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Pakistan to ‘drain the swamp’ of Taliban-linked militants in US-backed offensive

kabul ura do bus
Problem for us is not really Kabul, it is the region's bordering us in the South.

If you are going to act with force then strategically make them inhabitable, miniaturised nukes or biological/chemical weapons.

Forget a military occupation like USA, we can't afford that. Make it short and destructive if you want to go in...
It can be done with half the numbers ie 150k.
Objective should be to capture the above cities but not for occupation. The bacha baaz must be ransacked and every ttp/bla/iea leader who is anti pak must be shot dead. Then retreat back to pak.

There must be a final show of force that the afghans remember for next 500 years.

Order of battle for pak-
150k troops
400 tanks
30 drones/attack helis
100 dedicated ground attack aircraft

Day 1- Use A-100s and Fatehs to soften up positions. Follow this up with airstrikes via drones and fighters.

Day 2-7- continue multiple strikes into afghan lands. Air drop ssg accross the border to begin positioning for a full scale invasion

Day 7- pak army moves into afghanistan accross mutiple positions using pincer like movements. Led by infantry and backed by tanks. The objective is to meet up with the ssg units that were earlier air dropped.

Day 7-12- Fierce fighting. Pak forces have captured kunar, jalalabad, khost. Taliban are putting up fierce resistance on the outskirts of kandahar (there main power center). Intense bombardment via artillery, tanks, mrls, and airstrikes are carried out in kandahar.

Day 13- pak forces enter kandahar city center. Supreme bacha baaz Hibatullah akhunzada is captured alive. First time he is shown in media and international television. Akhunzadas capture is used to negotiate a final ceasefire. All ttp/bla leadership is either to be killed or handed over the pak. Wakhan corridor is also handed over to pak. Pak forces retreats back into the motherland
Day 8-12, Indian Army has amassed its forces on Pakistan's border and the shelling has intensified on LOC.

Move 300k troops with tanks with aim of capturing Kunar, Khost, Paktia and Khandahar.
It can be done with half the numbers ie 150k.

Order of battle for pak-
150k troops
400 tanks
30 drones/attack helis
100 dedicated ground attack aircraft
From where will you extract 150k and 300k troops from the ORBAT ?
Pakistan should start blacklisting Taliban members who back TTP and put a bounty on their head.

The TTP bases must be destroyed as an absolute minumum so they are unable to organise.

Taliban and TTP have had long enough to make peace since NATO left. Pakistan has made enough peace offerings, even doing a global fundraiser for them and cheerleading them to have their assets unfrozen. It is beyond comprehension TTP are continuing their hostility so there is only one solution left, bring them to their knees.

Border crossings should be shut with a total ban on import export and begin starving them out. Put them under seige with an invasion to follow. Full publicity, global headlines. Humiliate them.
The way i see there are two options.

Option One close their airspace and land crossings to all travel including of the humanitarian nature. They will only understand when their children begin to drop dead in droves. It is harsh but that part of the world has never been known to be pacified peacefully. Full shutdown until they both accept Durand line, surrender all militants and their families, and surrender the wakhan corridor to Pakistan.

However this will only help Pakistan short term and Pakistan will have to keep Afghanistan in a state of disrepair permanently otherwise they will launch a war to retake Wakhan/ nullify agreements as soon as they are able.

The second option will be bloodier for Pakistan short term but long term in my opinion is the only real option. That is to permanently annex and absorb all of Afghanistan into Pakistan and create new provinces both in current Pakistan and with the addition of “Afghanistan”. Short term there may be an uptick of bombings and fighting but with nowhere to hide the malcontents will eventually be put down.

Hazaras/Farsi speakers/Uzbeks can be given their own provinces in the new regions to get them on board and Pakistani Pashtuns should be put in charge of Southern Afghan Pashtun majority cities until things stabilize. All Indians should be expelled from the Afghan provinces if they are still around. Hell India should only have one downsized embassy in Islamabad and nothing else in any parts of the enlarged country.

CPEC should then be extended with road built to Kabul, Kandahar, Herat and also connecting them to Islamabad.

Pakistan should them immediately reverse Taliban ban on schooling for women to slow down Western outrage if not outright neuter it and get both the Chinese and Americans on board to endorse the merger. Both America and China want a stable Afghan region to prevent terrorism and to extract the mineral wealth they do not care who actually runs the “country”. This can be leveraged by Pakistan it just needs to have the foresight to realize it.
First thing first , handover those terrorists sympathizers
Hand over a portion of public in FATA/Baluchistan to whom ?

Any insurgency, any guerilla warfare requires sympathizers from the public to operate.
Hand over a portion of public in FATA/Baluchistan to whom ?

Any insurgency, any guerilla warfare requires sympathizers from the public to operate.
Make the southern regions of Afghanistan uninhabitable using extreme force. This is the path to stability.

Miniaturised nukes, biological/chemical weapons, whatever you think is the best.

Just something short, destructive and decisive.

We need to tell the US to give us some stealth jets to carry out this operation. F35.
I think it's better we move away from USA technology - unless maybe it's paid for by them.

But why would we need stealth for Afghanistan, wouldn't a bomber be better for carpet bombing?

It's payload will be limited but I get you could use it against the Eastern neighbour too.

The way i see there are two options.

Option One close their airspace and land crossings to all travel including of the humanitarian nature. They will only understand when their children begin to drop dead in droves. It is harsh but that part of the world has never been known to be pacified peacefully. Full shutdown until they both accept Durand line, surrender all militants and their families, and surrender the wakhan corridor to Pakistan.

However this will only help Pakistan short term and Pakistan will have to keep Afghanistan in a state of disrepair permanently otherwise they will launch a war to retake Wakhan/ nullify agreements as soon as they are able.

The second option will be bloodier for Pakistan short term but long term in my opinion is the only real option. That is to permanently annex and absorb all of Afghanistan into Pakistan and create new provinces both in current Pakistan and with the addition of “Afghanistan”. Short term there may be an uptick of bombings and fighting but with nowhere to hide the malcontents will eventually be put down.

Hazaras/Farsi speakers/Uzbeks can be given their own provinces in the new regions to get them on board and Pakistani Pashtuns should be put in charge of Southern Afghan Pashtun majority cities until things stabilize. All Indians should be expelled from the Afghan provinces if they are still around. Hell India should only have one downsized embassy in Islamabad and nothing else in any parts of the enlarged country.

CPEC should then be extended with road built to Kabul, Kandahar, Herat and also connecting them to Islamabad.

Pakistan should them immediately reverse Taliban ban on schooling for women to slow down Western outrage if not outright neuter it and get both the Chinese and Americans on board to endorse the merger. Both America and China want a stable Afghan region to prevent terrorism and to extract the mineral wealth they do not care who actually runs the “country”. This can be leveraged by Pakistan it just needs to have the foresight to realize it.
That's impossible, you will turn out like USA.

They will see this occupation is far worse than America's and will never accept it.

The only way you can annex Afghanistan while it also has stability is by genocide...

Clean Pakistani society from extremism of religion.
I don't think it's just religion though.

Many of the sympathisers are due to the ethnic connection more than religious. Pashtun-Pashtun.
Make the southern regions of Afghanistan uninhabitable using extreme force. This is the path to stability.

Miniaturised nukes, biological/chemical weapons, whatever you think is the best.

Just something short, destructive and decisive.
Yea good luck. Listen this is the most unrealistic take. Pakistan will only get 1 chance to use nuclear weapons EVER regardless of yield and would be immediately dismantled, sanctioned etc if it was done in a situation not involving India.

Even the Chinese would not provide UNSC diplomatic cover for such a move. At most they would abstain from any resolution, and Russia? Well from what i remember Pakistan is providing Ukraine with military support since IKs removal. Good luck getting the Russians to provide cover either.
Yea good luck. Listen this is the most unrealistic take. Pakistan will only get 1 chance to use nuclear weapons EVER regardless of yield and would be immediately dismantled, sanctioned etc if it was done in a situation not involving India.

Even the Chinese would not provide UNSC diplomatic cover for such a move. At most they would abstain from any resolution, and Russia? Well from what i remember Pakistan is providing Ukraine with military support since IKs removal. Good luck getting the Russians to provide cover either.
Your idea of occupying Afghanistan is even more impossible though.

If there's one thing they absolutely despise and ready to die for, it's Pakistan 😂 Literally you'll turn out worse than USA.

If you ever have goals like this, to be successful you will have to be prepared for nothing short of ethnic cleansing .... or fight an insurgency forever. So forget that...
I don't think it's just religion though.

Many of the sympathisers are due to the ethnic connection more than religious. Pashtun-Pashtun.
The war waged by TTP on Pakistan is not a religious war with its roots in religion ?

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