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Pakistan to ‘drain the swamp’ of Taliban-linked militants in US-backed offensive

Time to finish what the Soviets and US couldnt, the real warriors will deal them a befitting reply.
not going to end it . that place cant be defeated and major part of our Pahston population is with them. they got literally nothing to lose.
just contain them and thats a victory.
Pakistan should only focus at hitting TTP hideouts.

Going after Afghan Taliban would be devastating for us if we go all alone. Pakistan cannot trust USA. We can only think of such misadventure only if regional actors (who have stakes in the region) like China or Iran agrees to do joint offensive (Which is unlikely at the moment but in future something like that can happen)

We are losing men by the hands of TTP and Afghan Taliban using agressive tone against us in only because of incompetence of ISI. Its the job of ISI to findout terror organisation leaderships. They should on it instead focusing on social media posts. Secondly, they should make Afghan Taliban busy at some other border. Do your secret agency thing .
We don't need to enter Afghanistan, just do blockade.
ha ha....Pakistan cannot effectively and long term blockade the border with Afghanistan- it will never be real, Durand line for one isnt really acknowledged by Pashtuns- Afghanistan and Pakistan are fluid for them- so blockade wont even work- people and vehicles and good and etc have to pass inbetween no matter what really.
Everything they need , passes through Pakistan.
thats a lie- they have Iran- and US and NATO troops are gone- its a new era. Interesting pakistan has to assemble its entire military on Afghan border, apparently, but Iran only has 1 or 2 skirmishes here and there every few weeks...i still go back to my theory that Pakistan wouldnt have horrible relations with the Talibans it has issues with now if US wasnt strongly influencing Pakistan.
It can be done with half the numbers ie 150k.
Objective should be to capture the above cities but not for occupation. The bacha baaz must be ransacked and every ttp/bla/iea leader who is anti pak must be shot dead. Then retreat back to pak.

There must be a final show of force that the afghans remember for next 500 years.

Order of battle for pak-
150k troops
400 tanks
30 drones/attack helis
100 dedicated ground attack aircraft

Day 1- Use A-100s and Fatehs to soften up positions. Follow this up with airstrikes via drones and fighters.

Day 2-7- continue multiple strikes into afghan lands. Air drop ssg accross the border to begin positioning for a full scale invasion

Day 7- pak army moves into afghanistan accross mutiple positions using pincer like movements. Led by infantry and backed by tanks. The objective is to meet up with the ssg units that were earlier air dropped.

Day 7-12- Fierce fighting. Pak forces have captured kunar, jalalabad, khost. Taliban are putting up fierce resistance on the outskirts of kandahar (there main power center). Intense bombardment via artillery, tanks, mrls, and airstrikes are carried out in kandahar.

Day 13- pak forces enter kandahar city center. Supreme bacha baaz Hibatullah akhunzada is captured alive. First time he is shown in media and international television. Akhunzadas capture is used to negotiate a final ceasefire. All ttp/bla leadership is either to be killed or handed over the pak. Wakhan corridor is also handed over to pak. Pak forces retreats back into the motherland
Omg. Where do you get these ideas from?
I want to declare you a kidergarten strategist.
Day 8-12, Indian Army has amassed its forces on Pakistan's border and the shelling has intensified on LOC.
Similar to Feb-March 2019 and 2020, Pakistan will use American diplomatic and Chinese military pressure to force India to stand down.
You can't turned Animals into human's, their entire existence is a huge middle finger to human evolution. If you can cage monkey's and other dangerous Animals after some time they will start living in Peace but these people won't. They are messed up people with a messed up Barbaric culture/Life style.
Any insurgency, any guerilla warfare requires sympathizers from the public to operate.
The current PM is on record asking TTP to spare Punjab while they bulldoze KPK, so we have an enabler if not a downright sympathizer in the highest office now. What is the army gonna do about it?
Only issue is that Pakistan can't economically sustain drawn out insurgencies
It will break Pakistan is every imaginable way. Corrupts are going to do what the US couldn't do.
Mark these Afghan Taliban Sympathisors in this thread who are constantly implying Taliban can win a conventional war with Pakistan and dont argue with them in any discussion relating to Pakistan.

Now to the topic, Its not just Either War or best friends. Why everyone thinks like either we will conquer Afghanistan or we will be destroyed.

The thing is Afghan Taliban are in extremely weak situation. War against USA vs War Against Pakistan cannot be compared. Pakistan can Annihilate Afghan Taliban with most of there military Infrastructure. But that will mean permanent alienation of Afghan Society against us and never ending mess of Tribal incursions. They cannot defeat us conventionally. And also Our KPK will be destabalized.

But we need to Negotiate with Afghan Taliban with a position of power. Not wining and pleading like they are currently doing. Bring strong presence to the border. Do airstrikes in response to every attack inside Pakistan. Keep shelling them. Make a posture Strength. But demand should be only dismantling of TTP. The simpler the demands are the easier to fulfill.
Army should get out of Making ameture p*** and do its job on border and national security.
Thats the only solution.

Instead of bombing your own tribal areas again and displacing your own nationals.

These stupid establishment people allowed Taliban like radicals to come to power now its done. It should be dealth with in a proper way.
Being realistic now, all Pakistan needs to do is destroy TTP bases and stop them from being able to organise.

Also cut off their money supply. If that means identifying Taliban members who are providing financial support then take them out.
The current PM is on record asking TTP to spare Punjab while they bulldoze KPK, so we have an enabler if not a downright sympathizer in the highest office now. What is the army gonna do about it?
And Ex PM Taliban Khan defends and justifies Taliban by trying to portray the Taliban as representing Pashtuns, so you made a good point there, showing a downright sympathizer in the highest office was in past too.

But then again, going by your logic, hundreds of writers, strategists and veterans from different nations of the world wrote their books wrongly on insurgency citing in every book that insurgents needs local support from within the public. Maybe they should take your advice and re-write their books.

Similar to Feb-March 2019 and 2020, Pakistan will use American diplomatic and Chinese military pressure to force India to stand down.
AMRAAM did what diplomacy could never do. The nest step was CM's, not diplomacy because AMRAAM made deep and thick holes which no diplomatic tailor could sew.
And Ex PM Taliban Khan defends and justifies Taliban by trying to portray the Taliban as representing Pashtuns, so you made a good point there, showing a downright sympathizer in the highest office was in past too.
Yeah and he was criticized a lot for it by PTI voters as well. See that is how democracies work, unlike in PDM who swallow everything whole what dear leader says.

BTW the Taliban are majority Pashtun but lets not make it a race issue here and paint with a broad brush. Millions of Pakistani Pashtuns are living all over the country earning halal bread and butter due to non-existent opportunities back home.

It wasn't until IK's tenure that FATA was made part of Pakistan proper and brought them back into the fold so lets try to give credit where it is due. The establishment and their love child, the parties of PDM threw the Pashtuns of FATA under the bus every now and then and you expect them to sing praises for you now?

BTW I'm not even Pashtun. I don't identify as anything else other than a Pakistani.

But then again, going by your logic, hundreds of writers, strategists and veterans from different nations of the world wrote their books wrongly on insurgency citing in every book that insurgents needs local support from within the public. Maybe they should take your advice and re-write their books.
Yeah and it all comes down to the basics, providing an equal opportunity to all; but as we see under PDM who are guided by the greedy bastards at GHQ, Federal is withholding a lot of funds for provinces, especially KPK. The hate Establishment has for non Punjabis is astounding; again coming back to the fact that FATA was made Pakistan proper in IK's tenure lol.
Mark these Afghan Taliban Sympathisors in this thread who are constantly implying Taliban can win a conventional war with Pakistan and dont argue with them in any discussion relating to Pakistan.

Now to the topic, Its not just Either War or best friends. Why everyone thinks like either we will conquer Afghanistan or we will be destroyed.

The thing is Afghan Taliban are in extremely weak situation. War against USA vs War Against Pakistan cannot be compared. Pakistan can Annihilate Afghan Taliban with most of there military Infrastructure. But that will mean permanent alienation of Afghan Society against us and never ending mess of Tribal incursions. They cannot defeat us conventionally. And also Our KPK will be destabalized.

But we need to Negotiate with Afghan Taliban with a position of power. Not wining and pleading like they are currently doing. Bring strong presence to the border. Do airstrikes in response to every attack inside Pakistan. Keep shelling them. Make a posture Strength. But demand should be only dismantling of TTP. The simpler the demands are the easier to fulfill.
Army should get out of Making ameture p*** and do its job on border and national security.
Thats the only solution.

Instead of bombing your own tribal areas again and displacing your own nationals.

These stupid establishment people allowed Taliban like radicals to come to power now its done. It should be dealth with in a proper way.
The real threat from Afghanistan isn't conventional to begin with.

It's their support to terrorist groups or in other words, insurgencies by using the porous western border. Best way to nip this is a buffer zone and deporting refugees while not allowing anyone to cross-over.

This way the one leverage they have over us disappears.

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