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OMG, J-20 will be in service soon.

what i see is chines defense forum .some one explain me please .
something like celebration of project 718 demonstrator 01's succesfully first filght
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718 is the original wire machine machine project, really thought it was a space fighter project too! Or verify the machine, not a prototype. That is equivalent to MD in 1990 the YF22, rather than the F22A 1997 production prototypes.
Demonstrator - prototype - the official model - fitted out fast, then the column can be installed in 2015 is estimated
We accept the reality of it, verify the machine is to verify the machine, it is estimated that two years after the prototype, another 5 years to design shape, and then began to equip our troops, it is probably 2017,2018 years.
Of a high enough, even less than the prototype stage can also be satisfactory.
According to the present our processing capacity and its huge army, capital adequacy, the requirements of the international environment (especially the MD of the factors), Eagles need 13 years to use, we had 13 years of use, take 17 years to use, let's 17 in use.
J-10 first flight in 98 , beginning when the sample is (demonstrator), to shape how much time we all know, J-20 is estimated to be similar. TG must remember the unique collaboration of national large system, the set of the West in the TG does not apply here!
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There are other posters do no agree with that it is a tech demo, cause the Chinese meaning of demonstrator is not equvalent to the US'. And a tech demo will not be called the plane 01 like XiaoLong (JF-17) 01.
There wouldn't be so many high rank VIPs celebrating it if it is just a tech demo. It's a project demo.
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To be realistic,it could get IOC in 2015,no more earlier.And the the AVIC needs to push the WS15 project,otherwise it will be embarrased again on the engine.
To be realistic,it could get IOC in 2015,no more earlier.And the the AVIC needs to push the WS15 project,otherwise it will be embarrased again on the engine.

Given the amount of exposure so far I think the CCP will push the project using any means necessary.
Given the amount of exposure so far I think the CCP will push the project using any means necessary.

I never worry about other sub systems except the engine.To me,once the WS15 gets serial production,the J20 will be a sucess.Noboady can accept a J20 with a WS10 variant,and this time the Russians cant do too much on the engine issue,they are also striking for a F119 CLASS engine.So far only the yanks have a matured 5th generation fighter engine,thats why you should never underestimate them.
You guys really underestimated TG this time.

The ws-15 will be a TVC engine with thrust at the same level of F-135, not F-119.
The most difficult of this project will be FLCS, and engine is not a big problem, said by some expert in a recent CCTV show, If I remember correctly. I think this is real, not huyou(to bamboozle).
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I don't know about everyone else but personally I am very optimistic about the plane entering into service in within five years. Although it is hardly comparable the JF-17, from the first "technology demonstrator" to production, only took two years.

I personally think that a few kinks will be tested and corrected but the final result shouldn't look too different from the prototype.
Its definitely not at the YF-22 stage. It looks like the design stage is almost done.

Probably there will be changes, more like you know how the JF-17 changed from its 2003 first flight?
You guys really underestimated TG this time.

The ws-15 will be a TVC engine with thrust at the same level of F-135, not F-119.
The most difficult of this project will be FLCS, engine is not a big problem, said by some expect in a recent CCTV show, If I remember correctly. I think this is real, not huyou(to bamboozle).

Design and make small batch of FWS10A on the amount of laboratory lever were not a problem,serial production of the FWS10A in LiMing factory was a big problem.How do you know this time the HongQi factory will do better on the FWS15? Plus the major difference of F119 and F135 is not the TVC device.
Design and make small batch of FWS10A on the amount of laboratory lever were not a problem,serial production of the FWS10A in LiMing factory was a big problem.How do you know this time the HongQi factory will do better on the FWS15? Plus the major difference of F119 and F135 is not the TVC device.

No, I don't know. I'm not a PLA general. I just expressed my feeling, from information saw in some serious forums.

Plus where did I mean the major difference of F119 and F135 is the TVC device in my post?
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