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Do any true Muslim exist today?

Internet Social Media is exposing True Islam!! Watch ex muslims and counter them if you can!

What ? Many have done it and their argumentation can be easily debunked. Their Youtube is only one way and how we can counter some one speaking their own narrative? Do we need to spend much of time to counter them in their Youtube comment while there will be thousand youtube comments from Non Muslim praising the YT ? That is stupid thing to do

Go see real debate in Youtube if you dare organized by credible institution using both credible debaters

Islam is getting shining with internet as people cannot avoid the fact found in Modern world

Check the verses from verses before it, it is talking about end time for men and women on Earth


See Nebula



Other nebulae form as the result of supernova explosions; the death throes of massive, short-lived stars. The materials thrown off from the supernova explosion are then ionized by the energy and the compact object that its core produces. One of the best examples of this is the Crab Nebula, in Taurus. The supernova event was recorded in the year 1054 and is labeled SN 1054. The compact object that was created after the explosion lies in the center of the Crab Nebula and its core is now a neutron star.

Reason for opening this thread.i have not seen a true form of Islam in today's era which we hear about how a true Muslim should live

Believe in ALLAH and all his messages and prophets

Noble and generous
No lies and fraud
Not harming any one in any manner
No injustice
Stay firm against evil by voice and if needed by force for betterment of society
Use own senses rather than following other lines

Mostly what I see we are just by name following Islam

Either we are far right or far left nothing in between which true Islam is

Specially we in oak are number 1 in performing Islamic pilgrims but from inside we are totally opposite we don't want to change our bad habits but we call our selves a Muslim

We make false fatwas of jihad where in Islam in jihad it's prohibits categorically killing of any innocent life irrespective of their religion colour and gender but few far right do this

We clearly openly allow banks for doing business in interst rates

Which is the biggest reason Islam clearly not only oposes but says it is a fight with ALLAH S.W.T

Today we follow Al wrongs than right in Islam but we openly say with chest thumping Islamic republic of Pakistan which contradicts

Today reason why Islam has islamophobia because we played in hands of enemies Islam by doing what should not be done by their provocation tactics which feed these anti Islam sources

We either mix Islam so much and become anti other religions which is Islam also forbids

And far left we oppose Islams good things such as hijab where Islam has a balanced answer for it

Any way reason writing I'm very confused what Islam was in 14th and till Abbasid era is gone a golden age may be few true Muslim exist but they are hidden like jewels

Time to be a real Muslim not cutting each others rights

For me this interview must listen how anti Islam person converted with all his hate to Islam when he himself want to search for true answers

We follow blindly İmran zardari Shari's when we don't want to search answers from Islam by our selves

How ALLAH KAREEM help those who want to enlight themselves

I am a Muslim Communist and thus the ultimate expression of Islam. Any Communist really like those of non-Muslim birth like those I met in my city are Islam's greatest expressions. They are a light year more Islamic than any mullah and burqi.

There are fool females now who wear the burqa and claim that it liberates them ( :rofl: ) and then get engage in high competition with their co-students in some MBA college and get employed in Goldman Sachs or Infosys or Lockheed Martin.

About this line of yours : "Time to be a real Muslim not cutting each others rights". No, it is time for the modern Muslim to reject ritualism and become human. Humanity comes before another label like Muslim and it is fantastic that Islam is a humanist ideology that brings rights, justices and simplifications instead of taking those away.

Bruh, during Ali Caliphate, Muslim are killing each other to solve dispute





Battle of the Camel​

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Battle of the Camel, also known as the Battle of Jamel or the Battle of Basra, took place outside of Basra, Iraq, in 36 AH (656 CE). The battle was fought between the army of the fourth caliph Ali, on one side, and the rebel army led by Aisha, Talha and Zubayr, on the other side. Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, while Aisha was a widow of Muhammad, and Talha and Zubayr were both prominent companions of Muhammad.

Ali emerged victorious from this battle, Talha and Zubayr were both killed, and Aisha was sent back to Hejaz afterward. The triumvirate had revolted against Ali ostensibly to avenge the assassination of the third caliph Uthman, though the leading roles of Aisha and Talha in inciting against Uthman are well-cited. The three also called for the removal of Ali and the appointment of his replacement by a Qurayshite council (shura) which was to include Talha and Zubayr.

True, democracy and discussion is the way of Islam. :)

He lets human have their way, for some time at least, before He pulls the plug :laugh:

Really ? Is that what happened with the dinosaurs ? Did the dino know of God ? :)

I think Saudi Arabia is the closest to an Islamic society.

Chaliphates are the Islamic society, not blood based monarchies. Iran probably is closer to a functioning muslim state.

LOL, the Multani and the Samakhandi are like the Republic Party and the Democratic Party of USA. The first says "Let's invade Iraq right now". The second says "No, invade we must but let's arrange a Coalition of the Willing".

The main thing about is Islam is belief that there is only one God and Muhammad saw was his last messenger.

The second most important thing is personal accountability which most people, not just Muslims, lack. Pakistanis in general hold no personal accountability towards themselves and that’s why we are in the state that we’re in.


I know people laughed at my post.

but when I was living in Saudi Arabia, I think Saudi Arabia is the closest to an Islamic society.

And maybe Brunei from what I heard.

Next stop : "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan.

Only if you minus their Royal and rich Saudi's lol go to Riyyad or Dubai in New year time and you will see 16 year old Arabs driving exotic cars with Russian hookers lol very Islamic thing to do lol

I mean the religious Saudis who are not "westernized." They have my respect.

but those Saudis who do not have a spine and drink alcohol and like to be with Russian hookers, they do not have my respect.

That Russian hooker is infinitely a better human than this "pious" dooker :

No selfies I guess. No music as well.

No Internet, social media too!!

:astagh: Then what will become of our dawah bois ( the first one is even standing among divine clouds ) ?


Internet Social Media is exposing True Islam!! Watch ex muslims and counter them if you can!

No, True Islam is how people like me say it is, not some ritualist mullah. The ritualist desi mullah is a Hindutvadi with a Muslim name. :)

If you want sample of True Islam then I quote from this thread of mine from 2015 whose OP is an article by an Indian Christian lady who married an Indian Muslim not under desi Christian law, not under Indian civil law but under Islamic marriage law because it gave her greater socio-economic rights in case of divorce. And yes, divorce was first codified under Islam 1400 years ago which most Hindu women are bereft of still :
Maneka Gandhi, minister of women and child development, recently gave a call for prenuptial agreements to be recognised in India. According to her, if the terms for division of property, guardianship of children and spousal support are settled prior to marriage, divorces will be less acrimonious and disputes could be resolved expeditiously.

In the discussions that followed, as to whether such a step will, in fact, safeguard the rights of women, there was no mention that this concept is already rooted in Islamic law of marriage since the 7th century. The nikahnama, an Islamic marriage contract is, in fact, a prenuptial agreement that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the parties and provides for conditions to be included for safeguarding a woman’s rights upon marriage.

One wonders why a reference to the Islamic law was not made either by the minister or other experts. Married Muslim women, we find, are often on a higher and more secure footing than their counterparts from other religions. In fact, as a Christian marrying a Muslim, I chose to marry under the Muslim personal law, even over the seemingly modern Special Marriage Act, 1954, to better secure my economic rights. My mehr was a house in my name and my nikahnama includes necessary clauses to safeguard my and my children’s rights. My husband’s family members were witness to this document, which is registered and enforceable by law.

When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955. Today it appears to be the most practical way of dealing with the institution of marriage. Treating marriage as a sacrament which binds the parties for life has resulted in some of the most discriminatory practices against women such as sati and denial of right to divorce and remarriage, even in the most adverse conditions.

The cornerstone of a Muslim marriage is consent, ejab-o-qubul (proposal and acceptance) and requires the bride to accept the marriage proposal on her own free will. This freedom to consent (or refuse), which was given to Muslim women 1,400 years ago, is still not available under Hindu law since sacramental rituals such as saptapadi and kanya dan (seven steps round the nuptial fire and gifting of the bride to the groom) still form essential ceremonies of a Hindu marriage. Even after the codification of Hindu law, the notion of consent is not built into the marriage ceremonies.

The contract of marriage (nikahnama) allows for negotiated terms and conditions, it can also include the right to a delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez) where the woman is delegated the right to divorce her husband if any of the negotiated terms and conditions are violated.

Mehr is another unique concept of Muslim law meant to safeguard the financial future of the wife. It is an obligation, not a choice, and can be in the form of cash, valuables or securities. While there is no ceiling, a minimum amount to provide her security after marriage must be stipulated. This is a more beneficial concept than streedhan which is given by choice and usually by the natal family. In addition to Mehr, at the time of divorce, a Muslim woman has the right to fair and reasonable settlement, and this is statutorily recognised under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 as per the 2001 ruling of the Supreme Court in the Daniel Latifi case.

It is also important to address polygamy and triple talaq, two aspects of Muslim law which are generally used to discredit the community and argue in favour of a uniform civil code. While sharia law permits a man to have four wives (before 1956 Hindu law permitted unrestrained polygamy), it mandates equal treatment of all wives. If a man is not able to meet these conditions, he is not permitted to marry more than one woman. (Quran 4:3; Yusuf Ali’s translation)

On the other hand, though codification introduced monogamy for Hindus, the ground reality has not changed and Hindu men continue to be bigamous or polygamous. The most disturbing aspect is that while men in bigamous/adulterous relationships are allowed to go scot-free, it is the women who are made to pay the price. Women in invalid relationships with Hindu men are denied maintenance and protection and are referred to as “mistresses” and “concubines”, concepts specific to the uncodified Hindu law. Any attempt to codify Muslim law to bring in legal monogamy should not end up subjecting Muslim women to a plight similar to that of a Hindu second wife. This is an important concern which needs to be taken into account while reforming the Muslim law.

And lastly, the much maligned triple talaq or talaq-ul-biddat, which the Prophet himself considered as the most inappropriate form of divorce. Fortunately, in 2002, in Shamim Ara vs State of Uttar Pradesh & others, the Supreme Court laid down strict Quranic injunctions which must be followed at the time of pronouncing talaq, hence now fraudulent practices adopted by errant husbands (including email and SMS talaq) can no longer constitute valid talaq. Yet, after a decade and a half, very few know challenge the validity of such divorces in court as they are unaware about this ruling.

Though Muslim law stipulates many different ways to end a marriage, including a woman’s right to dissolve her marriage (khula), divorce by mutual consent (mubarra), delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez), judicial divorce (fasq) and dissolution under Muslim Marriage Act

What ? Many have done it and their argumentation can be easily debunked. Their Youtube is only one way and how we can counter some one speaking their own narrative? Do we need to spend much of time to counter them in their Youtube comment while there will be thousand youtube comments from Non Muslim praising the YT ? That is stupid thing to do

Go see real debate in Youtube if you dare organized by credible institution using both credible debaters

Islam is getting shining with internet as people cannot avoid the fact found in Modern world

Check the verses from verses before it, it is talking about end time for men and women on Earth

View attachment 909437

See Nebula



Other nebulae form as the result of supernova explosions; the death throes of massive, short-lived stars. The materials thrown off from the supernova explosion are then ionized by the energy and the compact object that its core produces. One of the best examples of this is the Crab Nebula, in Taurus. The supernova event was recorded in the year 1054 and is labeled SN 1054. The compact object that was created after the explosion lies in the center of the Crab Nebula and its core is now a neutron star.

Come on, Indos, you say a few very nice things but you turn 180 degrees and speak such irrationality. Does the Quran contain anything about dinosaurs whose bones were found in various parts of the world or about the huge asteroid Apophis which was said some years ago to be an existential threat to Earth ( mass extinction cause ) which will fill pass close by Earth in 2029 and if it didn't get pulled in by Earth's gravity and crash onto Earth at very high speed it would go pass on, do a round of the Sun and come back towards Earth in 2036 and cause mass extinction then ? Does the Quran contain anything about quakes on Mars ( they have been recorded by Mars rovers ) or about quakes in your own Indonesia which demolish mosques reguarly where the ritualism fanatics pray using the same Quran that you claim prophecizes about a space object far far away ?

Please be rational and not like the Hindutvadis who declare regularly that Hindus were flying about the galaxy using Vedic spacecraft 15,000 years ago and had satellite-augmented internet hundreds of thousands of years ago. Be the Muslim who thinks clearly, who spoke of evolution theory a thousand years before Darwin and who created the mechanical machinery that inspired Leonardo da Vinci and led to the European Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution which led eventually to the computers and internet we use today.
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I am a Muslim Communist and thus the ultimate expression of Islam. Any Communist really like those of non-Muslim birth like those I met in my city are Islam's greatest expressions. They are a light year more Islamic than any mullah and burqi.

There are fool females now who wear the burqa and claim that it liberates them ( :rofl: ) and then get engage in high competition with their co-students in some MBA college and get employed in Goldman Sachs or Infosys or Lockheed Martin.

About this line of yours : "Time to be a real Muslim not cutting each others rights". No, it is time for the modern Muslim to reject ritualism and become human. Humanity comes before another label like Muslim and it is fantastic that Islam is a humanist ideology that brings rights, justices and simplifications instead of taking those away.

True, democracy and discussion is the way of Islam. :)

Really ? Is that what happened with the dinosaurs ? Did the dino know of God ? :)

LOL, the Multani and the Samakhandi are like the Republic Party and the Democratic Party of USA. The first says "Let's invade Iraq right now". The second says "No, invade we must but let's arrange a Coalition of the Willing".


Next stop : "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan.

That Russian hooker is infinitely a better human than this mullah dooker :

:astagh: Then what will become of our dawah bois ( the first one is even standing among divine clouds ) ?


No, True Islam is how people like me say it is, not some ritualist mullah. The ritualist desi mullah is a Hindutvadi with a Muslim name. :)

If you want sample of True Islam then I quote from this thread of mine from 2015 whose OP is an article by an Indian Christian lady who married an Indian Muslim not under desi Christian law, not under Indian civil law but under Islamic marriage law because it gave her greater socio-economic rights in case of divorce. And yes, divorce was first codified under Islam 1400 years ago which most Hindu women are bereft of still :

Come on, Indos, you say a few very nice things but you turn 180 degrees and speak such irrationality. Does the Quran contain anything about dinosaurs whose bones were found in various parts of the world or about the huge asteroid Apophis which was said some years ago to be an existential threat to Earth ( mass extinction cause ) which will fill pass close by Earth in 2029 and if it didn't get pulled in by Earth's gravity and crash onto Earth at very high speed it would go pass on, do a round of the Sun and come back towards Earth in 2036 and cause mass extinction then ? Does the Quran contain anything about quakes on Mars ( they have been recorded by Mars rovers ) or about quakes in your own Indonesia which demolish mosques reguarly where the ritualism fanatics pray using the same Quran that you claim prophecizes about a space object far far away ?

Please be rational and not like the Hindutvadis who declare regularly that Hindus were flying about the galaxy using Vedic spacecraft 15,000 years ago and had satellite-augmented internet hundreds of thousands of years ago. Be the Muslim who thinks clearly, who spoke of evolution theory a thousand years before Darwin and who created the mechanical machinery that inspired Leonardo da Vinci and led to the European Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution which led eventually to the computers and internet we use today.

Dude I dont have time to debate most of the time here, I have work to do. I will only respond little here, no way Quran will reveal anything, but you will not found any false on the Quran.

All men and women will die with so many reasons, whether natural or due to earthquake and others. God has the right to take any men and women life

That Indian member also say ex Muslim Youtuber shows false thing in Islam. There is one Hindu Indian PDF member show his narrative using weird tafsir from one ancient Ulama. Look Islam is religion for all Muslim, we are not restrained to one tafsir made one Ulama that I have debunked completely in the thread as I have shown the real Verses in Quran that has nothing related to his tafser that is mostly his own imagination. Some one can try to find that locked Thread if they try

Enough said. If you dont believe in Islam, it is your own problem. Dont further this discussion as we know you will come up with another long writing. Your writing can easily debunked. It is so clear for people to see. I have made many debate in here as well with several Indians. I dont have time to do it all the time.

Lets agree to disaggre, respect other person belief
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Many non Muslim embrace Islam as well like this women, Indonesian-German mixblood. The man is another Indonesian-German mixed blood that has already become Muslim since kid

I am a Muslim Communist and thus the ultimate expression of Islam. Any Communist really like those of non-Muslim birth like those I met in my city are Islam's greatest expressions. They are a light year more Islamic than any mullah and burqi.

There are fool females now who wear the burqa and claim that it liberates them ( :rofl: ) and then get engage in high competition with their co-students in some MBA college and get employed in Goldman Sachs or Infosys or Lockheed Martin.

About this line of yours : "Time to be a real Muslim not cutting each others rights". No, it is time for the modern Muslim to reject ritualism and become human. Humanity comes before another label like Muslim and it is fantastic that Islam is a humanist ideology that brings rights, justices and simplifications instead of taking those away.

True, democracy and discussion is the way of Islam. :)

Really ? Is that what happened with the dinosaurs ? Did the dino know of God ? :)

LOL, the Multani and the Samakhandi are like the Republic Party and the Democratic Party of USA. The first says "Let's invade Iraq right now". The second says "No, invade we must but let's arrange a Coalition of the Willing".


Next stop : "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan.

That Russian hooker is infinitely a better human than this "pious" dooker :

:astagh: Then what will become of our dawah bois ( the first one is even standing among divine clouds ) ?


No, True Islam is how people like me say it is, not some ritualist mullah. The ritualist desi mullah is a Hindutvadi with a Muslim name. :)

If you want sample of True Islam then I quote from this thread of mine from 2015 whose OP is an article by an Indian Christian lady who married an Indian Muslim not under desi Christian law, not under Indian civil law but under Islamic marriage law because it gave her greater socio-economic rights in case of divorce. And yes, divorce was first codified under Islam 1400 years ago which most Hindu women are bereft of still :

Come on, Indos, you say a few very nice things but you turn 180 degrees and speak such irrationality. Does the Quran contain anything about dinosaurs whose bones were found in various parts of the world or about the huge asteroid Apophis which was said some years ago to be an existential threat to Earth ( mass extinction cause ) which will fill pass close by Earth in 2029 and if it didn't get pulled in by Earth's gravity and crash onto Earth at very high speed it would go pass on, do a round of the Sun and come back towards Earth in 2036 and cause mass extinction then ? Does the Quran contain anything about quakes on Mars ( they have been recorded by Mars rovers ) or about quakes in your own Indonesia which demolish mosques reguarly where the ritualism fanatics pray using the same Quran that you claim prophecizes about a space object far far away ?

Please be rational and not like the Hindutvadis who declare regularly that Hindus were flying about the galaxy using Vedic spacecraft 15,000 years ago and had satellite-augmented internet hundreds of thousands of years ago. Be the Muslim who thinks clearly, who spoke of evolution theory a thousand years before Darwin and who created the mechanical machinery that inspired Leonardo da Vinci and led to the European Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution which led eventually to the computers and internet we use today.
Ur right
Islam teaches us be good human beings, have compassion & humble, take care of others regardless of their religion ethnicities color gender age, take care of environment and even animals.
But what we have become are ritualistic arguing over fiqh and calling each kaffir.
I am muslim
I own a YT channel
here is proof

I liked it. :)

Ur right
Islam teaches us be good human beings, have compassion & humble, take care of others regardless of their religion ethnicities color gender age, take care of environment and even animals.
But what we have become are ritualistic arguing over fiqh and calling each kaffir.

Thank you and agreed to your words. Days ago I posted about Muslim philosophers beginning 1200 years ago, two centuries after formation of Islam, including Gautama Buddha as one among the 124,000 prophets believed by Muslims. They found simple similarities in what Buddha desired and the ideas preached by Hazrat Muhammad which include those that you wrote above. Another semi-early Muslim in Iraq thought up evolution theory a thousand years before Darwin. Muslims who stared at the stars ( there was one thread some months ago about an observatory in present Pakistan ) and Muslims who made machines by not only taking from the Greeks who themselves took things from ancient Egyptians but also the Muslims themselves developing. Muslims who created hospitals for humans where cats were to mingle and spread their gentleness and beauty among the patients. Muslims who formed ideas for fiction writing.

And how all this ? An original ideology that questions the mass-prevalent idolatry, misogyny and slavery and commitment to complicated religious ritualism, is an ideology that demands that people take time to think, observe, be gentle.

What are we now, especially in India ? Obsession with anti-Islamic priest-led life where there is daily competition to look more "Muslim" than the neighbor and this manifesting in 13-year-old boys developing scraggly beard and being five times to the mosque even on a Sunday, five-year-old girls pushed into burqa and funnily for you as an Arab, desi males in my South Indian neighborhood wearing the GCC male dress, the thawb, even if the Arabs don't wear the thawb in London and Moscow. :lol: My neighborhood's "Muslim" males want to look as Muslim as the Holy Arab. You will know I am not insulting you here but just depicting the cringeyness of most modern Indian Muslims. :) They spend their life in fake piety, forgetting to developing their own real lives.

You know, many Indian Muslims in the last 15 or so years have taken to become professional hajis. They may be socio-economically poor in this Capitalist system but they will nonetheless take interest-based loans and get flight subsidy from the Capitalist government and do three full-family hajjs every five years. Every time they return they go back to the same socio-economically, socially and politically deprived lives they had before the hajj. Their obsessive hajj didn't change anything and they still live under the dominance and oppression of the Hindutvadis locally and the Crusaders outside. :lol: If they had employed the same finance to start a company and emancipate themselves and parallely help their neighbor in need and joined progressive movements they would have been really a Muslim. Sadly, this typical modern Indian Muslim is no different than a practising Hindu with his day-long multiple rituals to many gods which never liberated him from bondage in the Capitalist system. Also the reason why 50 Muslim-majority countries don't have a single combined space station above Earth let alone a crewed research station on Mars. :)

Dude I dont have time to debate most of the time here, I have work to do.

What do you do offline or elsewhere online ? Are you part of a progressive movement ? Have you started an organization or commercial company that contributes to the betterment of humanity ? Have you started an Indonesian SpaceX or Intel ? Are you developing artificial wombs for humans ? What do you do ? All I have seen is you chanting "GDP this GDP this" with Indian nationalists.

If I am wrong please correct me. I am a humble person who learns always.

Enough said. If you dont believe in Islam, it is your own problem.

It is me who has done the most - the most - on this forum to promote that rational, progressive revolutionary movement that was Islam. Dozens of posts on this. What have you done other than not talk about the genocide of three million Indonesian Communists, supporters and sympathizers; and other than support the Indonesian mullah government which has recently prohibited pre-marital sex ( despite family being an artificial construct ); other than support the Irani mullahs who are murdering and torturing and jailing those Iranis who reject the hijab and other than covertly support burqa in Indonesia by claiming "Oh, the Indonesian women wear the burqa by choice" ? :)

Dont further this discussion as we know you will come up with another long writing. Your writing can easily debunked. It is so clear for people to see. I have made many debate in here as well with several Indians. I dont have time to do it all the time.

What have you debunked in my previous post you quoted selectively ?
Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t Religious discussions prohibited on this forum?
I know people laughed at my post.

but when I was living in Saudi Arabia, I think Saudi Arabia is the closest to an Islamic society.

And maybe Brunei from what I heard.
I liked it. :)

Thank you and agreed to your words. Days ago I posted about Muslim philosophers beginning 1200 years ago, two centuries after formation of Islam, including Gautama Buddha as one among the 124,000 prophets believed by Muslims. They found simple similarities in what Buddha desired and the ideas preached by Hazrat Muhammad which include those that you wrote above. Another semi-early Muslim in Iraq thought up evolution theory a thousand years before Darwin. Muslims who stared at the stars ( there was one thread some months ago about an observatory in present Pakistan ) and Muslims who made machines by not only taking from the Greeks who themselves took things from ancient Egyptians but also the Muslims themselves developing. Muslims who created hospitals for humans where cats were to mingle and spread their gentleness and beauty among the patients. Muslims who formed ideas for fiction writing.

And how all this ? An original ideology that questions the mass-prevalent idolatry, misogyny and slavery and commitment to complicated religious ritualism, is an ideology that demands that people take time to think, observe, be gentle.

What are we now, especially in India ? Obsession with anti-Islamic priest-led life where there is daily competition to look more "Muslim" than the neighbor and this manifesting in 13-year-old boys developing scraggly beard and being five times to the mosque even on a Sunday, five-year-old girls pushed into burqa and funnily for you as an Arab, desi males in my South Indian neighborhood wearing the GCC male dress, the thawb, even if the Arabs don't wear the thawb in London and Moscow. :lol: My neighborhood's "Muslim" males want to look as Muslim as the Holy Arab. You will know I am not insulting you here but just depicting the cringeyness of most modern Indian Muslims. :) They spend their life in fake piety, forgetting to developing their own real lives.

You know, many Indian Muslims in the last 15 or so years have taken to become professional hajis. They may be socio-economically poor in this Capitalist system but they will nonetheless take interest-based loans and get flight subsidy from the Capitalist government and do three full-family hajjs every five years. Every time they return they go back to the same socio-economically, socially and politically deprived lives they had before the hajj. Their obsessive hajj didn't change anything and they still live under the dominance and oppression of the Hindutvadis locally and the Crusaders outside. :lol: If they had employed the same finance to start a company and emancipate themselves and parallely help their neighbor in need and joined progressive movements they would have been really a Muslim. Sadly, this typical modern Indian Muslim is no different than a practising Hindu with his day-long multiple rituals to many gods which never liberated him from bondage in the Capitalist system. Also the reason why 50 Muslim-majority countries don't have a single combined space station above Earth let alone a crewed research station on Mars. :)

What do you do offline or elsewhere online ? Are you part of a progressive movement ? Have you started an organization or commercial company that contributes to the betterment of humanity ? Have you started an Indonesian SpaceX or Intel ? Are you developing artificial wombs for humans ? What do you do ? All I have seen is you chanting "GDP this GDP this" with Indian nationalists.

If I am wrong please correct me. I am a humble person who learns always.

It is me who has done the most - the most - on this forum to promote that rational, progressive revolutionary movement that was Islam. Dozens of posts on this. What have you done other than not talk about the genocide of three million Indonesian Communists, supporters and sympathizers; and other than support the Indonesian mullah government which has recently prohibited pre-marital sex ( despite family being an artificial construct ); other than support the Irani mullahs who are murdering and torturing and jailing those Iranis who reject the hijab and other than covertly support burqa in Indonesia by claiming "Oh, the Indonesian women wear the burqa by choice" ? :)

What have you debunked in my previous post you quoted selectively ?

Confirming what your thinking

Confirming what your thinking

Beautiful find, thank you. :)

Though I haven't watched a lot of Israr a few things I didn't agree ( like about his appreciation of the burqa ) but here he speaks much truth, in a simple manner, about the self-made tragedy that Muslims have put themselves into. :(
Ur right
Islam teaches us be good human beings, have compassion & humble, take care of others regardless of their religion ethnicities color gender age, take care of environment and even animals.
But what we have become are ritualistic arguing over fiqh and calling each kaffir.
Really teachings to kill Kafirs and making their wifes and kids sex slave is humanity? Or for that matter compassion towards other religions? I can give you Aayaat after Aayaat to back my claims.
Reason for opening this thread.i have not seen a true form of Islam in today's era which we hear about how a true Muslim should live

Believe in ALLAH and all his messages and prophets

Noble and generous
No lies and fraud
Not harming any one in any manner
No injustice
Stay firm against evil by voice and if needed by force for betterment of society
Use own senses rather than following other lines

Mostly what I see we are just by name following Islam

Either we are far right or far left nothing in between which true Islam is

Specially we in oak are number 1 in performing Islamic pilgrims but from inside we are totally opposite we don't want to change our bad habits but we call our selves a Muslim

We make false fatwas of jihad where in Islam in jihad it's prohibits categorically killing of any innocent life irrespective of their religion colour and gender but few far right do this

We clearly openly allow banks for doing business in interst rates

Which is the biggest reason Islam clearly not only oposes but says it is a fight with ALLAH S.W.T

Today we follow Al wrongs than right in Islam but we openly say with chest thumping Islamic republic of Pakistan which contradicts

Today reason why Islam has islamophobia because we played in hands of enemies Islam by doing what should not be done by their provocation tactics which feed these anti Islam sources

We either mix Islam so much and become anti other religions which is Islam also forbids

And far left we oppose Islams good things such as hijab where Islam has a balanced answer for it

Any way reason writing I'm very confused what Islam was in 14th and till Abbasid era is gone a golden age may be few true Muslim exist but they are hidden like jewels

Time to be a real Muslim not cutting each others rights

For me this interview must listen how anti Islam person converted with all his hate to Islam when he himself want to search for true answers

We follow blindly İmran zardari Shari's when we don't want to search answers from Islam by our selves

How ALLAH KAREEM help those who want to enlight themselves
that is a very black and white question, whereas, almost everything exist in grey (historically too) We can be true muslims sometime or bad one at another. Historic representation and example are usually through lens tilted in one direction or the other based on the point of views and biases. hence we see purer representations of good and evil.
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What is a true Muslim? Islam is not a pacifist religion by nature.

Honesty and kindness are human traits, you don't need religion to be this way. If you are unable to exhibit this then either you are not fully conscious, majority reptellian brained, low IQ or mentally ill.

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