite 14 years had passed. We all know there was a surge in Pakistani products due to covid (face masks etc) so our exports to US did rise in the last 2 years due to covid related imports however it is likely to come down again.

Source: https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c5350.html

Compare that trade volume with other countries and you will see rise of at least 100% in trade volume for most countries during the same period.
Lup ah athi ha tumna mere kash yeh dishonourable status fu*k off from our necks. We have got nothing to gain from this, tell this senator I will send him the denotation too if he makes this bill pass.
I agree with this new bill - and in return if Pakistan had a proper goverment(eg IK) then they would stop sending junior officers to be trained at their academies. They all turn out to be the 5th column in Pakistan - and will happily undermine the sitting goverment with one phone call from a low ranking diplomatic in american circles..

( the whole american system is banana's - the fact a foreign goverment can pay USA elected law makers to pass laws in the foreign countries interests is obscene and i think only the americans allow this concept ... it is the reason why USA is strategically failing as you allow this level of intrusion into your democracy and decision making cycle )
The Americans are going to hand out individual medals to generals instead.

LOL at non-NATO ally farce.
Lmao what conditions... Please withdraw that shxt.. They have never been anyones ally
This must be the seventh such bill I’ve seen. Ain’t nothing happening Uncle Sam wants the Ukrainians supplied at all costs, a foot in the ‘Great Game’ region and so on.

The cunning Americans aren't removing the status. They need Pakistan because they have exited Afghanistan. The Pakistani generals are following American orders very nicely. Why should the Americans unnecessarily make things difficult for themselves?

This is obviously an Indian sponsored American uncle paid to do his thing. I wish the Americans removed the useless non-NATO status.
Recently the biden administration have approved $450 million F-16 fleet sustainment programme to Pakistan. That needs to be scrapped asap
Stand in the que with your miserable and defeated cousins. Bakhtoras are born to cry.


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